ff 6–7
...He was of ye tallest stature of men about ye
height of his father but slender & well shaped. His Mother a very beautyfull ⸢woeman⸣ contributeing as did his Grand Mother to ye whitening of those
blacke shadowes formerly incident to ye family; for when he was very young his haire was
f of a light couller & his complection fayre, & acting ye parte of
woeman in a commodedy
at Trenety collidge of
Cambridg he did it with great applause & was esteemed beautifull; yet being
growne to bee a man his complection grew browne & something inclinable to swarthy
which yet may be ascribed rather to his much rydeing in the sonne &
much using of field sports in his youth |
rather then to nature; for the skinne of his body was
of a passeing white & of a a very smouth graine ⸢<.> he⸣ had a most incomparable sweet breath; in soe much at many
times one would have thought it had carried a perfume or sweet odarifferus smell with it,
the haire of his head was chestnut browne & ye end of his locks curled and turned up
very gracefully, with out that frisling which his father Sir Henrys was
inclyned to, his beard a ‸⸢yellowish⸣ light browne
al<..>e & thinne before upon ye
chinne as was his fathers his eies graye his face and visage long with a handsome
Roman nose, of a very winning aspect a gracefull most manly & gracefull
presence; he had alsoe a rare voice beeing booth sweet & strong nature affording him
in singeing those graces ‸⸢in singing⸣ which others ‸⸢endever⸣ to by art & practisse, all which renderd him
favoured amongst the femall sex; He was very valliant as appeared upon divers occations but
more perticulerly his beeing several tymes in ye field upon duels & not with out
provocation for he was ⸢a⸣s farre from giuing offence as
taking it vpon sleight causes; when he was about ye age of 23 yeares comeing to London he went to see a a play at Blacke
Friers & comeing late was forced to take a stoole to sitt on ye stage as diuers
others did, & as ye Custome was betweene euery seane stood vp to refresh him selfe &
whilst ⸢he⸣ was in yat posture a young Gallant very braue
clapped him selfe vpon his seat Sir Richards stoole, which he
conceyueing was only to ease ye gentleman for a while, did not demaund his seate,
which this Gallant perceyueing he beganne to laugh & i<.>eare ‸⸢sayeing⸣ here is a
young gentleman I haue not only put by his seat but beares it very patiently, & soe
continued ieasting & making sport, which in soe much as ye company
tooke notice thereof, where vpon Sir Richard said Sir is ‸⸢it⸣ not suffitient to doe mee an iniury but you must boast of it, &
wispering him in ye eare said if you bee a gentle man follow mee & presently
Sir Richard went out & ye gallant followed, & comeing in to an open
place, close by, ye gentleman said what doe you meane, sayth Sir
Richard yat you giue mee immediatly satisfaction with
your sword for ye iniury
⸢affront⸣ you haue done mee, Sir replyed ye Gallant I haue
noe sword, then bye one sayth Sir Richard, but I haue noe mony about mee quoath ye
Gallant, I will furnish you sayth Sir Richard & carring him to a
Cutlers shoppe close by ye Gallant turned ouer many but could finde none to please him, in
soe much as Sir Richard offerd his owne & offerd to ‸⸢would⸣ take any other but nether did yat please my Gallant who
whilst he thus tryfled away ⸢ye⸣ tyme, & his man came
& brought with him a Constable, & suddenly claspeing | his armes about Sir Richards middle, said Mr Constable lay
hold on him this is he will kill my ladyes eldest sonne, And ye Constable presently
comaundinge him to keepe ye kings peace Sir Richard seeing him selfe sirprised
said he ment ye gentleman noe harme though he hath done mee
⸢him⸣ iniury of which ‸⸢said
Sir Richard⸣ I will make you Mr Constable ye iudge, & soe
drawing ye Gallant out of ye shoppe vpon pretence to relate ye matter to the Constable as
soone as they were in ye street Sir Richard gaue ye Gallant two or 3 gud blowes
& with all strucke vp his heeles & then turned to ye Constable &
said I pro now ‸⸢Mr⸣ Constable promise you not
to meddle further with my ladyes eldest sonne who was willing to bee gon
with his beateing, who And though a great Gallant & Gamster about
ye towne & one yat much frequented ye ordnaryes & places where
com there was most resort of company he neuer appeared amongst them after
The Cholmley branch of the Cholmley/Cholmeley family was resident at Whitby Abbey.
Record title: Sir Hugh
Cholmley's Memoirs
Repository: York Minster Library
Shelfmark: Add. 343
Repository location: York
Sir Hugh Cholmley (1600–1657), first Baronet Cholmley, was born at Thornton-on-the-Hill, North Riding, the son of Sir Richard Cholmley (1580–1631) and his first wife Susanna (1578–1611), daughter of John Legard of Ganton. He was educated at Beverley Free School and Jesus College, Cambridge. In 1624 he was elected one of the MPs for Scarborough and was re-elected in 1625 and 1626. He was knighted in 1626. During the following eleven years, when Charles I ruled without Parliament, Cholmley became one of the leaders of resistance among the Yorkshire gentry. He organised a number of petitions and protests, and in 1639 he refused to pay ship money. As a result, he was dismissed from his posts and was called before the Council of State; the king reportedly told him that if he interfered again he would hang him. In April 1640 Cholmley was again elected MP for Scarborough in the Short Parliament. He was re-elected for Scarborough for the Long Parliament in November 1640 and was created a baronet in 1641, but was prevented from sitting in 1643. His memoirs are – as per the title-page of the posthumous first published edition of 1787 – 'Addressed to his Two Sons, in which He gives some Account of his FAMILY, and the distresses they underwent in the CIVIL WARS; and how far he himself was engaged in them' (Jack Binns, 'Cholmley, Sir Hugh, first baronet (1600–1657),' ODNB, accessed 31 July 2021; HPO, 'Cholmley, Hugh (1600–1657),' accessed 31 December 2020; Cholmley, Memoirs and Memorials, 14–29; Cholmley, Memoirs, title-page). Cholmley's principal estate at Whitby included the remains of the Abbey, where he built a substantial residence. A plan of the estate and its grounds c 1700 is in Cholmley, Memoirs and Memorials, pp 8–9.
1656; English; paper; i + 35 + xxxix; 302mm x 190mm (original pages); modern pencil foliation 1–34; mounted on archival paper and bound in brown gold-tooled leather, 'MEMOIRS | OF | HUGH | CHOLMLEY | 1600' on spine.