Order from John of Gaunt's Register Book

TNA: DL 42/14

f 60v (Westminster, 6 March)

Iohan &c A nostre tresame clerc sire William Oke Clerc de nostre grande Garderobe saluz... Et a William de Lincoln sadeler de londres pur vne seel de veluet enbroudez de lyons par nous donez a nostre fille de Pembrok encontre le mariage la Roigne vynt marcs Et a monsire Robert lande pur vn eawere oue vn petite triper supportant leawer dargent et surorez par nous donez au Roigne le iour de son mariage ouesque vn autre grant triper achate de monsire Iohan Philippot dys livres & as diuerses heraudes esteantz a Westemonstre le iour del mariage susdit de nostre doun vynt liures Et as diuerses ministralles esteantes illeoqes meisme le iour de nostre doun vynt marcs Et as diuerses heraudes esteantz a smethefeld le iour des ioustes illeoqes de nostre doun vynt marcs. Et as diuerses ministralx esteantz en Smethefeld meisme le iour de nostre doun dys liures ... Et a vn ministrall le Roy descoce fesant son ministralcie en nostre presence a londres de nostre doun le vij iour de ffeuerer quarante soldz ... Et as diuerses ministraller le Roy de Rome esteantz oue nous a londres le mois de ffeuerer de nostre doun vynt liures Et a troys ministralles le Roy descoce esteantz oue nous meisme le temps de nostre doun sessante soldz ... donne a Westmonster le vj iour de marcz lan &c quart.


f 68v (Hatfield House, 14 December)


Iohan &c A nostre trescher & bien ame Clerc sire William de Chesulden nostre Recevour de leycestre & ailliours saluz. Come par noz lettres patentes eions grantez a nostre bien ame ministrall Hankyn ffryssh cynk marcs par an aprendre annuelment des issues de nostre seniourie de leycester par les mains de nostre Receuiour illeoqes qi pur le temps serra as termes de Pasques et de seint michel par oueles porcions pur le temps qil serra demorant ouesque nous come nostre ministral sicome par noz dites lettres pleinement appiert Vous mandons que des issues de vostre Receite facez paier au dit Hanekyn les auantdites cynk marcs annueles de terme en terme & dan en an selonc leffect & purport de noz lettres patentes desusdites Receiuant deuers vous lettres dacquitances desouz le seal du dit Hankyn tesmoignances les paiementz queux vous lui ensi ferrez par queles lettres & par cestes nous volons que vous euiez due allouance en voz acontes donne &c a hattefeld le viij iour de decembre lan &c sisme


f 97v (Hatfield House, 14 December) (Warrant for payment)


Iohan &c A touz oeux &c. Sachez nous de nostre grace especiale & pur le bone & greable seruice quel nostre cher et bien ame Ministral Hankyn ffrysh nous ad fait & ferra en temps auenir lui auoir grantez cynk marcz par an apprendre annuelment des issues nostre seignorie de leycestere par les mains de nostre Receiuour illeoqes qore est ou qi pur le temps serra as termes de Pasquez & de seint michel par oueles porcions pur tout le temps qil serra demurant ouesque nous come nostre ministral. En tesmoignance &c. Donne &c a hattefeld le xiiij iour de decembre lan &cetera sisme


  • Marginalia
    • touchant la grande
      Gardrobe Oke

      [Footnote: touchant...Gardrobe: braced, pointing to Oke]

    • Pur Hanekyn ffryssh piper
    • Regarding the Great Wardrobe
    • For Hanekyn Fryssh, piper
  • Footnotes
    • triper: for trivet (?)
    • triper: for trivet (?)
    • touchant...Gardrobe: braced, pointing to Oke
  • Record Translation

    f 60v (6 March)

