1552, Hampshire, Bishopstoke. John Bale, Expostulation againste a Franticke Papist. STC: 1294 |
1552 |
Hampshire, Bishopstoke |
John Bale, Expostulation againste a Franticke Papist |
STC: 1294 |
1615, Hampshire, Freefolk. Sir Thomas Jervoise's Household Accounts. Jervoise of Herriard Collection, HRO: 44M69/E6/165 |
1615 |
Hampshire, Freefolk |
Sir Thomas Jervoise's Household Accounts |
Jervoise of Herriard Collection, HRO: 44M69/E6/165 |
1615/16, Hampshire, Freefolk. Sir Thomas Jervoise's Household Accounts. Jervoise of Herriard Collection, HRO: 44M69/E6/165 |
1615/16 |
Hampshire, Freefolk |
Sir Thomas Jervoise's Household Accounts |
Jervoise of Herriard Collection, HRO: 44M69/E6/165 |
1616, Hampshire, Freefolk. Sir Thomas Jervoise's Household Accounts. Jervoise of Herriard Collection, HRO: 44M69/E6/165 |
1616 |
Hampshire, Freefolk |
Sir Thomas Jervoise's Household Accounts |
Jervoise of Herriard Collection, HRO: 44M69/E6/165 |
1570, Hampshire, Newport. St Thomas' Churchwardens' Accounts. Isle of Wight Record Office and Archive: NPT/PR/18 |
1570 |
Hampshire, Newport |
St Thomas' Churchwardens' Accounts |
Isle of Wight Record Office and Archive: NPT/PR/18 |
1596, Hampshire, Nunwell House. Sir John Oglander's Notes and Accounts. Isle of Wight Record Office and Archive: OG/AA/29 |
1596 |
Hampshire, Nunwell House |
Sir John Oglander's Notes and Accounts |
Isle of Wight Record Office and Archive: OG/AA/29 |
1622–3, Hampshire, Nunwell House. Sir John Oglander's Notes and Accounts. Isle of Wight Record Office and Archive: OG/AA/26 |
1622–3 |
Hampshire, Nunwell House |
Sir John Oglander's Notes and Accounts |
Isle of Wight Record Office and Archive: OG/AA/26 |
16th Century, Hampshire, Freefolk. Description of a Morality Play. Jervoise of Herriard Collection, HRO: 44M69/A9/2/1 |
16th Century |
Hampshire, Freefolk |
Description of a Morality Play |
Jervoise of Herriard Collection, HRO: 44M69/A9/2/1 |
1608, Hampshire, Freefolk. Sir Richard Paulet's Household Accounts. Jervoise of Herriard Collection, HRO: 44M69/E4/40 |
1608 |
Hampshire, Freefolk |
Sir Richard Paulet's Household Accounts |
Jervoise of Herriard Collection, HRO: 44M69/E4/40 |
1610, Hampshire, Freefolk. Sir Richard Paulet's Parliamentary Diary. Jervoise of Herriard Collection, HRO: 44M69/F2/15/1 |
1610 |
Hampshire, Freefolk |
Sir Richard Paulet's Parliamentary Diary |
Jervoise of Herriard Collection, HRO: 44M69/F2/15/1 |
1549, Hampshire, Southampton. Third Book of Remembrance. Southampton City Archives: SC2/1/5 |
1549 |
Hampshire, Southampton |
Third Book of Remembrance |
Southampton City Archives: SC2/1/5 |
1581–2, Hampshire, Southampton. Book of Fines. Southampton City Archives: SC5/3/1 |
1581–2 |
Hampshire, Southampton |
Book of Fines |
Southampton City Archives: SC5/3/1 |
1591, Hampshire, Southampton. Knaplocke's Book. Southampton City Archives: SC2/6/5 |
1591 |
Hampshire, Southampton |
