Margaret Hoby's Diary

BL: Egerton MS 2614

f 72v (5 April)


Hauinge praied I brake my fast and then went to the church Wher hauinge hard the sermon and receiued the Lordes supper I returned home and priuatly gaue thankes the rest of the day after the afternone sermon I spent in readinge singing praing and hearinge repeticions


f 76 (5 May)

After praers I went to the church wher I hard a sermon after I Came home and hard Mr Rhodes read after diner I went abroad and when I was come home I dresed some sores after I hard Mr Rhode<.> read and wrought within a while after I went to see a calfe at Munckmans which had :2: great heades 4 eares and had to ether head a throtepipe besides the heades had Long heares Like brissels about the mouths such as n'other Cow hath the hinder Legges had no parting from the rumpe but grewe backward and were no Longer but from the first Ioynte also the backe bone was parted about the midest of the bicke and a rowne howle was in the midest into the bodie of the Calfe but one would haue thought that to haue Comed of some strocke it might gett in the Cowes bely after This I Came in to priuat medetation and praier

  • Marginalia
    • The Lordes day: 5:
    • The: 5: day of May 1601:/
  • Footnotes
    • bicke: for backe (?)
  • Endnote

    The Hoby family was resident at Hackness Manor.

    Margaret's singing (f 72v) was likely predominately psalms or other sacred texts, though her ownership of an orpharion suggests that at least some of her singing was secular, accompanied by the instrument. Her diary notes regular attendance at the Hackness parish church of St Peter (Hoby, Private Life, pp xxxii, 14, 24, 38).

    Reverend Richard Rhodes (f 76) was the vicar of the parish of Hackness and served as spiritual counsellor to Lady Margaret Hoby. Their meetings, in which Lady Hoby usually heard a sermon or a scriptural reading, took place almost every day (Hoby, Private Life, pp 24, 35, 42).

    Munkman is a very common name in the Scarborough area of the North Riding. This reference on f 76 is likely to be John Munkman, born c 1550 in Hackness ('John Munkman (abt. 1550),' Wikitree,, consulted 9 June 2021).

  • Document Description

    Record title: Margaret Hoby's Diary
    Repository: BL
    Shelfmark: Egerton MS 2614
    Repository location: London

    For information on Margaret Hoby see the Introduction.

    1599–1605; English; paper; i + 118 + ii; 190mm x 150mm; modern pencil foliation 1–118; 19th-c. green leather binding, '438 | LADY HOBY'S | DIARY | 1599–1605 | BRIT. MUS. | EGERTON | 2614 (FARNB.) | C.23' on spine.

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