Item 1, single sheet, col 1
To the tune of ffiliday ffloutes mee. | |
M | Come to me pritty Lasse. and Harken to my Plainte. ffor since I maried was. I have Liued discontent. My wife is very olde. I Cannot merry be. there is nor ‸⸢wealth⸣ Can make her sweete to me: I Lye both daie and night in suche a Heauye plighte. that nothinge can delight. Comforte me ffauncis |
F | Sweet Michaell shewe your greefe vnto your trustie ffreinde. Yf I can yealde releife. you shall have me at Commaunde. And ffaithfull will I proue Soe longe as life doth laste. Doubte not my dearest Loue but shew your Sorrowes past And I will ready bee to ease your maladie. In this extremetie. |
F | welcome to Frauncis: |
M | For this Kindnes of Love a Thousand thanks to the yff thou wilt Constant proue I will disclose to thee the greefe and mightie paine I live in Howerly with suche a Ielous queane ffrowninge soe sowerly That livinge in this striffe I loose my very life ffye on my wicked wife |
F | Welcome to ffrauncis. |
M | This night yf thou Consent I meane so<.>e sicke to be My wife thou shalt acquainte with my Infirmitie And shew her in this Case I meane alone to lye And to haue thee my Lasse to beare me Companie Where we shall passe this nighte with greate Ioye and delighte suspected of noe weight |
F | Welcome to Francis. |
It shall not be denyed to worke this pollicie ffarewell sweete Master myne I goe with speed from thee vnto my Mistress then for to shew her this Case |
M | Adue sweete I praie, god guide you on the waie I shall praie night and daie ffor my sweete ffrauncys. |
col 2
To the Tune of ffortune/ | |
Wife | Come ffrauncis Come make hast and goe with me it is tyme to rest for suche a one as me my bones are olde and bloude hath fledd awaie I marvell muche what makes my husband staie |
F | Harde Happ god watt your husband is not well sore sicke he lyes and willed me to tell He is in bed and meanes a lone to lye and for his ease woulde haue noe Companie |
Wife | Alac Alac woe worth this luckles night and fie vppon this Luckles wight who hath enioyed my ritches and my treasure and for all that in me he takes no pleasure Whie would he refuse to lye with me his wife as Carefull of his health as of my life And would not make me privie to his greeffe who woulde haue sought to yealde him some releeffe |
F | O Mistress deare lett all your Sorrowes passe some Sodaine ffitt oppressed him alas Tomorrow I hope ‸⸢in god⸣ he wilbe well till then god |
To the tune of take thy old Cloake about thee | |
M | What newes quoth he my prettie peate/ mee thinks thou lookes full merely How faires my wife is she in bedd that I may haue thy Companie |
F | Good sir your wife is malecontent. but what of that it greeves not me what propper man would give consent to lye with such a drugge as shee. |
M | Come on sweete hart and doe not staie for sore I longe in bedd to be where we shall haue good sporte and plaie And passe this night with game and glee. |
F | Leade you the waie Ile Come a pace I thinke the tyme as longe as yee Till each the others Corps imbrace. Lye still old queane a poxe on the |
To the Tune of the Ladies of Essex Lamentacion/ | |
Wife | Sighinge sore in woofull wise./ with heauie harte and waterie eyes Noe rest nor quietnes Can I take to thinke vppon my vnkinde make Whoe hath against all lawe and righte fforsaken me poore seely wighte Allac Since my Ioyes they are done Welladay will I singe nowe |
Iohn | How noe good Cosen whatt makes you mone In suche a Case to be alone That you can take no but be with greeffe soe sore opprest |
Wife | I feare that frauncis is this nighte possessed of my lawfull righte./ |
alac. |
John | Allthoughe I be her brother deare to punnishe her I will not spare with due desert for such an offence to suche a Craftie wanton wenche Therefore make hast and doe not staie Come followe me I will leade the waie. Alac: |
col 3
To the Tune of ffor her Aperne | |
What gallant hap had I Lustie brave lasse To scape soe soudenly from an olde dotinge asse with my aperne with my aperne And here I meane to hide my face with my white aperne |
Shee was not soe secretly within the Chamber dore But I stole as prively Into this hall flore: with my Aperne &c. |
Here in this present place will I seeme to be Sounde sleepinge on the grounde when they Come to seeke me: with my Aperne &c |
Soe shall I sure bee ffree from all blame And evermore henceforth keepe my most honest name. |
