mb 1 (4 May) (Answer of Godfrey Tixall)
The said defendant saving and reservinge to himselfe all Advantage of
excepcion to the incertaineties & insufficiencies
of the said Bill of Complaint for answere vnto soe much therof as anie waie
Concerneth or toucheth this defendant he sayth that the said Complainante ‸⸢as this defendant
verily thinketh⸣ havinge within the space of three ‸⸢or fowre⸣ yeres now last paste ‸⸢or
thereaboutes⸣ Conceiued A Causeles Malice and hatred againste William Tixall one other of the defendants & this
defendants brother because the said William Tixall did refuse to
lett the Complainante take his said Parke Called Loxley parke a parcell of ground beinge
the inheritance of the said William Tixall hath devisde framde &
Contrived this bill againste this defendant ‸⸢and his
said brother William Tixall⸣ without anie Iust Cause of
purpose to vexe & trouble this defendant and his said brother
William Tixall & put them to needles expence & Chardges. And as
to all & euerie the Ryottes Routes & vnlawfull
assemblies puttinge throwinge downe & defacinge of anie house or
barne, the riotous & vnlawfull Carryinge awaye of oates hey or
Corne, huntinge, Coursinge, killinge or destroyinge of ⸢the
Complainantes⸣ deere, the devisinge, Contryvinge,
framenge and divulginge of false & slanderous lybells & Rymes ‸⸢against the said Complainant⸣ & all other the
misdemeanours & offences in the said Byll of Complainte sett
foorth & alledged and therby layd to this defendantes Chardge, he saith
that he is not guiltie of them nor anie ‸⸢of them⸣ in such
manner & forme as by the said bill of Complaint is vntruly
sett downe & suggested without that that anie other matter or thinge on
the said bill of Complaint Conteyned materiall & effectuall for this
defendant to make ‸⸢any⸣ answere vnto is true to
this defendants knowledge. All & euerie which matters
and thinges this defendant is redie to averr & prove as this
hoorable Courte shall award & humbley prayeth to be dismissed out of
this honorable Court with his reasonable Costes and
Chardges in the behalf wrongfully susteyned
(signed) Parker
Record title: Kynnersley v. Tyxall et al
Shelfmark: STAC 8/192/12
Repository location: Kew
Anthony Kynnersley, farmer, of Loxley, brings a complaint against William Tyxall of Lees Hill.
1616; English; parchment; 2 membranes; 160mm x 260mm and 475mm x 675mm; modern numbering in pencil at bottom right of mbs.