f [9v]
...When any dieth certaine women singe a songe to the dead body, recytinge the iorney that the partie deceased must goe, and they are of beleife (such is their fondnesse) that once in their liues yt is good to giue a payre of newe shoes to a poore man, forasmuch as after this life they are to pass barefoote through a greate Lau‸⸢n⸣de full of thornes & furzen excepte by the meryte of the Almes foresaid they haue redemed their forfeyte; for at the edge of the Lau‸⸢n⸣de an aulde man shall meete them with the same shoes that were giuen by the partie when he was liuinge, and after he hath shodde them he dismisseth them to goe through thicke and thin without scratch or scalle...
Record title: William
Camden's Description of the Lyke Wake Ceremony (A)
Shelfmark: Cotton MS Julius F VI, item 185
Repository location: London
This record, from the miscellaneous letters and papers of
William Camden
(1551–1623), is a copy of a letter from 'H. Tr.' to Sir Thomas Chaloner
concerning antiquities in the area of Guisborough. Camden began his survey
of the history, topography, and customs of the counties of England, Britannia, around
1577, with the first edition appearing in 1586. Camden continued
throughout his life to assemble relevant material (Wyman H. Herenden,
'Camden, William (1551–1623),' ODNB, accessed 31 December
2020). Sir Thomas Chaloner, naturalist, is often confused with his first
cousin, Sir Thomas Chaloner
the younger (1563/4–1615), a courtier who was in charge of the
household of Prince
Henry, son of James
I (John Westby-Gibson and Kenneth L. Campbell (rev), 'Chaloner,
Sir Thomas, the younger (1563/4–1615),' ODNB, accessed 28
December 2020). The courtier Chaloner held estates in the vicinity of
Guisborough, North Riding, where his cousin spent time
studying the effects of the presence of alum in the soil on plant
growth. Chaloner's interests as a naturalist led him to collect
information on local customs as well. His correspondent, 'H. Tr.' (f
462) has not been identified. The letter is introduced in a different
hand from the main text 'To Sir Thomas Chaloner, as it
seems, about Antiquities in the North parte of England' (f [1]) and
concludes in the same hand as the main text 'Your worshippes to
comande | H. Tr.' (f [10]).
undated; English; paper; 10 leaves; 255mm x 190mm. Now foliated 453–62; bound into a volume of 188 items in a 19th-c. half morocco binding, brown and dark blue panels on spine, arms of Robert Cotton stamped on front and back boards, title on spine: 'PAPERS | RELATING | TO SCOTLAND, | TEMP. ELIZA. | HISTORICAL AND | TOPOGRAPHICAL | COLLECTIONS, | TEMP. JAS. I. | BRIT. MUS. | COTTON MS. | JULIUS F. VI.'