To the Tune of the Cobler | |
Wife | Come John what shall we doe now for to finde her I marvaile muche in mynde what is become of her But wee will not leave it thus vntill we finde her Yett I hope all is well since she is not yonder |
John | But look where I doe espie the sleepie wenche where she doth Lye What ffrauncis rise vp now I crie Come to your Mistress quickly |
Wife | Call againe Cosen John Call out I pray you. |
John | Whatt ffrauncis are you deaffe Can you not heare me |
M | What stirr is this I heare are you now maddinge Sicke men Cannott take theire rest for this your gaddinge. I heare of your suspicious heade allthoughe extreamely sicke I laide You thought that I had bene in bedd with this your maiden ffrauncis. |
I wishe you make amendes for this greate Slaunder vniustly laide vppon her for me you tender |
John | Cosen your ffault is greate therefor Crave mercie |
Wife | pardon vpon my knees my extreame ffollye ffor never will I till I die suspect my husband wrongfully Good michaell thinke no worse on me but let vs end in ffreind shippe |
finis |
Item 3, single membrane (17 May 1602) (Bill of complaint)
To the Quenes most excellent maiestie
Complayning sheweth vnto your maiestie your highnes Daylie
oratour and obedyent subiect Michaell Steell of Skelton within your maiesties County of yorke
That Whereas your said subiect hath att all tymes heretofore behaved himself well
cyvilly and orderly and hath lyved emongest his neighbours and others your
maiesties loving subiectes quietly and honestly And during all the tyme
afforesaid hath bene of good name and fame And hath lyved in good credytt reckoning accompt
and reputacion and so vprightly emongest his neighbours
your most loving subiectes That he hath noe way bene sclaunderous nor his
good name impayled nor impeached nor his credytt brought in questyon by any person
or persons Whosoeuer vntyll now of late that ys to say on or about the
fyrst day of November ‸⸢december⸣ last past that one
William Bowes of Ellerbeck Within your maiesties
County of yorke <...> Edward Mennell ‸⸢esquire⸣ and ffrancis Mytchell having conceyved some causeles
displeasure against your said subiect dyd combyne themselves together with
diuerse other persons vnknowne to your subiecte whose names he
humbly prayeth he may insert in this byll so soone as he shall know the same And the said
William Bowes Edward Mennell and ffrancis Mitchell and the said other
vnknowne persons so Combyned & not having the fear of god before theyre eyes
nor any care or regard of your maiesties good and godlie lawes and
statutes in that Cause made and provyded have most wyckedly vncharytably
and vngodlyly Conspyred Complotted practised and devised to defame and sclander
your said subiect and vtterly to take away his good name and to ouerthrow
his credytt and to bryng him into vtter disgrace with your highnes loving
subiectes And to that end they the said William Bowes Edward Mennell and
ffrancis Mytchell and diuerse
⸢the said⸣ other persons of theyr confederates
vnknowne to your said subiect as ys said haue synce your
maiesties last generall and free pardon contryved and made or
some of theim with the consent ⸢procurement⸣ and
pryvyty of the rest have falsely Contryved and made <..> ‸⸢and⸣ caused to be contryved and made
diuerse seuerall opprobryous infamous and schlaunderous libells
against your said subiect and against one ffrances Thorneton his mayd
servant And especyally synce the said last generall pardon they or
some of theim or some others by theyr <.......>
by practyce had emongest theim and With theyr consentes and pryvytyes have
falsely caused or procured to be contryved and made one very fowlle false and
sclaunderous libell conteyned in a schedule hereunto annexed against your said
subiect and against his said mayd servant. And they and euery of theim haue openly
geven out in speeches that the said libell was made against the said mychaell Steille
your said subiect he having a wief and against his said mayd servant most wyckedly
accusyng yourr said subiect to lyve incontynently with the said
ffrances. and that the said libell was ment and intended against your
said subiect and they the said William Bowes ffrancis Mytchell and Edward
Mennell. haue att seuerall tymes ‸⸢synce the said last
generall pardon⸣ openly in the seuerall markett townes of
North allerton and Topcliffe within the county of yorke and in
diuerse other places within the said county of yorke
