Scarborough Court of Pleas Books


f 36 (8 April)


Memorandum that Mr Robart lacy do stand bound for Christofer Johnson one of the wates of Scareburgh that he shall trewly do his service and to delyuer his congnissates or badge to the said Bailiffes agane. at mychelmes next/

Memorandum that Iohn Wolf doth stand bond for henry Robynson wate that shall trewly do his service and that he shall delyuer in his badge at mychelmes next to the Bailiffes


  • Footnotes
    • do: for doth
  • Document Description

    Record title: Scarborough Court of Pleas Books
    Repository: NYCRO
    Shelfmark: DC/SCB VI/1
    Repository location: Northallerton

    1597–1601; English and Latin; paper; 206 leaves; 310mm x 205mm; modern foliation; f [2v] contains (reversed) summary accounts dated 25 June 1634; largely disbound, some remains of original sewing.

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