Archdeaconry of Stafford Visitation Act Book

LRO: B/V/1/51

f 176 (27 October)


Richardum sneade Baddelie et Iohannem sneyde
for singinge of a Ballad in ye Churche yarde in tyme of diuine service on ye sabboth daie

Excommunicati in non Comparendo &c/.


  • Footnotes
  • Endnote

    The date given is that of the proceedings of the court held at Caverswall.

  • Document Description

    Record title: Archdeaconry of Stafford Visitation Act Book
    Repository: LRO
    Shelfmark: B/V/1/51
    Repository location: Kew

    1629–33; Latin and English; paper; 2 visitation act books: ii + 116 and i + 148 + i; 290mm x 195mm; modern and contemporary foliations continuous through 2 volumes (contemporary foliation 1–255 followed here); repaired and bound into 2 volumes with green cloth covers, in a green slip-case, no title. All entries are taken from the second volume (both are described here because they are not distinguishable from external markings).

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