Agreement re Pasturage for Minstrels' Horses

TNA: DL 42/109

f 53 (14–16 August)


Histriones venientes ad villam de Tutburye in ffesto assumpcionis beate marie virginis ad Taurum fugandum habent ex antiqua consuetudine vsitata pasturam pro equis suis in quodam Prato domine regine vocatis hallywell medowe ab hora duodecima vigilie Assumpcionis predicte vsque in diem post ffestum predictum ad horam predictam videlicet per duos dies et duos noctes pro qua consuetudine rederunt annuatim ad ffestam predictam xx d.


  • Footnotes
    • Histriones: in red ink
  • Record Translation

    f 53 (14–16 August)


    Entertainers coming to the town of Tutbury on the feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary for bull chasing have, from an ancient custom practised, pasturage for their horses in a certain meadow of the lady queen called Hallywell Meadow from the twelfth hour of the eve of the aforesaid assumption until the aforesaid hour on the day after the aforesaid feast, that is to say, for two days and two nights, for which custom they render annually for the aforesaid feast 20d


  • Document Description

    Record title: Agreement re Pasturage for Minstrels' Horses
    Repository: TNA
    Shelfmark: DL 42/109
    Repository location: Kew

    1558–9; Latin and English; vellum; i + 160 + 1; 400mm x 285mm (290mm x 185mm); later foliation 1–151 (ff 152–60 blank, unfoliated); some flourishes of capitals, titles, subtitles, and names heading paragraphs in red ink, slightly raised; bound in brown leather boards with brass clasps, crest on boards tooled in gold, title on spine: 'DUCHY OF LANCASTER | MISCELL. BOOKS | 109.'

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