f [1] (23 June) (Interrogatories of defendants)
In primis whether that Iohn Pursall accompanied with Richard Piersall the yonger Richard pursall thelder Rauf pursall Thomas Saunders Thomas Pursall of Wibunbury Iohn Bradshawe ffraunces wodwall & George Boughey vpon Trynyte Sunday in the xxixth yere of the kinges Reigne came to the towne of eccleshall in the Countie of Stafford havyng swerdes buklers billes staves & daggers/ and what kynd or maner of wepon eyther of them then and ther hadd/
f [2]
Item whether they hadd eny mynstrell with theym or noe and what entent they soe had hym playng afore them
This is a case of riotous assembly and affray, which involved attendance at a ‘game’ and the services, at one point, of a minstrel. Much of the material preserved about this local feud, in the Star Chamber proceedings, is not relevant. As well, much of the manuscript material is lost (see the document description). Two of the interrogatories point to important items of information; these are given, along with answers of deponents that provide responses to them.
Record title: Alkyn v. Pursall
Shelfmark: STAC 2/1
Repository location: Kew
1537; English; paper; a collection of documents of various sizes in a volume titled on the spine: 'Star Chamber Proceedings Hen. VIII': (1) Interrogatories: bifolium; 280mm x 390mm; unnumbered (f [2v] blank). Now numbered f 58 and bound as above. (2) Depositions: 8 leaves; 315mm x 200mm; unnumbered (f [8] blank); f [8v] contains endorsement: 'Alkyn v. Pursall.' Now mounted on guard pages, numbered ff 59–66, and bound as above.