Knaplocke's Book |
Southampton City Archives: SC2/6/5 |
1593, Hampshire, Southampton. Knaplocke's Book. Southampton City Archives: SC2/6/5 |
1593 |
Hampshire, Southampton |
Knaplocke's Book |
Southampton City Archives: SC2/6/5 |
1605/6, Hampshire, Southampton. Book of Instruments. Southampton City Archives: SC2/6/6 |
1605/6 |
Hampshire, Southampton |
Book of Instruments |
Southampton City Archives: SC2/6/6 |
1623/4, Hampshire, Southampton. Assembly Book. Southampton City Archives: SC2/1/6 |
1623/4 |
Hampshire, Southampton |
Assembly Book |
Southampton City Archives: SC2/1/6 |
1634–5, Hampshire, Southampton. Mayor'sAccounts. Southampton City Archives: SC5/3/16 |
1634–5 |
Hampshire, Southampton |
Mayor'sAccounts |
Southampton City Archives: SC5/3/16 |
1408–9, Hampshire, Winchester. City Court Papers. HRO: W/D1/110 |
1408–9 |
Hampshire, Winchester |
City Court Papers |
HRO: W/D1/110 |
1573–4, Hampshire, Winchester. Winchester College Bursars' Accounts. Winchester College Archives: 22216 |
1573–4 |
Hampshire, Winchester |
Winchester College Bursars' Accounts |
Winchester College Archives: 22216 |
1599, Hampshire, Winchester. Musicians' Court Examinations. HRO: W/K5/8 |
1599 |
Hampshire, Winchester |
Musicians' Court Examinations |
HRO: W/K5/8 |
1616–17, Hampshire, Winchester. Winchester College Bursars' Accounts. Winchester College Archives: 22218 |
1616–17 |
Hampshire, Winchester |
Winchester College Bursars' Accounts |
Winchester College Archives: 22218 |
1616/17, Hampshire, Winchester. Deposition of Robert Coleman v. Lancelot Thorpe. TNA: STAC 8/94/7 |
1616/17 |
Hampshire, Winchester |
Deposition of Robert Coleman v. Lancelot Thorpe |
TNA: STAC 8/94/7 |
1624–5, Hampshire, Winchester. Winchester College Bursars' Accounts. Winchester College Archives: 22219 |
1624–5 |
Hampshire, Winchester |
Winchester College Bursars' Accounts |
Winchester College Archives: 22219 |
1537/8, Hampshire, Place House (Titchfield). Note of Anthony Roke to Thomas Wriothesley. TNA: SP 7/1, no. 31 |
1537/8 |
Hampshire, Place House (Titchfield) |
Note of Anthony Roke to Thomas Wriothesley |
TNA: SP 7/1, no. 31 |
1583, London, Guildhall. Letter from the Lord Mayor to Sir Francis Walsingham. LMA: COL/RMD/PA/01/001 |
1583 |
London, Guildhall |
Letter from the Lord Mayor to Sir Francis Walsingham |
LMA: COL/RMD/PA/01/001 |
1582/3, London, Guildhall. Order of the Court of Aldermen against Plays and Bearbaiting on the Sabbath. LMA: COL/CA/01/01/022 |
1582/3 |
London, Guildhall |
Order of the Court of Aldermen against Plays and Bearbaiting on the Sabbath |
LMA: COL/CA/01/01/022 |
1582/3, London, Guildhall. Mayor's Order v. Playgoing on the Sabbath. LMA: COL/CC/01/01/022 |
1582/3 |
London, Guildhall |
Mayor's Order v. Playgoing on the Sabbath |
LMA: COL/CC/01/01/022 |
1593, London, Guildhall. Order of the Court of Aldermen Suppressing Bearbaiting et al. LMA: COL/CA/01/01/25 |
