mb [2]d (15 August)
...Item est ibidem quedam consuetudo quod histriones venientes ad Nundinas ad festo assumpcionis beate Marie habebunt vnum taurum de Priore de Tuttebury & ipsum citra aquam de domo propinquiorem Tutteburie capere possint uel Prior dabit eis xl d. pro qua quidem consuetudine dabunt domino | xx s. |
mb [2]d (15 August)
...Likewise there is a custom there that entertainers coming to the fair at the feast of the Assumption of St Mary will have one bull from the prior of Tutbury, and they can keep him near the stream (or pond) of the house closer to Tutbury, or the prior will give them 40d. For which custom they will give the lord | 20s |
Record title: Description of Bull-Running
Shelfmark: SC 11/606
Repository location: Kew
1382; parchment; 2 mbs, sewn at top; mb [1]: 560mm x 200mm, mb [2]r: 610mm x 200mm, mb [2]d is pasted onto backing of mb [2]r and is fragmentary: (a) 45mm x 200mm, then a gap (missing area) of 125mm x 200mm (b) 490mm x 200mm (damaged); unnumbered; written on both sides, on mb [1]d writing begins at head of membrane, on mb [2]d at foot; parchment wrapper.