f 148v (7 July)
Euocatus for keepinge a piper playinge in his house on whitsundaie last in prayer tyme in ye afternoone, hee hath daughters come not to Churche, ex Informacione Willimi Leeck senioris.
Quo die Comparuit cui dominus obiecit vt supra dicto Piott quoad pipinge &c fatente vnde dominus iniunxit ei ad soluendum iij s. iiij d. ad vsus pauperum dicte parochie, deinde ad humilem peticionem dicti Piott promittentis ad se Reformandum eum monitum dimisit et quoad pueros in non debite frequentando eorum Ecclesiam parochialem dominus iniunxit eis ad Ecclesiam debite frequentandam et ad certificandum citra proximum/.
f 148v (7 July)
Henry Piott
Called (English) from the information of William Leeck, the elder.
Today he appeared and the lord (official) charged him as above, and with respect to the piping, etc, the said Piott confessed. Therefore, the lord enjoined him to pay 3s 4d for the use of the poor of the said parish. Thereafter, at the humble petition of the said Piott, who promised to reform himself, (the official) dismissed him after he had been warned, and with respect to (his) children in not duly attending their parish church, the lord (official) enjoined them to attend the church duly and to certify before the next (court).
The date given is that of the proceedings of the court held in the parish church of Caverswall. The marginale '14' occurs here against the name of the defendant, and similarly elsewhere among some of the entries for this court. These numbers do not signal a particular type of offence, appearance, or penalty; a court fee may be recorded, but the absence of 'd.' makes certainty impossible.
Record title: Archdeaconry of Stafford Visitation Act Book
Shelfmark: B/V/1/51
Repository location: Kew
1629–33; Latin and English; paper; 2 visitation act books: ii + 116 and i + 148 + i; 290mm x 195mm; modern and contemporary foliations continuous through 2 volumes (contemporary foliation 1–255 followed here); repaired and bound into 2 volumes with green cloth covers, in a green slip-case, no title. All entries are taken from the second volume (both are described here because they are not distinguishable from external markings).