1593 |
London, Guildhall |
Order of the Court of Aldermen Suppressing Bearbaiting et al |
LMA: COL/CA/01/01/25 |
1598, Southwark, Bear Garden 3. Paul Hentzner, Eyewitness Account of Bearbaiting. Hentzner: Paul Hentzner's Itinerarium |
1598 |
Southwark, Bear Garden 3 |
Paul Hentzner, Eyewitness Account of Bearbaiting |
Hentzner: Paul Hentzner's Itinerarium |
1609, London, Guildhall. Plague Orders made by the Mayor and Aldermen of London and the JPs of Middlesex and Surrey. LMA:
COL/CC/01/01/028 |
1609 |
London, Guildhall |
Plague Orders made by the Mayor and Aldermen of London and the JPs of Middlesex and Surrey |
LMA: COL/CC/01/01/028 |
1612, Westminster, Whitehall Palace. Privy Council Letter to the Lord Mayor of London. LMA: COL/RMD/PA/01/003 |
1612 |
Westminster, Whitehall Palace |
Privy Council Letter to the Lord Mayor of London |
LMA: COL/RMD/PA/01/003 |
1613-14, Southwark, Bear Garden 4/Hope Playhouse. Articles of Agreement between Philip Henslowe and Jacob Meade and their
Acting Company. Dulwich College: Mun 52 |
1613-14 |
Southwark, Bear Garden 4/Hope Playhouse |
Articles of Agreement between Philip Henslowe and Jacob Meade and their Acting Company |
Dulwich College: Mun 52 |
1614, Southwark, Bear Garden 4/Hope Playhouse. Articles of Agreement between Robert Dawes, player, and Philip Henslowe and
Jacob Meade (A). Malone: Plays and Poems |
1614 |
Southwark, Bear Garden 4/Hope Playhouse |
Articles of Agreement between Robert Dawes, player, and Philip Henslowe and Jacob Meade (A) |
Malone: Plays and Poems |
1615, Southwark, Bear Garden 4/Hope Playhouse. Taylor, Taylors Revenge. STC: 23804 |
1615 |
Southwark, Bear Garden 4/Hope Playhouse |
Taylor, Taylors Revenge |
STC: 23804 |
1615, Southwark, Bear Garden 4/Hope Playhouse. Fennor's Defence. STC: 10783 |
1615 |
Southwark, Bear Garden 4/Hope Playhouse |
Fennor's Defence |
STC: 10783 |
1625, London, Guildhall. Letter from the Lord Mayor to the Privy Council. BL: Egerton MS 2623 |
1625 |
London, Guildhall |
Letter from the Lord Mayor to the Privy Council |
BL: Egerton MS 2623 |
1630, Middlesex, Westminster Palace. Privy Council Order to the Lord Mayor and JPs for Middlesex and Surrey. LMA: COL/RMD/PA/01/007 |
1630 |
Middlesex, Westminster Palace |
Privy Council Order to the Lord Mayor and JPs for Middlesex and Surrey |
LMA: COL/RMD/PA/01/007 |
1630, Southwark, Bear Garden 4/Hope Playhouse. Lord Chamberlain's Warrant Books: General. TNA: LC 5/132 |
1630 |
Southwark, Bear Garden 4/Hope Playhouse |
Lord Chamberlain's Warrant Books: General |
TNA: LC 5/132 |
1630, Middlesex, Westminster Palace. Privy Council Order to Restrain Plays due to Plague. TNA: PC2/39 |
1630 |
Middlesex, Westminster Palace |
Privy Council Order to Restrain Plays due to Plague |
TNA: PC2/39 |
1632, Southwark, Bear Garden 4/Hope Playhouse. Howes' Continuation of Stow's Annales. STC: 23340 |
1632 |
