p 5 (22 April–21 April)
In primis receyved of Thomas Widder at the hobby horse | ix s. x d. |
Item receyved in Ester weke for heyveng | iij s. vj d. ob. |
p 6
Item payed to George Salte for playeing on Newe Ers euen & New erys daye at nyght | viij d. |
Item payed to Robert Smyth for playng & gadryng shotte | iiij d. |
Item payed for a potal of wyne to master Stamford then | iiij d. |
Item for a quart of wyne to master barbur | iij d. |
Record title: Copies of Summary Accounts (A)
Repository: William Salt Library
Shelfmark: S.MS. 366/1/A
Repository location: Stafford
This is a collection of brief annual summaries of receipts and expenses for the schoolwardens, churchwardens, chamberlains, and bailiffs. Not all years are represented, nor all officers within a given year. Near the beginning of the volume there occur some more detailed accounts, in which the transcribed record is found.
1520–1628; English; paper; ii + 92 + ii (modern fly-leaves); 360mm x 240mm; paginated 1–92; pages preserved, mounted and bound into modern green cloth guard-book, no title on spine.