f [16](January)
A true certificate of all the recusantes within the Archdeaconrie of Yorke taken mense Ianuari 1595 by the othes of the churchwardens and others accordinge to my Lord Archbushopsdirection in that behalfe
f [26]
The names and surnames dwellinge Places states & degrees and values in goodes or livinges of all the Recusantes within the Deanery of Cleveland within the dioces of yorke as follow
f [29]
Edward Simpson Cor Cordiner and his wife worth iij li. haue children not
baptized Roberte Simson Cordiner a plaier of interlutes and Iane his wife as he
saith but not by any known mariage for they live and begitt children and contemne the
discipline of our holie church both in matrimony and baptisinge their children they are
worth three poundes Christofer Consett glover and as he saith Elizabeth
his wife but not by any known mariage who also contemnes matrimony and baptising ar worth x
li. Christopher Cordiner a singleman who is a plaier of Interlutes about the country and is
worth iiij li. William Whitfeild Cordiner and his wife worth x li. Elizabeth
Pearson wife of Henry Pearson a fermer worth xx li. Katherin Smithe widoe is worth nothing
Anne Smith wife of Richarde Smith a freeholder and verie rich worth iij hundreth poundes
Katherin Whitfeild Agnes Simson and Agnes Marshall three poore woeman worthe nothing in
goodes all these persons abouenamed are Recusantes and Residing within
the Chapplery of Egton/
Record title: William Cecil's Book of Recusants
Repository: Hatfield House
Shelfmark: Cecil Papers 238/1
Repository location: Hatfield
Cecil's list of recusants provides the clearest evidence that the Simpsons' company was family-based, citing in two cases the wives of players as members of the company.
Because the archives at Hatfield House have been closed due the Covid-19 pandemic, the transcriptions have not yet been checked for accuracy.
1582–1600; English and Latin; ii + 202 + ii, single sheets and booklets, all bound together in 1712; miscellaneous sizes, average 320mm x 210mm; occasional modern pencil foliation 1–12; tooled leather binding, Cecil arms on front, 'NAMES OF | RECUSANTS | M S.' on spine. Lists of recusants contained only in first sixteen booklets, ff [1–88], diocese of York, ff [16–30] .