Southwark, Bear Garden 4/Hope Playhouse |
Howes' Continuation of Stow's Annales |
STC: 23340 |
1636, Middlesex, Westminster Palace. Privy Council Orders regarding Plague. TNA: PC 2/46 |
1636 |
Middlesex, Westminster Palace |
Privy Council Orders regarding Plague |
TNA: PC 2/46 |
1617, Yorkshire North Riding, Brandsby Hall. Richard Cholmeley's Memorandum Book. NYCRO: ZQG XII 3/1 |
1617 |
Yorkshire North Riding, Brandsby Hall |
Richard Cholmeley's Memorandum Book |
1619–20, Yorkshire North Riding, Brandsby Hall. Richard Cholmeley's Memorandum Book. NYCRO: ZQG XII 3/1 |
1619–20 |
Yorkshire North Riding, Brandsby Hall |
Richard Cholmeley's Memorandum Book |
1621/2, Yorkshire North Riding, Brandsby Hall. Richard Cholmeley's Memorandum Book. NYCRO: ZQG XII 3/1 |
1621/2 |
Yorkshire North Riding, Brandsby Hall |
Richard Cholmeley's Memorandum Book |
1609, Yorkshire North Riding, Egton. Star Chamber Case: Cholmley v. Hoby. TNA: STAC 8/12/11 |
1609 |
Yorkshire North Riding, Egton |
Star Chamber Case: Cholmley v. Hoby |
TNA: STAC 8/12/11 |
1599, Yorkshire North Riding, Kirby Sigston. Durham Dean and Chapter Act and Visitation Book. Durham Cathedral Library: DCD/D/SJC/2 |
1599 |
Yorkshire North Riding, Kirby Sigston |
Durham Dean and Chapter Act and Visitation Book |
Durham Cathedral Library: DCD/D/SJC/2 |
1614, Yorkshire North Riding, Marske Hall. Accounts of Matthew Hutton. NYCRO: ZAZ 75–76 |
1614 |
Yorkshire North Riding, Marske Hall |
Accounts of Matthew Hutton |
NYCRO: ZAZ 75–76 |
1610/11, Yorkshire North Riding, Newburgh Priory. Accounts of Sir Henry and Sir Thomas Bellasis. NYCRO: ZDV V 10 |
1610/11 |
Yorkshire North Riding, Newburgh Priory |
Accounts of Sir Henry and Sir Thomas Bellasis |
1611, Yorkshire North Riding, Newburgh Priory. Accounts of Sir Henry and Sir Thomas Bellasis. NYCRO: ZDV V 10 |
1611 |
Yorkshire North Riding, Newburgh Priory |
Accounts of Sir Henry and Sir Thomas Bellasis |
1602–4, Yorkshire North Riding, Osmotherley. Star Chamber Case: Steill v. Mitchell et al. TNA: STAC 5/S30/16 |
1602–4 |
Yorkshire North Riding, Osmotherley |
Star Chamber Case: Steill v. Mitchell et al |
TNA: STAC 5/S30/16 |
1631, Yorkshire North Riding, Thornton Watlass. Order for Suppression of Vagabonds. NYCRO: PR/TW 3/1 |
1631 |
Yorkshire North Riding, Thornton Watlass |
Order for Suppression of Vagabonds |
NYCRO: PR/TW 3/1 |
1603, Yorkshire North Riding, Whitby Abbey. Sir Hugh Cholmley's Memoirs. York Minster Library: Add. 343 |
1603 |
Yorkshire North Riding, Whitby Abbey |
Sir Hugh Cholmley's Memoirs |
York Minster Library: Add. 343 |
1592, Yorkshire North Riding, Yorkshire North Riding. High Commission Order for the Suppression of Entertainments. Yorkshire
Archaeological Society: DD56/S |
1592 |
Yorkshire North Riding, Yorkshire North Riding |
High Commission Order for the Suppression of Entertainments |
Yorkshire Archaeological Society: DD56/S |
