Order from John of Gaunt's Register Book

TNA: DL 42/14

ff 33v–4 (Kenilworth Castle, 2 January)

Iohan &c A nostre trescher et tresame clerc sire William Oke clerc de nostre grande Garderobe..saluz..Nous vous mandons que des issues de vostre Receite facez paier les sommes et deniers souzescritz as personnes souznommes...|...Et a hankyn Piper & sept ses compaignons noz ministralx & quatre ministralx nostre trescher ffrere le Conte de Cantebrug a chescun de eux de nostre doun meisme le iour a Kenilleworth vj s. viij d. quatre livres Et as ditz hanekyn et vnsze ministralx de doun nostre trescher Cousin le Conte de Notyngham a Kenilleworth meisme le iour vynt soldz Et a troys ministralx monsire Baudewyn ffreuille de nostre doun meisme le iour vynt soldz..Et a vn estrange ministrall esteant sanz compaignon de nostre doun meisme le iour a Kenillworth troys soldz & quatre deniers ... dount la somme totaile des parcelles susdites amontt a cynk Centz quatre vyntz & dousze livres unsze soldz & sept deniers; de quele somme nous volons que par cestes vous euiez due allouance en vostre prochein aconte. Donne etc. a nostre Chastel de Kenilleworth le second iour de Ianuer lan &c tierz


f 19v (Kenilworth Castle, 3 January)


Johan &c A nostre trescher & bien ame Esquier Robert de morton nostre Receuour de Pontefrect & aillours saluz Nous vous mandons que des issues de vostre receite facez paier a noz bienamez valletz Iohn Tyes & Piers Cook noz Trumpours leurs annueltees queux leurs sont aderer del fest de seint Michel darren passez Noz autres lettres au contraire avons eux ces heures enuoiees nientcontresfecantes Receuant deuers vous lettres daquitance seuerales desouz leurs sealx suffisantes en celle partie Et cestes noz lettres vous en ferront garrant donne souz &c a nostre Chastel de kenillworth le tierz iour de Ianuier lan du regne nostre tresredoute sieur le Roy Richard second tierz.


f 29 (Kenilworth Castle, 3 January)


Iohan &c A nostre tresame clerc sire William de Bughbrigge nostre Receuour general saluz. Come nostre cher & bien ame Iohan de Bukyngcham Clarioner soit retenuz & demurez deuers nous pur nous seruir sibien en temps de pees come guerre a terme de sa vie et prendra le dit Iohan en temps de pees Cent soldz par an par le mains de nostre Receiuour general qi pur le temps serra as terms de Pasquez & de seint Michel par oueles porcions sicome es endentures parentre nous & lui oit faites est pleinement contenuz. Vous mandons que les auantditz Cent soldz annuels facez paier au dit Iohan de terme en terme & dan en an selonc leffect & purport des noz endentures desusdites Receiuant deuers nous lettres dacquitances desouz le seal du dit Iohan tesmoignant les paiementz queux vous lui ensi ferrez. par queles lettres & par cestes nous volons que vous euiez due allouance en vostre credite donne &c a kenilleworth le tierz iour de Ianuer lan &c tierz.

f 42 (Kenilworth Castle, 24 June)


Iohan &c A nostre tresame clerc sire William Oke clerc de nostre grande Garderobe saluz. Nous vous mandons que des issues de vostre Receite facez paier as persones souznommees les somes & deniers souzescrites.. Cestassauoir... Et as ministralx monsire Robert Beaumaner de Bretaigne fesantz leur ministralcies devant nous a Sauuioye le xx iour de ffeuer darrein de nostre doun meisme le iour trente & trois & quatre deniers.... Et a henri Goldesmyth pur un anel dor ouesque vn Rubie de lui achate & par nous donez a nostre treschere fille Elizabeth le iour de son mariage a Kenilleworth tresze liures tresz soldz & quatre deniers Et pur loffrende nostre dit treschere fille meisme le iour de son mariage &c de nostre doun sys soldz et oyt deniers Et as diuerses heraudes esteantz deuant nous a kenilleworth meisme le iour de son mariage &c de nostre doun dys liures. Et as diuerses ministrals fesantz leur ministralcies le dit iour de nostre doun tresze liures sys soldz & oyt deniers....

f 42v (Hertford Castle)

...don &c a nostre Chastel de herteford le xxiiij iour de Iuyn lan &c quart/


  • Marginalia
  • Footnotes
    • oit: for deletion(?)
    • nous: for vous(?)
    • likely in error for trente & trois soldz & quatre deniers; ie, 33s 4d
  • Record Translation

    ff 33v–4 (2 January)

