f [12] (30 January) (Accounts of John Metcalf, warden)
Mony disborsed by the sayd Warden
Item payd att our warden dinner | xvj s. |
Item an after shott | xvj d. |
Item to the Musitions | xij d |
Item for wyn and suger | iij s. x d. |
Record title: Mercers, Grocers, and Haberdashers' Minute Book
Shelfmark: ZZH 1/1
Repository location: Northallerton
The officers of the guild include the elected warden and underwarden, who served for a year but were eligible for reelection, and a number of 'searchers' (that is, inspectors). Most of the payments recorded in the guild's minute book concern the twice yearly warden's dinners, though dinners were also held to welcome new guild members. The accounting of disbursements ends in 1619.
Because the Covid-19 pandemic has made the manuscript temporarily inaccessible, the transcription has not yet been checked for accuracy
7 January 1580/1–3 January 1884; English; paper; v + 335 + ii (ii a paste-in, 2 small paste-ins between ff [18] and [19]); unnumbered; 300mm x 200mm; 19th-c. leather binding, title in gold letters on a red leather rectangle on front: THE ARCHIVES | OF YE MERCERS| GROCERS AND | HABERDASHERS | COMPANY.