1626, Yorkshire North Riding, Yorkshire North Riding. John Aubrey's Remains of Gentilism and Judaism. BL: Lansdowne MS 231/3 |
1626 |
Yorkshire North Riding, Yorkshire North Riding |
John Aubrey's Remains of Gentilism and Judaism |
BL: Lansdowne MS 231/3 |
1447, Berkshire, Abingdon. Liber Niger (A). Hearne: Liber Niger, vol 2 |
1447 |
Berkshire, Abingdon |
Liber Niger (A) |
Hearne: Liber Niger, vol 2 |
1624, Berkshire, Abingdon. Borough Minute Book. BRO: TEMP ACC 245/1 |
1624 |
Berkshire, Abingdon |
Borough Minute Book |
BRO: TEMP ACC 245/1 |
1506, Berkshire, Cookham. Cookham Manor Court Leet (View of Frankpledge). BRO: D/ESK/M27 |
1506 |
Berkshire, Cookham |
Cookham Manor Court Leet (View of Frankpledge) |
BRO: D/ESK/M27 |
1498–9, Berkshire, Reading. St Laurence's Churchwardens' Accounts. BRO: D/P 97/5/2 |
1498–9 |
Berkshire, Reading |
St Laurence's Churchwardens' Accounts |
BRO: D/P 97/5/2 |
1506–7, Berkshire, Reading. St Laurence's Churchwardens' Accounts. BRO: D/P 97/5/2 |
1506–7 |
Berkshire, Reading |
St Laurence's Churchwardens' Accounts |
BRO: D/P 97/5/2 |
1541–2, Berkshire, Reading. St Laurence's Churchwardens' Accounts. BRO: D/P 97/5/2 |
1541–2 |
Berkshire, Reading |
St Laurence's Churchwardens' Accounts |
BRO: D/P 97/5/2 |
1629–30, Berkshire, Reading. Corporation Diaries. BRO: R/AC1/1/3 |
1629–30 |
Berkshire, Reading |
Corporation Diaries |
BRO: R/AC1/1/3 |
1361, Berkshire, Long Wittenham. Exeter College Archives Rectors' Accounts. Exeter College Archives: ECB/RA1/21 |
1361 |
Berkshire, Long Wittenham |
Exeter College Archives Rectors' Accounts |
Exeter College Archives: ECB/RA1/21 |
1451–2, Berkshire, Windsor. Accounts of St George's Chapel. St George's Chapel Archives and Chapter Library: XV 34 44 |
1451–2 |
Berkshire, Windsor |
Accounts of St George's Chapel |
St George's Chapel Archives and Chapter Library: XV 34 44 |
1620/1, Berkshire, Windsor. Letter of John Marten to Master Jones. Oxfordshire History Centre: MS Oxon. Archd. Papers, Oxon.c.174 |
1620/1 |
Berkshire, Windsor |
Letter of John Marten to Master Jones |
Oxfordshire History Centre: MS Oxon. Archd. Papers, Oxon.c.174 |
1635, Diocese of Lichfield and Coventry. Archdeacon John Fulnetby's Visitation Articles. STC: 10336 |
1635 |
Diocese of Lichfield and Coventry |
Archdeacon John Fulnetby's Visitation Articles |
STC: 10336 |
1259, Staffordshire, Burton upon Trent. Annals of Burton upon Trent Abbey. BL: Cotton MS Vespas. E. iii |
1259 |
Staffordshire, Burton upon Trent |
Annals of Burton upon Trent Abbey |
BL: Cotton MS Vespas. E. iii |
1619, Staffordshire, Handsworth. Archdeaconry of Stafford Visitation Act Book. LRO: B/V/1/31 |
1619 |
Staffordshire, Handsworth |
Archdeaconry of Stafford Visitation Act Book |
LRO: B/V/1/31 |
1538/9, Staffordshire, Statfold. Will of John Wistowe. TNA: PROB 11/27 |
1538/9 |
Staffordshire, Statfold |
Will of John Wistowe |
