musical instruments, unspecified

Related Records

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Records Date Location Record Title Shelfmark
1638, Hampshire, Andover. Will of William Glover of Andover, Musician. HRO: 1638AD083 1638 Hampshire, Andover Will of William Glover of Andover, Musician HRO: 1638AD083
1592, Hampshire, Newport. Newport Borough Court Book. Isle of Wight Record Office and Archive: NBC/45/22 1592 Hampshire, Newport Newport Borough Court Book Isle of Wight Record Office and Archive: NBC/45/22
1613, Hampshire, Newport. Newport Borough Court Book. Isle of Wight Record Office and Archive: NBC/45/22 1613 Hampshire, Newport Newport Borough Court Book Isle of Wight Record Office and Archive: NBC/45/22
1614, Hampshire, Newport. Newport Borough Court Book. Isle of Wight Record Office and Archive: NBC/45/22 1614 Hampshire, Newport Newport Borough Court Book Isle of Wight Record Office and Archive: NBC/45/22
1633, Hampshire, Southampton. Apprenticeship Register of Poor Children. Southampton City Archives: SC9/2/13 1633 Hampshire, Southampton Apprenticeship Register of Poor Children Southampton City Archives: SC9/2/13
1632/3, Hampshire, Southampton. Quarter Sessions Examination Book. Southampton City Archives: SC9/3/11 1632/3 Hampshire, Southampton Quarter Sessions Examination Book Southampton City Archives: SC9/3/11
1599, Hampshire, Winchester. Musicians' Court Examinations. HRO: W/K5/8 1599 Hampshire, Winchester Musicians' Court Examinations HRO: W/K5/8
1600, Berkshire, Newbury. Archdeaconry of Berkshire Act Book. BRO: D/A2/c40 1600 Berkshire, Newbury Archdeaconry of Berkshire Act Book BRO: D/A2/c40
1609, Berkshire, Reading. Inventory of Walter Davys. BRO: D/A1/186/091 1609 Berkshire, Reading Inventory of Walter Davys BRO: D/A1/186/091
1630, Berkshire, Reading. Inventory of James Shylard, Musician. BRO: D/A1/118/142b 1630 Berkshire, Reading Inventory of James Shylard, Musician BRO: D/A1/118/142b
1626–7, Staffordshire, Stafford. Bailiffs', Churchwardens', and Mayors' Accounts. STRO: D1323/E/1 1626–7 Staffordshire, Stafford Bailiffs', Churchwardens', and Mayors' Accounts STRO: D1323/E/1
1618, Staffordshire, Tutbury. Regulations Governing the Minstrels' Court. TNA: DL 41/587 1618 Staffordshire, Tutbury Regulations Governing the Minstrels' Court TNA: DL 41/587
1629, Staffordshire, Tutbury. Revised Regulations Governing the Minstrels' Court. TNA: DL 41/597, item [c] 1629 Staffordshire, Tutbury Revised Regulations Governing the Minstrels' Court TNA: DL 41/597, item [c]
1583–4, Cambridgeshre, Croydon cum Clopton. Legal Formulary. CUL: EDR D/2/14 1583–4 Cambridgeshre, Croydon cum Clopton Legal Formulary CUL: EDR D/2/14
1617, Cambridgeshire, Ely. Diocesan Court Proceedings. CUL: EDR B/2/35 1617 Cambridgeshire, Ely Diocesan Court Proceedings CUL: EDR B/2/35
1618, Cambridgeshire, Ely. Diocesan Court Proceedings. CUL: EDR B/2/39 1618 Cambridgeshire, Ely Diocesan Court Proceedings CUL: EDR B/2/39

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