seuerally ‸⸢openly⸣ published the said libell and to the
greater disgrace of your said subiect they the said William Bowes Edward
Mennell and ffrancis Mytchell or some of theim with the consent of
the rest haue made or caused to be wrytten and made seuerall copyes of the
said libell and have geven the same to stag<.> players who by practyce and
procurement of the said William Bowes Edward Mennell and
ffrancis Mytchell and by conspyracy had emongest theim haue att the ending of
their playes sunge the same as a Iygg to the great sclandall of your said subiect
and to the vtter impayrement of his credytt And therby they haue brought him your
said subiect into vtter disgrace emongest his neighbores and others your
maiesties loving subiectes to his great vexacion and greif And
they the said William Bowes Edward Mennell and ffrancis Mytchell or
some of theim have confessed that they contryved and made the said libell And that
they dyd meane and intende the same against your said subiect to thend to take away
his good name and to impeach his credytt and to bryng him into infany infamy and
sclaunder ‸⸢therby⸣ as much as they could The which
doinges of the said William Bowes Edward Mennell and ffrancis
Mytchell ar nott onely contrary to your maiesties lawes in that behalf
made and provyded. And ar done synce your highnes last generall
and free pardon and so remayne vnpardoned but haue bene and ‸⸢in⸣ tyme to some wylbe to the great scandall and inpayrement of
your subiectes credytt and reputacion And the same wylbe to the
evyll example of other lewd disposed persons to comitt the like lewd
offences if condigne punishement be nott herein shortly had and
provyded. May yt therfore please your maiestie to grant vnto
your said subiect your maiesties wytt of subpena to be dyrected to the said William
Bowes Edward Mennell and ffrancis Mytchell. Comaunding theim ‸⸢and euery of theim⸣ therby att a certain day and vnder a certein
payment therein by your maiestie to be lymitted and appointed to
be and personally to appear before your maiestie in your
highnes court of starchamber then and ther to answer the premisses and to
stand to such order and dyreccion touching the premisses as to
your maiestie and the lordes of your highnes court of
starchamber shall seme to stand with equity and conscyence And your said
subiect shall daylie pray to the almighty for your maiestie in health and
happynes long to reign over vs
(signed) H Tophan
Item 2, single membrane (18 June 1602) (Defendants' Answers)
The ioynte and severall answeres of William Bewes gentleman Edmund Mennell Esquier and ffrancis Mytchell Defendantes to the bill of Complaynt of Michaell Steele Complainant
The said defendantes and euerye of them savinge to themselves all advantage of Excepcion to the incerteyntie and insuffycyencie of the sayde byll of Complaynte for answere there vnto they and everye of them saie That as to anye wicked vncharitable and vngodlie Consperycie Complotte practice and device to defame and slaunder the Compleynante Or to the contryvinge and makeinge or the consentinge procureinge or privytye of the Contryvinge and makeinge Or the causeinge to be contrived and made of anye approbryous infamous and slaunderous Lybell againste the Compleynante and againste the saide ffrauncis Thorneton in the bill of Compleynte named his mayde servante And as to that by the bill is supposed that they these Defendantes by practize had amongest them and with there consentes and pryvyties haue falselie caused or procured to be contryved and made one verie foole false and slaunderous Libell conteyned in the Scedull to the bill of Complainte annexed againste the Compleynant and againste his said mayde servand And to all other the vnlawefull publisheinge of the said Lybells or anye of them And to all other the Lybellinges vnlawefull makeinge or causeinge to be written and made of anye Coppyes of the said Libell or the givinge thereof to Stage players or to the procureinge of them att the end of there plaies to singe the same as a Iigge to the Scandall of the Complaynant and to the vtter ympechement of his creditt And to all other the misdemeanoures where with these Defendantes or anye of them are in and by the saide bill of Complaynte Charged they and euerye of them pleade ⸢therevnto⸣ not guyltie All which matters these Defendantes and everie of them are and will be readye to averre maynetayne iustifie and prove as this Honorable Courte shall awarde And praye to be dismissed with there reasonable Costes and Chardges in this behalfe most wrongfullie susteyned
