f 204 (15 October)
officium domini contra Iohannem Bissell Iuniorem
⸢detectus per
off for disguiseinge him selfe in womans apparell &
comminge this manner into the Church to the greate
offense of Almighty the Congregacion assembled. xv/
octobris 1616 citatus per ministrum
preconizatus 3a vice non
comparendo reservata pena in proximum
deinde dominus decrevit eum
excommunicandum fore/
f 204 (15 October)
Office of the lord (judge) against John Bissell, the younger
⸢Detected by the minister⸣ (English) Cited 15 October 1616 by the minister. He was summoned for the third time without appearing; the penalty was reserved until the next (court-day). Then, the lord (judge) decreed that he is to be excommunicated/
Record title: Diocese of Worcester
Visitation Act Book
Shelfmark: BA 2760
Repository location: Worcester
1613–17; Latin, some English; paper; x + 444 + x; 310mm x 190mm; foliated 1–444; modern half-leather binding (1963), title on cover: 'Visitation act book, 1613–17.'