TNA: PROB 11/27 |
1536/7, Staffordshire, Tamworth. Bett v. Ferrers. TNA: STAC 2/4 |
1536/7 |
Staffordshire, Tamworth |
Bett v. Ferrers |
TNA: STAC 2/4 |
1536/7, Staffordshire, Tamworth. Bett v. Ferrers. TNA: STAC 2/4 |
1536/7 |
Staffordshire, Tamworth |
Bett v. Ferrers |
TNA: STAC 2/4 |
1536/7, Staffordshire, Tamworth. Examination of Defendant in Bett v. Ferrers (A). BL: Additional MS 28177 |
1536/7 |
Staffordshire, Tamworth |
Examination of Defendant in Bett v. Ferrers (A) |
BL: Additional MS 28177 |
1616, Staffordshire, Uttoxeter. Kynnersley v. Tyxall et al. TNA: STAC 8/192/12 |
1616 |
Staffordshire, Uttoxeter |
Kynnersley v. Tyxall et al |
TNA: STAC 8/192/12 |
1527–8, Staffordshire, Wolverhampton. St Peter's Churchwardens' Accounts. STRO: Shaw Hellier MSS (in private hands) |
1527–8 |
Staffordshire, Wolverhampton |
St Peter's Churchwardens' Accounts |
STRO: Shaw Hellier MSS (in private hands) |
1533–4, Staffordshire, Wolverhampton. St Peter's Churchwardens' Accounts. STRO: Shaw Hellier MSS (in private hands) |
1533–4 |
Staffordshire, Wolverhampton |
St Peter's Churchwardens' Accounts |
STRO: Shaw Hellier MSS (in private hands) |
1615, Staffordshire, Blithfield Hall. Walter Bagot's Household Accounts. STRO: D(W)1721/3/207 |
1615 |
Staffordshire, Blithfield Hall |
Walter Bagot's Household Accounts |
STRO: D(W)1721/3/207 |
1622–3, Staffordshire, Drayton Basset. Autobiography of Arthur Wilson. CUL: Add. MS 33 |
1622–3 |
Staffordshire, Drayton Basset |
Autobiography of Arthur Wilson |
CUL: Add. MS 33 |
1616/17, Staffordshire, Wrottesley Hall. Letter from J. Richards to Sir Hugh Wrottesley (A). Horwood: 'Manuscripts' |
1616/17 |
Staffordshire, Wrottesley Hall |
Letter from J. Richards to Sir Hugh Wrottesley (A) |
Horwood: 'Manuscripts' |
1638/9, Cambridgeshire, Cambridge. Answers to Bishop Matthew Wren's Inquiry. CUL: EDR B/9/1 |
1638/9 |
Cambridgeshire, Cambridge |
Answers to Bishop Matthew Wren's Inquiry |
CUL: EDR B/9/1 |
c 1558, Cambridgeshire, Diocese of Ely. Bishop Thomas Thirlby's Synod. CUL: EDR B/2/1 |
c 1558 |
Cambridgeshire, Diocese of Ely |
Bishop Thomas Thirlby's Synod |
CUL: EDR B/2/1 |
1613, Cambridgeshire, Diocese of Ely. Bishop Lancelot Andrewes' Visitation Articles. STC: 10196 |
1613 |
Cambridgeshire, Diocese of Ely |
Bishop Lancelot Andrewes' Visitation Articles |
STC: 10196 |
1638, Cambridgeshire, Diocese of Ely. Bishop Matthew Wren's Visitation Articles. STC: 10197 |
1638 |
Cambridgeshire, Diocese of Ely |
Bishop Matthew Wren's Visitation Articles |
STC: 10197 |
1542–3, Cambridgeshire, Leverington. St Leonard's Churchwardens' Accounts. Wisbech and Fenland Museum: LEV/CA/2 |
1542–3 |
Cambridgeshire, Leverington |
St Leonard's Churchwardens' Accounts |
Wisbech and Fenland Museum: LEV/CA/2 |
1545–6, Cambridgeshire, Leverington. St Leonard's Churchwardens' Accounts. Wisbech and Fenland Museum: LEV/CA/2 |
1545–6 |
