f 422v (6 August)
Hinslowe | It is Ordered that Phillip Hinslowe gentleman shall before Michelmas next well and sufficiently pyle and boorde three poles more or lesse of the bancke against his playhouse in Maydlane vpon paine to forfeict for every pole then vndone | xx s. |
Hinslowe | It is Ordered that Phillipp Hinslowe gentleman shall before Michelmas next pullvpp & take cleane awaye out of the sewar his two postes which stande in the sewar vnder his Bridge against the said playe house vpon paine to forfeict | xl s./ |
f 426v (4 October)
Hinslowe/ | It is Ordered that Phillip Hinslow gentleman shall before St Andrewes day next well and sufficiently pile and boorde iij poles more or lesse of the banck against his playhouse in Maidelane vpon paine to forfeict for euery pole then vndone | xl s. |
Hinslowe/ | It is Ordered that Phillip Hinslowe shall before St Andrewes day next pull vp & take cleane away his ij postes which stand in the sewar vnder his bridge against the said playhouse vpon paine to forfeict | iiij li. |
[Footnote: sistebat et exoneratur: 'he appeared (before the judge) and is exonerated']
[Footnote: sistebat et exoneratur: 'he appeared (before the judge) and is exonerated']
f 422v (6 August)
Hinslowe | It is ordered that Philip Hinslowe, gentleman, shall before Michaelmas next well and sufficiently pile and board three poles, more or less, of the bank against his playhouse in Maiden Lane, upon pain to forfeit for every pole then undone | 20s |
Hinslowe | It is ordered that Philip Hinslowe, gentleman, shall before Michaelmas next pull up and take clean away out of the sewer his two posts which stand in the sewer under his bridge against the said playhouse, upon pain to forfeit | 40s |
f 426v (4 October)
Henslowe/ | It is ordered that Philip Henslowe, gentleman, shall before St Andrew’s day next well and sufficiently pile and board three poles, more or less, of the bank against his playhouse in Maiden Lane, upon pain to forfeit for every pole then undone | 40s |
Henslowe/ | It is ordered that Philip Henslowe shall before St Andrew’s day next pull up and take clean away his two posts which stand in the sewer under his bridge against the said playhouse, upon pain to forfeit | 4l |
By 29 September 1605 Henslowe's lease of the Little Rose estate had expired. For obvious reasons he was unwilling to pay for further maintenance costs and the next entry in the Sewer Commissioners' Minutes names Box, probably one of the feoffees of the Thomasyn Symonds Charity, St Mildred Bread Street, as the person responsible for related property costs.
Record title: Surrey and Kent Commissioners for Sewers' Court
Shelfmark: SKCS/018
Repository location: London
Most of the pre-1642 records of the Surrey and Kent Commissioners for
Sewers are now deposited at the London Metropolitan Archives.
The LMA collections catalogue succinctly describes this source as
follows: 'Early Commissioners of Sewers were solely concerned with land
drainage and the prevention of flooding, not with the removal of sewage
in the modern sense. In 1531 an Act of Sewers was passed which set out
in great detail the duties and powers of Commissioners and governed
their work until the 19th century. Gradually a permanent pattern emerged
in the London area of seven commissions, five north and two south of the
Thames, with, after the Great Fire, a separate commission for the City
of London.... Letters Patent for the Surrey and Kent
Commissioners of Sewers were issued in 1554. Its minutes begin in 1570
and it was the earliest of the London Commissions to be established on
an organised basis. The area of its jurisdiction ran from East Molesey
in Surrey to the River Ravensbourne, and included Lambeth, Southwark,
Bermondsey, Newington, Deptford, Rotherhithe, Clapham, Battersea,
Camberwell, Vauxhall, Wandsworth, Putney, Barnes, Kew, Lewisham,
Walworth, Kennington, Nine Elms, Peckham and New Cross. The area of
jurisdiction remained the same throughout the three centuries during
which it functioned.' See further Ida Darlington, 'The London
Commissioners of Sewers and their Records,' in Prisca Munimenta:
Studies in Archival & Administrative History presented to Dr
A.E.J. Hollaender, Felicity Ranger (ed) (London, 1973), 282–98.
John Norden's 1593 map
shows the lines of the Bankside sewers (or drainage ditches). There were
three running along the Little Rose property: two to the south
along Maiden Lane and
one on the west side adjacent to the Bear Garden property.
3 January 1568/9–25 April 1606; English with some Latin; paper; i + 520 + i; 410mm x 280mm (text size variable); index foliated in pencil 1–24 relating to ff 1–210 of the text, ink foliation follows, 1–444, pencil foliation 445–70 (all blank), a second index numbered in pencil 1–21, 21b, 22, 22b, 23, 23b follows the text for ff 211–444; restored, conserved and rebound in beige vellum with corded bands on spine with leather ties. Now stored in a box; within the box also are the previous red leather boards and spine with 'SEWERS | SURREY & KENT | MINUTES | 1 | 1557–1606.'