(signed) William Pennyman
Item 4, single membrane (23 May 1604) (Defendants' rejoinder)
(signed) William Miller | The Reioynder <...>wes and Edw<...>me &c and ffr<...> Defendantes <...>n of mewhat <...> pleynant per<...> |
The sayd defendantes saving to themselves all advantage of except<...>erteyntye and <...>the said Repl<...>herevnto
they<...> everye of them for himself seuerallye sayeth that theire said seuerall
answeres <..> in all and euerie
<...> and
thynges in th<...>hem Conteyned <...>sufficient and
verye true in such sorte manner and fforme as the same be by the said Defendantes
in theire said seuerall Aunsw<......>ett downe and
specified <...>said Defendantes further saie that the sayd Compleynantes
Replicacion in all and euerye the matters and thinges wherin the
same contradicteth or repugneth these defendentes sayde answere is most
false and vntrue, without that that these Defendentes or anye of them did
by Complottinge and practize had amongest them contrive make and publishe the slaunderous
libell in the bill of Compleynt mencioned against the saide Compleynant; and
against the sayde ffrances Thorneton in the bill of Compleynt named mallicyously and of
purpose vtterlye to discredit and to bring the Compleynantes good name in
question, without anye cause att all given vnto them by the Compleynant soe to doe
as is in and by the sayde Replicacion vntrulye surmised without that that these
Defendantes or any of them are Common libelleres or have since the
makeinge of the slaunderous libell mencioned in the bill falselye and slanderouslye
contryved and made or published two other seuerall libells against divers other
persons of good creditt and reputacion in the Countye of yorke to the greate
disgrace slaunder and discreditt of the sayde persons as is likewise in and by the
Replicacion of the Compleynant most vntruly surmised And without that alsoe that
these defendantes are and for the space of divers yeres past have byn persons of
evill demeanor and haue euerye one of them misdemeaned himself in diuers severall
kindes Or that these defendantes Edmond Mennell and William Bowes were
heretofore bounde, and as yett stande still bounde for the good behaviour before his
maiesties Councell in the North at the instance and suyte of the Repliant whome
they had formerlye divers waies formerlye wronged and abused as playnelye appeared
before his maiesties sayde Councill as is in and by the saide Replicacion
alsoe most vntruelye surmysed, And without that alsoe that since the makeinge or
publisheinge of the sayde libell the sayde William Bowes one of the
Defendantes in the shoppe of one William Bell in Allerton sayed that the
Compleynant should not travell in the Countrye but he shoulde be beaten and that soundlye
and that in such sort that he shoulde never cast it Or that the said William Bowes
one of the Defendantes further reported that he would procure certeyne
blewe Cappes meaninge borderers or North Countrye men to kyll the Compleynant and he shoulde
never knowe whoe did the same as is lykewise in and by the saide Replicacion most
falselye and slanderouslye surmysed And without that alsoe that the sayde Defendant
Edmond Mennell vppon servinge of the proces of Subpena vppon him awarded
out of this Court, att
the suyte of the Compleynant did miscall and revyle the Replyant behinde his backe and
vttered harde speeches agaynst him and sayed that if the Compleynant had byn there he woulde
haue made him eate the same proces and willed the Repliantes servant to tell the
Replyant that he woulde make the Replyant fynde fower payere of legges when he shoulde meete
with him, meaneinge to make the Repliant Runne awaye for feare of beinge kylled Or that att
that tyme the sayde Edmond Mennell did make an assaulte and affray vppon the
Replyantes sayde servant, whoe served him with <..> proces out of the Honorable Court for answeringe of the saide
bill of Complaynt Or that in that affraye the sayde Edmond Mennell did sore hurt hym as is
likewise in and by the sayd Replicacion most falselye surmised Or that affidavit
was made thereof since accordinglie to the knowledge of this defendant Edmond Mennell ffor
this Defendant Edmonde Mennell sayeth that if anye such affidavit be made, the same
