Mayors' Accounts

WLHC: 277/13/8

f [1] (29 September–29 September)


Item paid for our Suppers at Iohn Sharwins vpon St Clementes day xij s. 8 d.


Item geven to a minstrell vpon Saint Clementes daie 4 d.


  • Document Description

    Record title: Mayors' Accounts
    Repository: WLHC
    Shelfmark: 277/13/8
    Repository location: Walsall

    The mayoral term was from Michaelmas (29 September) to Michaelmas with the accounts to be rendered on St Clement's Day (23 November) or occasionally on St Catherine's Day (25 November).

    1594–1642; English; paper; collection of separate papers, each a bifolium (except nos 20 and 25); average leaf size 400mm x 155mm; all sets of documents preserved in separate folders.

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