    John, etc, to our very loved clerk, Sir William Oke, clerk of our Great Wardrobe.... And to William de Lincoln, saddler of London, for a saddle of velvet embroidered with lions given by us to our daughter of Pembroke against the marriage (of) the queen, 20 marks. And to my lord Robert Lande for a ewer with a small trivet supporting the silver and gilded ewer given by us to the queen on the day of her marriage with another large trivet bought from my lord John Philippot, £10 and to various heralds being at Westminster the day of the abovesaid marriage of our gift £20, and to various minstrels being there Oke on the same day, of our gift 20 marks, and to various heralds being at Smithfield on the day of the jousts there of our gift 20 marks, and to various minstrels being in Smithfield the same day, of our gift £10 ... and to a minstrel of the king of Scotland making his minstrelsy in our presence at London of our gift, 7 February, 40s ... and to various minstrels of the king of Rome being with us at London the month of February, of our gift £420. And to three minstrels (of) the king of Scotland being with us at the same time of our gift, 60s ... given at Westminster, 6 March, the fourth year, etc.


    f 68v (14 December)


    John, etc, to our very dear and much loved clerk, Sir William de Chesulden, our receiver of Leicester and elsewhere, greetings. Since by our letters patent we have granted to our much loved minstrel, Hankyn Fryssh, 5 marks per year to take from the revenues of our seignory of Leicester by the hands of our receiver there for the time being, at the terms of Easter and of St Michael, by equal portions, for the times that he is abiding with us as our minstrel as appears fully in our said letters,, we command you that from the revenues of our receipts you cause to be paid to the said Hanekyn the abovesaid 5 marks annually from term to term and from year to year in accordance with the effect and purport of our abovesaid letters patent receiving from you letters of acquittance, under the seal of the said Hankyn, witnessing the payments which you will thus make to him. By which letters and by this (letter) we wish that you have due allowance in your accounts. Given, etc, at Hatfield, 8 December, in the sixth year, etc.

    f 97v (14 December) (Warrant for payment)


    John, etc, to all those, etc. Know that we of our special grace, and for the good and pleasing service which our dear and much loved minstrel, Hankyn Frysh, has done for us and will do in times to come, have granted to him 5 marks per year to take annually from the revenues of our seignory of Leicester by the hands of our receiver there, who now is or who for the time will be, at the terms of Easter and of St Michael by equal portions for all the time that he will be abiding with us as our minstrel. In witness, etc. Given, etc, at Hatfield, 14 December, the sixth year, etc.


  • Glossed Terms
    • surorez pfp gilded [AND surorrer]
  • Endnote
  • Event Entity Pages
  • Document Description

    Record title: Order from John of Gaunt's Register Book
    Repository: TNA
    Shelfmark: DL 42/14
    Repository location: Kew

    John of Gaunt's two register books contain various orders, including orders for payments, letters, and many other types of official records concerning the running of the vast duchy of Lancaster. Some of the orders are addressed to borough and other local officials within the duchy, and deal with local arrangements. Two such excerpts deal with Newcastle under Lyme and Tutbury, and hence the register books are fully described above, under those boroughs. The register books also contain a vast amount of material about the running of Gaunt's various households in England, as far-flung as Bamburgh, Leicester, Kenilworth, Kingston Lacy, Hertford, and the Savoy, as well as others in Europe. Records of his payments for minstrels and other entertainers have been transcribed, wherever activities or payments for them may have occurred, because the administrative centres of the duchy appear to have been Tutbury and Kenilworth. The register books have been published as John of Gaunt's Register, Part I (1371-1375), Sydney Armitage-Smith (ed), Camden Society, 3rd ser, 20–1, 2 vols (London, 1911); John of Gaunt's Register, Part II (1379–83), Eleanor C. Lodge and Robert Somerville (eds), Camden Society, 3rd ser, 56–7, 2 vols (London, 1937).

    1379–83; French; parchment; ii + 153 + ii (fly leaves part of binding); 350mm x 230mm; modern (inaccurate) and antiquarian (accurate) foliation; contemporary repair on f 113; bound in 19th-c. brown cloth with leather spine and corners, title on spine: 'Duchy of Lancaster Miscell Books.'

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