STRO: D1323/E/1

f 24 (Summary of sixteenth-century accounts)


William Bromley & Thomas Gryme were wardens of the high Church Called St Maryes & it seemeth that all these following were of the Companie because I find a note of certaine sommes of money receaued in this manner following viz

li. s. d.
Imprimis receaued of Thomas wydder at the Hobby Horse 00 09 10
Thomas Bromley 00 11 06
william Bromley 00 06 00
Thomas Gryme 00 10 00
Iohn Dorringtonn 00 08 10
William Myddelton 00 07 08
Thomas Bulkley 00 09 03
Thomas Pattrick 00 06 01
Robert Leys 00 07 01
Inet Crompton 00 05 07
Iohn Massey 00 05 06
Henry Sauage 00 05 09
William Horne 00 05 08
Thomas Craddock 00 05 00 ob.
William Blackburne 00 07 02 ob.
Richard Homersley 00 06 10
Iohn Sauage 00 04 02
Iohn Mylles 00 04 01
Richard Dyllorne 00 05 04
Robert Lent 00 05 09
Austen ffryers 00 06 00
St Chadd Church 00 02 01

It seemed that in thyse dayes the ffryers and also St Chadds Church did at the hobbyhorse tyme vse the same or some other order for the Collectinge of money euen as the Company didd.

f 25


Also they accounte and saye Item lost in Course money gathered at the hobbey horse (blank)


  • Marginalia
  • Glossed Terms
    • coursse adj of little or no account, ordinary; in phr coursse money petty cash (?) [OEDO coarse adj 1.a, b], [MED cours adj (a)]; course money
    • hobby horse n hobby horse, a figure of a horse made of wicker or other light material worn about the waist by a performer, typically at a morris dance; hobbe horsse; hobbey horse; hobbie horse; hobbiehorse; hobbihorse; hobbyhorse; hobby horsse; hobbyhorsse; hoby horse; hobyhorse
  • Endnote

    It is impossible to ascertain if this record of the hobby horse on f 25 is a copy of the one in the preceding entry; however, because they occur under different dates both extracts have been included with the caution that the transcriber of this record might have confused the date.

  • Document Description

    Record title: Bailiffs', Churchwardens', and Mayors' Accounts
    Repository: STRO
    Shelfmark: D1323/E/1
    Repository location: Stafford

    This volume contains (a) copies of earlier accounts, beginning in 1519, which are in the same hand as entries for the years 1611 onwards, so they presumably were copied by the town clerk or his scribe; (b) accounts of bailiffs, chamberlains, churchwardens, and schoolwardens, because the accounts of the minor officials were presented and approved by the corporation officials before being entered into the town book. In the transcriptions, the entries from the churchwardens are differentiated from the bailiffs' (later the mayors') accounts because they originated from different authorities. The churchwardens' accounting year was 21 December–20 December, with the accounts presented to the bailiffs between 13 February and 19 March, the Friday following Quadragesima Sunday. The bailiffs' accounting year was 18 October–17 October, with the accounts similarly being presented between 13 February and 19 March. The mayoral accounting year was later adjusted slightly to begin the next Monday after St Luke's Day (ie, 27 October).

    1611–62; English; paper; v + 353; 350mm x 225mm (text area variable); modern pencil foliation to f 310 (ff 5–19, 21, 152, 161, 179, 250, 305–53 blank; 60–2, 142–7, 149–50, 153–7, 168, 244–7, and 253 missing; 158, 166, 167, 193, and 201 foliated twice [a/b]; 221 foliated thrice [a/b/c]); early tooled calf binding, much worn, with loose leather cover; remains of brass closures; also preserved is an older (perhaps original?) parchment binding which has title on inside front and back covers: 'Burgiis Stafford Liber Compotus This book was bought and In<.>veded by Richard Drakeford and Iohn Wilson Bailiffes of the said Borough vicesimo die Novembris Anno regn Domini Iacobi vnum Regis Anglie & Nono Scocie <......> gracias. 1611 IS R Drakeford I Willson Bailliffs.' On f [ii] is written: 'The Old Book of Accounts.'

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