affidavit is most false and vntrue And thereof this Defendant hopeth this Court will take
due consyderacion: Or that this Defendant Edmond Mennell for that offence standes
comytted to the pryson ‸⸢of⸣ the fleete by order of this honorable
Court to the knowledge of this Defendant And without that alsoe that the
Defendantes to be further revenged agaynst the Replyant did assemble and gather
together certeyne presons vnknowen to the
Compleynant within the Town of North Allerton vppon a markett daye a fayer daye there whoe
were prepared with Cordes to bynde this Repliant if they should have happened to meete hym
in the Towne Or that for that purpose they did come to the said Towne on Companye of the sayde Edmond Mennell Or that the
same daye the sayd Edmond Mennell did ryde vppon and downe the sayde Towne seekinge to have
mett with the Repliant of purpose to have bett the Repliant with a bull Pysell,
which this Defendant Edmonde Mennell had in his hande as is in and by the sayde
Replicacion likewise most vntruly surmised./ And without that alsoe that
this Defendant Edmond Mennell since the sayde pretended tyme they entred bonde for the good
behavior did beate one (blank) Todd beinge the Repliantes kinsman, and one he
knewe did affect the Repliant, Or that he did beate him with a switchinge rodde in a
publique assemblie at a horse runnynge in disgrace of the Repliant he knoweinge hym to be
the Repliantes kynsman as is in and by the sayd Replicacion alsoe
vntruelye surmised Or that in soe doeinge this Defendant Edmond Mennell hath forfeited any
bond or Recognysance wherein he became as is aforesayd, for this Defendant sayeth that if
there were anye such matter he is well assured the Repliant in his great malice against this
Defendant would prosequute this Defendant vppon the same bonde or Recognizance with
all extremytye. And without that alsoe that the sayde William Bowes hath since the
entringe of the said pretended bonde procured his servantes to assault the Repliant
and in Cruell and despightfull manner to shuilder the Repliant and to give vnto him verye
harde wordes Or that this Defendant William Bowes hath also since that tyme vttered
harde speaches against the Repliant and therein revyled hym and hath done what he Cann by
slaunderous speeches to take awaye the Replyantes good name as is likewise in and
by the sayde Replicacions most vntruely surmised, with this alsoe that half a yere att
the least before the sayd supposed libell made the Compleynant had turned his wief from him
to shift for her self, And did keepe howse together with his servant ffrances and livyed
with her verye suspicyouslye and in Comen evill voyce And ffame And these
Defendantes haue byn informed of diuers other verye lewde and wicked Courses and
behavioures vsed by the Compleynant against his sayde wief and in
maynteynytnge the sayde ffrances his servant to the great scandall and evell example of all
the neighboures neere adioynynge, the partyculers whereof these
Defendantes doe forbeare to sett downe, but leaves the same to be spoken of by
such as are them selves privye and acquaynted with the truth thereof And without
that alsoe that anye other matter or thinge in the Replicacion of the sayde
Compleynant conteyned matteriall or effectuall to be by them these Defendantes
Reioyned vnto and is not in this theire Reioynder sufficyentlye confessed and avoyded
conuersed or denyed is true All which matteres these
Defendantes are and will be readye to averre iustifye and prove as this honorable
Court shall award and pray as in there sayde answere they have prayed
(signed) William Pennyman
As the Star Chamber documents reveal, the jig was played at a variety of locations around the North Riding, including Bedale, Northallerton, Osmotherley, Hilton, as well as Grimscar in the West Riding.
Lawyer William Pennyman was the JP who signed all the papers in the Star Chamber jig.
Record title: Star Chamber Case: Steill v. Mitchell et al
Shelfmark: STAC 5/S30/16
Repository location: Kew
Although a number of jigs survive from the period, this appears to be the only example directed at an individual (see Clegg and Skeaping, Singing Simpkin, pp 182–198, and also the Introduction).
1602–4; English; paper and parchment; 4 items tied together, item 1: single sheet, items 2–4, single membranes; 200–410mm x 315–535mm; item 3 endorsed 'Lune decimo Septimo Maij Anno xliiijto Elizabeth Regine | (signed) William Miller | P Trinitie.'