f 247v (1 February; proved 14 October)
In dei nomine Amen The first daye of ffebruary in the yere of our Lorde god a Thousand fyve hundred xxxviij I Iohn Wistowe of Stottefeld in the dioces of Couentrie and lichefeld of good mynde and memory Reuoking all other my testamentes and last willes by me before the date hereof made/ Make this my testament...
f 248
...And also I giue and bequeth to the <.....>cions of the parachiall churche of Stottfold aforesaid vj s. viij d./ Also I giue and bequeth to the <.......>edrall Churche of lichefeld. vj d./ Also I giue and bequeth to the wardens of Corpus cristi pley of tameworthe for the mayntenance of the same playe vj s. viij d./ Also I giue and bequeth: to euery aulter within the sayd church of Tameworthe iiij d./ And to the mantenance of every bruge within the sayd paroche of Tameworth vj d. ...Item to my sonnes Edward and Humfrey all my harnes and wepens to be deuided bitwixt them. Item to the said Edward all my bokes/ Item to the said Edward my new Iackett/ Item to Corpus cristy playe my veluet Iacket...
Record title: Will of John Wistowe
Shelfmark: PROB 11/27
Repository location: Kew
1539; English (wills) and Latin (probates); parchment; 375 leaves; 420mm x 340mm (310mm x 240mm); modern stamped foliation; bound in leather with metal edges and corners, metal clasps, title on spine: 'DYNGELEY | 27.' Contains register copies of original wills, copied into volume at time of probate; the will transcribed is on ff 247v–8.