Visitation Court Book of William Chaderton, Bishop of Chester

Borthwick Institute: V.1595–6/CB.2

ff 166v–7 (22 October)


Contra georgium Smith Iohannem Todd willelmum Braythwaite oswaldum lightefoote Arthurum Best Richardum humphrey et willelmum scott gardianos

none of these were at evenynge prayer on soonday the xxijth of Iune 95/ Scott braythwaite and Vmfray would not helpe to reforme the abuse of pypinge and dauncinge that day but suffred a chaire to be broughte into the churche yard for william harrison the pyper to sitt in that day

°Georgius° Smith saith he was at a Mariage at Witton that day. idque virtute Iuramenti sui nunc prestiti

Iohn Dodd that he was at Kirklington with Mr Lassels his master. that day. idque virtuteIuramenti sui.

Willelmus Brathwait fecit fidem tactis &c that he was sick that day./

Oswaldus lightfoote fecit fidem tactis &c that he was at Redmar that day/

Ricardus Vmfrey, that he was not then a Churchwarden & that he was at the piping.

Willelmus Scott that he was at the piping, but was no Churchwarden./

Willelmus harison fatetur that he pipid in a Corner of the Church yerd that day.

This thre last persons viz: vmfrey Scott, & harison must make a declaracion in ther church the rest are °dismissed.°|

Contra willelmum Harrison for pypinge in the churche yarde vpon the sabboth day viz. nexte soonday after trinitie

quo die °comparuit harison et fatetur vt in priori actu Vnde dominus iunxit ei ad declarandem hoc Crimen die dominica proximo et ad certificandem apud Burrowbryg die veneris proximo post festum Sancti hillarii proximo.


  • Marginalia
  • Footnotes
    • georgium … scott: all names underlined except Iohannem Todd
    • Iune: 5 minims for un
    • william harrison: underlined
    • nunc: 5 minims for nun
    • Willelmus Scott: underlined
    • willelmum … for: underlined
    • nexte … trinitie: 22 June
    • die … proximo: 26 October 1595
    • die … proximo: 15 January 1595/6
  • Record Translation

    ff 166v–7 (22 October)


    Against George Smith, John Todd, William Braythwaite, Oswald Lightefoote, Arthur Best, Richard Humphrey, and William Scott, churchwardens (English) °and he has maintained that now by virtue of his oath.°

    (English) and he has maintained that now by virtue of his oath.

    William Brathwait swore an oath with (the holy gospels) being touched (English)

    Oswald lightfoote swore an oath with (the holy gospels) being touched (English)

    Against William Harrison (English) °today Harrison appeared and he confesses that in the earlier deed (he is guilty), therefore the lord (judge) enjoined him to declare his offence next Sunday and to certify at Boroughbridge on the Friday next after the next feast of St Hilary°


  • Document Description

    Record title: Visitation Court Book of William Chaderton, Bishop of Chester
    Repository: Borthwick Institute
    Shelfmark: V.1595–6/CB.2
    Repository location: York

    William Chaderton (d. 1608) was consecrated as bishop of Chester on 8 November 1579, and was translated to Lincoln on 24 May 1595 (Christopher Haigh, 'Chaderton, William (d. 1608),' ODNB, accessed 7 January 2020). The new see of Chester was established in 1541, joining the Archdeaconries of Chester and Richmond. The archidiaconal courts remained in their previous jurisdictions, and the visitation records combine material from both Cheshire and the North Riding of Yorkshire (Colin Podmore, 'Dioceses and Episcopal Sees in England: A Background Report for the Dioceses Commission,' [London,] July 2008, 26).

    1595–6; English and Latin; paper; ii + 175 + ii; 305mm x 200mm; modern pencil foliation; modern white vellum binding, burgundy leather plate on front with gold lettering: 'Visitation | Court Book | 1595–6.'

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