Cambridgeshire, Leverington |
St Leonard's Churchwardens' Accounts |
Wisbech and Fenland Museum: LEV/CA/2 |
1564–5, Cambridgeshire, Leverington. St Leonard's Churchwardens' Accounts. Wisbech and Fenland Museum: LEV/CA/2 |
1564–5 |
Cambridgeshire, Leverington |
St Leonard's Churchwardens' Accounts |
Wisbech and Fenland Museum: LEV/CA/2 |
1565–6, Cambridgeshire, Leverington. St Leonard's Churchwardens' Accounts. Wisbech and Fenland Museum: LEV/CA/2 |
1565–6 |
Cambridgeshire, Leverington |
St Leonard's Churchwardens' Accounts |
Wisbech and Fenland Museum: LEV/CA/2 |
1568–9, Cambridgeshire, Leverington. St Leonard's Churchwardens' Accounts. Wisbech and Fenland Museum: LEV/CA/1 |
1568–9 |
Cambridgeshire, Leverington |
St Leonard's Churchwardens' Accounts |
Wisbech and Fenland Museum: LEV/CA/1 |
1577/8, Cambridgeshire, Kirtling. John North's Private Accounts. Bodl.: MS. Add. C. 193 |
1577/8 |
Cambridgeshire, Kirtling |
John North's Private Accounts |
Bodl.: MS. Add. C. 193 |
1578/9, Cambridgeshire, Kirtling. John North's Private Accounts. Bodl.: MS. Add. C. 193 |
1578/9 |
Cambridgeshire, Kirtling |
John North's Private Accounts |
Bodl.: MS. Add. C. 193 |
1614, Cambridgeshire, Witchford. Diocesan Court Proceedings. CUL: EDR B/2/35 |
1614 |
Cambridgeshire, Witchford |
Diocesan Court Proceedings |
CUL: EDR B/2/35 |
1587, Surrey, Richmond Palace. Privy Council Letter to the JPs of Surrey. TNA: PC 2/14 |
1587 |
Surrey, Richmond Palace |
Privy Council Letter to the JPs of Surrey |
TNA: PC 2/14 |
1587, Surrey, Nonsuch Palace. Privy Council Letter restraining Plays. TNA: PC 2/14 |
1587 |
Surrey, Nonsuch Palace |
Privy Council Letter restraining Plays |
TNA: PC 2/14 |
1586/7, Surrey, Rose Playhouse. Deed of Partnership in the Rose between Henslowe and Cholmley. Dulwich College: Mun 16 |
1586/7 |
Surrey, Rose Playhouse |
Deed of Partnership in the Rose between Henslowe and Cholmley |
Dulwich College: Mun 16 |
1589, Surrey, Westminster Palace. Privy Council Letters regarding Censorship of Plays. TNA: PC 2/16 |
1589 |
Surrey, Westminster Palace |
Privy Council Letters regarding Censorship of Plays |
TNA: PC 2/16 |
c 1590, Surrey, Rose Playhouse. Warrant from the Privy Council. Dulwich College: MS I, box C |
c 1590 |
Surrey, Rose Playhouse |
Warrant from the Privy Council |
Dulwich College: MS I, box C |
1591, Surrey, Greenwich Palace. Privy Council Letter to the Lord Mayor and JPs of Middlesex and Surrey. TNA: PC 2/18 |
1591 |
Surrey, Greenwich Palace |
Privy Council Letter to the Lord Mayor and JPs of Middlesex and Surrey |
TNA: PC 2/18 |
1592, Surrey, Rose Playhouse. Letter from the Lord Mayor to Lord Burghley. BL: Lansdowne 71 |
1592 |
Surrey, Rose Playhouse |
Letter from the Lord Mayor to Lord Burghley |
BL: Lansdowne 71 |
1592/3, Middlesex, Hampton Court. Order regarding Plague. TNA: PC 2/20 |
1592/3 |
Middlesex, Hampton Court |
Order regarding Plague |
