f [1] (27 October) (Depositions of defendants, answer of John Pursall)
Super Interogatorijs ex parte Alkyn et Stanley ministratis./ xxvijo Octobris/
Iohn Pursall of Horseley in the Countie of Stafford Esquier sworne and examined &c.
To the fyrst he saithe that on the same Trinitie sondaye this deponent was in
the churcheyarde of ecclesall amongest dyuerse other
persones to the nomeber of a C persones that ‸⸢came⸣
game thether to a game accustomably vsyd to be kepte ther yerely vpon
the same daye And this deponent knoweth not wether all the
persones namyd in this Interrogatory wer there
at that tyme or what weapons theye hade And saithe that he himselfe hade a swerde
and a dagger And he remembrythe that there was there
Richard Pursall thelder, Raufe pursall
Iohn bradshaa. and frances wodnall
but what weapons
⸢and saithe⸣ they had he can not tell
⸢all swerdes as they be accustomyd⸣ to weare
f [2]
To the xiiij & xv he saithe that ‸⸢nether⸣ he nor the other persones to his knolege intendyd any hurte to the said alkyn and Stanley when they wer in the same Swaynoates ‸⸢howse⸣ And sayth that they had there a minstrell playng before them to make them mery and for none othere intent
f [2v] (Answer of Raufe Pursall)
To the fyrst second iijd ivth vjth vij viij ix x & xj he saithe that
his said father Iohn pursall with this deponent Richard
b pursall thelder and francis wodwall hauyng
swordes and daggers as they vse to go with all came to the same
Ecclesall to a game kepte there at the same Trynitie sondaye as dyuerse
othere persones of the Contre there abowte dyd/ And saithe that this
<.> deponent
being beyng owte of his fathers company and nere thereby in
the same churcheyarde espyed the same Alkyn hauyng his hande vpon his
dagger and aspekyng insylting wordes to this
deponentes fathere/ whereuppon this deponent
rame ‸⸢came⸣⸢&
dyuerse othere came⸣ to hym and toke the sayd alkyn by the sleve
and pullyd hym backe And lykewise he saith that dyuerse other
persons therebye made reskewe immediatly betwene them And so they
wer partyd asonder And the said alkyn and Stanley went into a
howse withowte the churcheyarde/ And this deponentes
father wythe thother persones went forthe of the same churche yarde to se
the same game shutting game kept And
saithe that his saide father offryd not to hurle his dagger ore sayde kyll
hym kyll hym/ nore this deponent sawe any swerde drawen on the
partye of his sayde father Or that the said Stanley and Alkyn wer
dryven owte of the churcheyarde or chasyd into a howse nor that any
persone hevyd and shovyd at the dore or
intendyd to to haue entred into the same house to them to his sighte
& ⸤knolege⸥
Record title: Alkyn v. Pursall
Shelfmark: STAC 2/1
Repository location: Kew
1537; English; paper; a collection of documents of various sizes in a volume titled on the spine: 'Star Chamber Proceedings Hen. VIII': (1) Interrogatories: bifolium; 280mm x 390mm; unnumbered (f [2v] blank). Now numbered f 58 and bound as above. (2) Depositions: 8 leaves; 315mm x 200mm; unnumbered (f [8] blank); f [8v] contains endorsement: 'Alkyn v. Pursall.' Now mounted on guard pages, numbered ff 59–66, and bound as above.