f 126v (24 March)
Iohannam Swyndon | presentata for entertayning of diuers persons into her house who haue prophaned the Sabboth by gamninge pipinge and dauncinge/. |
Quo die Comparuit Cui dominus obiecit iuxta presentacionem dicta Iohanna fatente &c Vnde dominus iniunxit ei ad peragendum penitencias die dominico proximo in Ecclesia sua paroli de leeke iuxta schedulam, Et postmodum ad peticionem dicte Iohanne promittentis ad Reformandum huiusmodi excessum dominus eam sub spe Reformacionis dimisit/.
f 126v (24 March)
Joan Swyndon | Presented (English) |
Today she appeared. The lord (judge) charged her according to the presentment, when the said Joan confesses, etc. Therefore the lord (judge) enjoined her to do penance on the next Sunday in her parish church of Leek according to the schedule. And afterwards, at the petition of the said Joan, who promised to amend this sort of excess, the lord (judge) dismissed her in the hope of (her) amendment.
The date given is that of the proceedings of the court held in the parish church of Caverswall. The marginale '14' occurs here against the name of the defendant, and similarly elsewhere among some of the entries for this court. These numbers do not signal a particular type of offence, appearance, or penalty; a court fee may be recorded, but the absence of 'd.' makes certainty impossible.
Record title: Archdeaconry of Stafford Visitation Act Book
Shelfmark: B/V/1/51
Repository location: Kew
1629–33; Latin and English; paper; 2 visitation act books: ii + 116 and i + 148 + i; 290mm x 195mm; modern and contemporary foliations continuous through 2 volumes (contemporary foliation 1–255 followed here); repaired and bound into 2 volumes with green cloth covers, in a green slip-case, no title. All entries are taken from the second volume (both are described here because they are not distinguishable from external markings).