    John, etc, to our very dear and very loved clerk, Sir William Oke, clerk of our Great Wardrobe, greetings. We command you that you from the revenues of your receipt you cause to be paid the sums and monies written below to the persons named below ...|... And to Hankyn, piper, and his seven companions, our minstrels, and four minstrels (of) our very dear brother, the earl of Cambridge, to each of them of our gift, the same day at Kenilworth, 6s 8d, £4. And to the said Hanekyn and eleven minstrels of the gift (of) our very dear cousin the earl of Nottingham at Kenilworth the same day, 20s. And to three minstrels (of) my lord Baldwin Freville of our gift the same day, 20s. And to a foreign minstrel being without a companion of our gift the same day at Kenilworth, 3s 4d ... of which the sum total of the parcels aforesaid amount to £592 11s 7d, of which sum we wish that for these you make due allowance in your next account. Given, etc, at our castle of Kenilworth, 2 January, the third year, etc. ...

    f 19v (3 January)


    John, etc, to our very dear and much loved squire, Robert de Morton, our receiver of Pontefract and elsewhere, greetings. We command you that you from the revenues of your receipts you cause to be paid to our much loved valets, John Tyas and Piers Cook, our trumpeters, their annuities which are owed to them from the feast of St Michael last past – our other letters to the contrary which we have had sent recently notwithstanding – receiving from you letters of acquittances under their sufficient seals in that part. And this our letter will bring you warrant of it. Given under, etc, at our castle of Kenilworth, 3 January, the third year of the reign of our very dread lord, the king, Richard II.


    f 29 (3 January)


    John, etc, to our very loved clerk, Sir William de Bughbrigge, our receiver general there, greetings. As our dear and much loved John de Buckingham, clarioner, is retained, and kept by us to serve us both in times of peace as of war for the term of his life, and the said John will take in times of peace 100s per year by the hands of our receiver general for the time being at the terms of Easter and St Michael by equal portions just as it is fully stipulated in the indentures made between us and him, we command you that you cause the aforesaid annual 100s to be paid to the said John from term to term and from year to year according to the effect and purport of our indentures aforesaid receiving from you letters of acquittances under the seal of the said John witnessing the payments that you thus will make to him, by which letters and this (letter) we wish that you have due allowance in your credit. Given, etc, at Kenilworth, 3 January, the third year, etc.

    f 42 (24 June)


    John, etc, to our very loved clerk Sir William Oke, clerk of our Great Wardrobe, greetings. We command you that from the revenues of your receipts you cause to be paid to the persons named below the sums and monies written below. That is to say ... and to the minstrels (of) my lord Robert Beaumaner of Brittany making their minstrelsy before us at The Savoy, 20 February last, of our gift that day 33 1/4d.... And to Henry Goldsmith for a gold ring with a ruby bought from him and by us given to our very dear daughter Elizabeth the day of her marriage at Kenilworth, £3 3s 4d. And for the offering (of or for) our said very dear daughter the same day of her marriage, etc, of our gift 6s 8d. And to the various heralds being in our presence at Kenilworth the same day of her marriage, etc, of our gift, £10. And to the various minstrels making their minstrelsies the said day, of our gift £3 6s 8d....

    f 42v

    ...given, etc, at our castle of Hereford, 24 June, the fourth year, etc.


  • Glossed Terms
    • aderer pfp owed [AND aderere]
    • nientcontresfecantes, nient contreefieantes postpositive prep notwithstanding
  • Endnote

    John of Gaunt's family by his second wife, Constance, was resident at Tutbury Castle.

    The entry on f 42 may be misdated due to the scribe's incorrect ascription of the regnal year, 4 Richard II (22 June 1380–21 June 1381). The date of the entry, 24 June, is very close to the change of regnal year, and the scribe may have incorrectly entered the year as 'quart' rather than 'cinq' since this was the first entry in the new regnal year, and follows numerous entries on the same page from February 1381 (4 Richard II).

  • Event Entity Pages
  • Document Description

    Record title: Order from John of Gaunt's Register Book
    Repository: TNA
    Shelfmark: DL 42/14
    Repository location: Kew

    John of Gaunt's two register books contain various orders, including orders for payments, letters, and many other types of official records concerning the running of the vast duchy of Lancaster. Some of the orders are addressed to borough and other local officials within the duchy, and deal with local arrangements. Two such excerpts deal with Newcastle under Lyme and Tutbury, and hence the register books are fully described above, under those boroughs. The register books also contain a vast amount of material about the running of Gaunt's various households in England, as far-flung as Bamburgh, Leicester, Kenilworth, Kingston Lacy, Hertford, and the Savoy, as well as others in Europe. Records of his payments for minstrels and other entertainers have been transcribed, wherever activities or payments for them may have occurred, because the administrative centres of the duchy appear to have been Tutbury and Kenilworth. The register books have been published as John of Gaunt's Register, Part I (1371-1375), Sydney Armitage-Smith (ed), Camden Society, 3rd ser, 20–1, 2 vols (London, 1911); John of Gaunt's Register, Part II (1379–83), Eleanor C. Lodge and Robert Somerville (eds), Camden Society, 3rd ser, 56–7, 2 vols (London, 1937).

    1379–83; French; parchment; ii + 153 + ii (fly leaves part of binding); 350mm x 230mm; modern (inaccurate) and antiquarian (accurate) foliation; contemporary repair on f 113; bound in 19th-c. brown cloth with leather spine and corners, title on spine: 'Duchy of Lancaster Miscell Books.'

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