TNA: PC 2/20 |
1593, Surrey, Rose Playhouse. Articles regarding the Plague for the Privy Council. BL: Lansdowne 74 |
1593 |
Surrey, Rose Playhouse |
Articles regarding the Plague for the Privy Council |
BL: Lansdowne 74 |
1593/4, Surrey, Hampton Court. Privy Council Letter to the Lord Mayor. LMA: COL/RMD/PA/01/002 |
1593/4 |
Surrey, Hampton Court |
Privy Council Letter to the Lord Mayor |
LMA: COL/RMD/PA/01/002 |
1595, Surrey, Rose Playhouse. Letter from the Lord Mayor to the Privy Council. LMA: COL/RMD/PA/01/002 |
1595 |
Surrey, Rose Playhouse |
Letter from the Lord Mayor to the Privy Council |
LMA: COL/RMD/PA/01/002 |
1596, Surrey, Greenwich Palace. Privy Council Letter to the JPs of Middlesex and Surrey. TNA: PC 2/21 |
1596 |
Surrey, Greenwich Palace |
Privy Council Letter to the JPs of Middlesex and Surrey |
TNA: PC 2/21 |
1597, Surrey, Rose Playhouse. Letter from the Lord Mayor to the Privy Council. LMA: COL/RMD/PA/01/002 |
1597 |
Surrey, Rose Playhouse |
Letter from the Lord Mayor to the Privy Council |
LMA: COL/RMD/PA/01/002 |
1597, Surrey, Greenwich Palace. Privy Council Letter to the JPs of Middlesex. TNA: PC 2/22 |
1597 |
Surrey, Greenwich Palace |
Privy Council Letter to the JPs of Middlesex |
TNA: PC 2/22 |
1597/8, Surrey, Whitehall Palace. Privy Council Letter to the Master of the Revels and JPs of Middlesex and Surrey. TNA: PC
2/23 |
1597/8 |
Surrey, Whitehall Palace |
Privy Council Letter to the Master of the Revels and JPs of Middlesex and Surrey |
TNA: PC 2/23 |
1598, Surrey, Rose Playhouse. St Saviour's Vestry Minutes. LMA: P92/SAV/450 |
1598 |
Surrey, Rose Playhouse |
St Saviour's Vestry Minutes |
LMA: P92/SAV/450 |
1600, Surrey, Rose Playhouse. Privy Council Letter to the Lord Mayor and JPs of Middlesex and Surrey. TNA: PC 2/25 |
1600 |
Surrey, Rose Playhouse |
Privy Council Letter to the Lord Mayor and JPs of Middlesex and Surrey |
TNA: PC 2/25 |
1600, Surrey, Greenwich Palace. Privy Council Order regarding the Restriction of Playhouses. TNA: PC 2/25 |
1600 |
Surrey, Greenwich Palace |
Privy Council Order regarding the Restriction of Playhouses |
TNA: PC 2/25 |
1601, Surrey, Whitehall Palace. Privy Council Letters to the JPs of Middlesex and Surrey and the Lord Mayor. TNA: PC 2/26 |
1601 |
Surrey, Whitehall Palace |
Privy Council Letters to the JPs of Middlesex and Surrey and the Lord Mayor |
TNA: PC 2/26 |
1602/3, Surrey, Rose Playhouse. Privy Council Letters to the JPs of Middlesex and Surrey (A). BL: Additional MS 11,402 |
1602/3 |
Surrey, Rose Playhouse |
Privy Council Letters to the JPs of Middlesex and Surrey (A) |
BL: Additional MS 11,402 |
1605, Surrey, Rose Playhouse. Privy Council Letters to the Lord Mayor and the JPs of Middlesex and Surrey (A). BL: Additional
MS 11,402 |
1605 |
Surrey, Rose Playhouse |
Privy Council Letters to the Lord Mayor and the JPs of Middlesex and Surrey (A) |
BL: Additional MS 11,402 |