Corporation Minute Book

Brampton Museum: no shelfmark

f 29v (1 May) (Assembly minutes)


It is agreed by the assemblie aforesaide, yat Thomas Dale Alderman for entertayninge into his howse Certaine Wandringe fellowes by the title of players or rather rouges & sufferinge theim to plaie in his howse after hee had warning by master Maior to ye Contrarie ys fyned in xl s./

It is likewise agreed yat Robert Collier beinge one of ye Cunstables of this borowghe in reguarde hee woulde not Execute his office (when hee was Charged by the Maior) in suppressinge of a Companie of Lewde fellowes Called plaiers Is displased from ye Companie of Capitall Burgesses and fined in xx s. And the same Companie haue made Choyse of Humfrey Lowe to bee in his stidde and to full vpp ye number

It ys likewise agreed and ordered by the saide assemblie yat Iohn Harrison Constable Edwarde Doson and Robert Rodes sergeantes shall paie eiche of them iij s. iiij d. a peece for yat they were Charged to suppresse a lewde Companie by the name of plaiers and to that ende to Charge our townes men to aide theim, they were found (in performance of their dueties in that respecte) slacke and necligent and theirfore it three shillinges foure pence as aforesaide

  • Glossed Terms
    • rouge n rogue
    • stidde n stead
  • Document Description

    Record title: Corporation Minute Book
    Repository: Brampton Museum
    Shelfmark: no shelfmark
    Repository location: Newcastle under Lyme

    The borough records, 1369–1411, consist of elections of officers and admissions of burgesses. After this there occurs a gap until 1490–1510, when the records again consist of elections, admissions, a few orders by the burgesses, and no accounts. Then a further gap occurs until 1590. See Thomas Pape, Medieval Newcastle-Under-Lyme (Manchester, 1928).

    1590–1669; English; paper; vii + 121 + vii; pp 2–147, 242: 340mm x 220mm, pp 148–241: 310mm x 190mm; original foliation to f 50, original pagination, 51–242 (p 243 obliterated by repair to volume; pp 162–3 missing); bound in brown leather with brass studs and closures (nineteenth century), title on front: 'Corporation of Newcastle-under-Lyme (Red Book) 1590 to 1669.'

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