ff 223–3v (Savoy Palace, 26 January)
Iohan &c A nostre bien ame clerc sire Iohan de Yerdeburgh Clerc de nostre grante Garderobe saluz. Nous voulons et vous mandons que des issues de vostre Receite paiez et deliverez les sommes quensuiont...|...Item a Trumpeter pur vn hakeneye de ly achatez par maistre Adam Pope pur un garson ffauconer le quelle nous ly auons done de nostre doun xxxv s. ij d. ...donne a Sauvoye le xxvj jour de Ianver lan xlix.
ff 223v–4 (Savoy Palace, undated)
Iohan &c a nostre tresame clerc sire Iohan de Yerdeburgh clerc de nostre grant Garderobe saluz. Nous voulons et vous mandons que des issues de vostre Receit paiez et deliverez les somes quensuont ... Item a Henry Piper en plaine paiement de sa bille ensealle de meisme le seal v s. viij d. Item a Hans Piper en plaine paiement de sa bille sealle de meisme le seal v s. viij d. Item a Hankyn Piper en plaine paiement de sa bille sealle de meisme le seal iiij s. viij d. Item a Smelts Piper en plain paiement de sa bille sealle de meisme le seal ij s. x d.... donnee &c al manoir de Sauuoye
Iohan &c a nostre tresame Clerc sire Iohan de yerdeburgh Clerc de vt supra Salutz. Nous veullons & vous mandons que des issues de vostre receite paiez a ...|... Item as diuerses ministralles de nostre trescher cosyn le Count de fflandres de nostre doun le iour de Chaundelure xvj li. xiij s. iiij d.... Item as diuerses heroudes ministralles officers nostre tresredoute seigneur et piere le Roi a Eltham & autres Esquiers et vadlets de diuerses seigneurs et dames apportants a nous novelles douns de nostre doun lxv li.
f 225v (Savoy Palace, 27 February)
Iohan par la grace de dieu &c a nostre tresame clerc sire Iohan de Yerdeburgh clerc de nostre grant Garderobe saluz. Nous vuillons et vous maundons que des issues de vostre Receit paiez et deliverez ... item a Trumpet minustralle en plein paiement de sa bille de ses gages deinz court du temps le dit sire Iohan x s. viij d.... Donne &c a la Sauuoie le xxvlj iour de ffeuerer lan xlix.
ff 223–3v (26 January)
John, etc, to our much loved clerk Sir John de Yarborough, clerk of our Great Wardrobe, greetings. We wish and command you that you pay and deliver from the profits of your receipt the sums that follow...|...Likewise to Trumpeter for a hackney bought from him by Master Adam Pope for a boy falconer to whom we have given of our gift 35s 2d... given at The Savoy, 26 January, in the 49th year.
ff 223v–4 (undated)
John, etc, to our much loved clerk, John de Yarborough, clerk of our Great Wardrobe, greetings. We wish and command you that from the revenues of your receipts you pay the following sums.... Likewise to Henry, piper, in full payment of his bill sealed with the same seal, 5s 8d. Likewise to Hans, piper, in full payment of his bill sealed with the same seal, 5s 8d. Likewise to Hankyn, piper, in full payment of his bill sealed with the same seal, 4s 8d. Likewise to Smelts, piper, in full payment of his bill sealed with the same seal, 2s 10d.... Given, etc, at the manor of The Savoy.
John, etc, to our much loved clerk, Sir John de Yarborough, clerk of as above, greetings. We wish and command that from the revenues of your receipts you pay to ...|... Likewise to the various minstrels of our very dear cousin the count of Flanders of our gift the day of Candlemas, £16 13s 4d.... Likewise to various heralds, minstrels, (and) officers, (of) our very dread lord and father, the king, at Eltham and other squires and valets of various lords and ladies bringing news to us, given of our gift, £65.
f 225v (27 February)
John by the grace of God, etc, to our much loved clerk, Sir John de Yarborough, clerk of our Great Wardrobe, greetings. We wish and command you that you pay and deliver from the revenues of your receipts.... Likewise to Trumpet, minstrel, in full payment of his bill of his wages in the court at the time of the said Sir John, 10s 8d.... Given, etc, at The Savoy, 27 February in the 49th year.
John of Gaunt's family by his second wife, Constance, was resident at Tutbury Castle.
'sire Iohan' may refer to 'sire Iohan de Yerdeburgh,' clerk of the great wardrobe, to whom this payment order is addressed, or to 'sire Iohan de Lyncoln,' formerly treasurer of Gaunt's household, or to 'sire Iohan Cheyne,' the present treasurer. All three are named in the present entry. Identification is not easy since the appelation, 'sir John,' was a familiar form of reference for a cleric (OED, sv 'John, n', †3).
Record title: Letter from John of Gaunt's Register
Shelfmark: DL 42/13
Repository location: Kew
John of Gaunt's two register books contain various orders, including orders for payments, letters, and many other types of official records concerning the running of the vast duchy of Lancaster. Some of the orders are addressed to borough and other local officials within the duchy, and deal with local arrangements. The register books also contain a vast amount of material about the running of Gaunt's various households in England, as far-flung as Bamburgh, Leicester, Kenilworth, Kingston Lacy, Hertford, and the Savoy, as well as others in Europe. Records of his payments for minstrels and other entertainers have been transcribed, wherever activities or payments for them may have occurred, because the administrative centres of the duchy appear to have been Tutbury and Kenilworth. The register books have been published as John of Gaunt's Register, Part I (1371-1375), Sydney Armitage-Smith (ed), Camden Society, 3rd ser, 20–1, 2 vols (London, 1911); John of Gaunt's Register, Part II (1379–83), Eleanor C. Lodge and Robert Somerville (eds), Camden Society, 3rd ser, 56–7, 2 vols (London, 1937).
1372–6; Anglo-Norman and Latin; parchment with paper fly-leaves; ii + 235 + ii; 330mm x 230mm; ink foliation; bound in brown cloth boards with leather corners and spine, title on spine: 'Duchy of Lancaster. Miscell. Books.'