Privy Council Letter to the Master of the Rolls et al

TNA: PC 2/19

pp 414–15 (23 June) (Greenwich)


A lettre to the master of the Rolles Sir Owen Hopton knight Iohn Barnes and Richard yonge Esquiors whereas her maiestie is informed that certaine Apprentyces and other idle people theire adherentes that were authors and partakers of the late mutynous and foule disorder in Southwarke in moste outrageous and tumultuous sorte haue a further purpose and meaninge on Midsommer eueninge or Midsommer nighte or about that tyme to renewe theire leud assemblye togeather by Cullour of the tyme for some bad and mischeiuous intencion to the disturbance and breache of her maiestes peace and Comyttinge some outrageus. To preuente in tyme theis wicked and mischeuious purposes wee haue giuen straighte order to the maior of London for the Cittye and the liberties therevnto belonginge and to all other places nerre to the same to haue regarde herevnto; And so likewyse wee are in her maiestes name straightlie to Chardge and Comaunde yow presentlye vpon sighte hereof to sende for the Constables & some of the Cheifest and descreetest inhabitantes in Holborne Clerkenwell St Giles in the feildes &c and others places nere thereaboutes, and to chardge and Comaunde them to take ordr | order that there maye be a stronge and substancyall watche kept bothe on Midsommer Eueninge Midsommer night and Sondaye at nighte of housholders and Masters of families to Contynue from the beginninge of the Eueninge vntill the morninge, and that all masters of servauntes and of Apprentyses be straightlie Chardged as they will answere to the Contrarye at theire perilles to keepe theire seruantes in theire houses for those two nightes, so as they maie be within the dores before the Eueninge and not suffered to Come forthe nor to haue anye weapons yf they shoulde be so lewdlie disposed to execute anye euill purpose And yf notwithstandinge this straighte chardge and Comaundment any seruantes apprentyces or other suspected persons shalbe founde in the streetes, to see them presentlie Comytted to prison. Especiallie yow shall take order that theis watches of housholders, may be of that strengthe with theire weapons as they maie be hable yf there be anie vprore Tumult or vnlawfull assemblye to suppresse the same. Moreouer for avoydinge of theis vnlawfull assemblies in those quarters yt is thoughte meete yow shall take order that there be noe playes vsed in anye place nerre thereaboutes as the Theator, Curtayne or other vsuall places there where the same are Comonly vsed nor no other sorte of vnlawfull or forbidden Pastymes that drawe togeather the baser sorte of people from hence forth vntill the feast of St michaell. Herein wee are to require yow yourselues to Call to yow the head Constables and other officers and suche principall men as dwell in those quarters, and to take some extraordynarye paines to see theis orders straightlie obserued, and all other thinges effectually performed that maye tende and be necessarye, for the preseruacion of the Peace auoydinge of Tumult and suppressinge of suche disordr as maie happen or be any waie intended and to ioyne and assyste suche officers of the Cittye as shall keepe Watche nerre vnto yow.

Sixe other letters of the like Tenour to the persons and places followinge./


Mr Gardiner
Mr Bowier
Mr Parker
for ye precincts of Newington
Kentish streete
Clinck, Paris garden & the banckside.
Lieutenant of ye Tower.
Master of St Katins
for ye precincts of St Catherins
Lord Wentworthe for yeis precincts Ratcliffe
Lord Cobham for ye Blackfriers.
Sir Thomas Sherley for the Whitefriers.
Bailiue of Westminster Westminster
St Martins
ye Stronde
  • Footnotes
    • A: in display script
    • the: th written over S
    • to take ordr: written on a separate line in the bottom right corner of the page with ordr, for order, functioning as catchword; abbreviation mark missing
  • Modernized Text

    pp 414–15 (23 June) (Greenwich)


    A letter to the master of the Rolls, Sir Owen Hopton, knight, John Barnes, and Richard Yonge, esquires. Whereas her majesty is informed that certain young apprentices and other idle people, their adherents that were authors and partakers of the late mutinous and foul disorder in Southwark, in most outrageous and tumultous sort have a further purpose and meaning in Midsummer evening or Midsummer night or about that time, to renew their lewd assembly together by colour of the time for some bad and mischievous intention, to the disturbance and breach of her majesty’s peace, and committing some outrages, to prevent in time these wicked and mischievous purposes, we have given straight order to the mayor of London for the city and the liberties therein belonging and to all other places near to the same to have regard hereunto. And so likewise we are in her majesty’s name straightly to charge and command you presently upon sight hereof to send for the constables and some of the chiefest and discreetest inhabitants in Holborn, Clerkenwell, St Giles-in-the-Fields, etc, and other places near thereabouts, and to charge and command them to take order that there may be a strong and substantial watch kept both on Midsummer evening, Midsummer night, and Sunday at night, of householders and masters of families, to continue from the beginning of the evening until the morning, and that all masters of servants and of apprentices be straightly charged, as they will answer to the contrary at their perils to keep their servants in their houses for those two nights, so as they may be within the doors before the evenings and not suffered to come forth, nor to have any weapons if they should be so lewdly disposed to execute any evil purpose, and if notwithstanding this straight charge and commandment any servants, apprentices, or other suspected persons shall be found in the streets, to see them presently committed to prison. Especially you shall take order that these watches of householders may be of that strength with their weapons as they may be able if there be any uproar, tumult, or unlawful assemblies in those quarters, it is thought meet you shall take order that there be no plays used in any place near thereabouts, as the Theatre, Curtain, or other usual places there where the same are commonly used, nor no other sort of unlawful or forbidden pastimes that draw together the baser sort of people, from henceforth until the feast of St Michael. Herein we are to require you yourselves to call to you the head constables and other officers and such principal men as dwell in those quarters, and to take some extraordinary pains to see these orders straightly observed and all other things effectually performed that may tend and be necessary for the preservation of the peace, avoiding of tumult, and suppressing of such disorder as may happen or be any way intended, and to join and assist such officers of the city as shall keep watch near unto you.

    Six other letters of the like tenor to the persons and places following./


    Mr Gardiner
    Mr Bowyer
    Mr Parker
    for the precincts of Newington
    Kentish Street
    Bermondsey Street
    Clink, Paris Garden and the Bankside
    Lieutenant of the Tower
    Master of St Katherine’s
    for the precincts of St Catherine’s
    East Smithfield
    Lord Wentworth for these precincts Ratcliffe
    Lord Cobham for the Blackfriars
    Sir Thomas Shirley for the Whitefriars
    Bailiff of Westminster Westminster
    St Martin’s
    the Strand

  • Glossed Terms
    • hable adj able
  • Endnote

    Official anxiety about the potential for further unrest and disorder at midsummer triggered by London apprentices was clearly in response to the recent riotous events in Southwark when Feltmakers' apprentices clashed with the knight marshal's men; see Letter from the Lord Mayor to Lord Burghley, 1592. The letters directed to those responsible for the precincts in Newington and Southwark have not survived.

    The items in each cell of the left column are encompassed by a brace pointing to the corresponding cell in the middle column, or the far right column in the case of the last row; likewise the items in each cell of the far right column are encompassed by a brace pointing to the corresponding cell in the middle column, or left column in the case of the last row.

    The privy councillors listed as present at the meeting (p 414) were Sir William Cecil (c 1520–98), lord treasurer, 1572–98; Charles Howard (c 1536–1624), lord admiral, 1585–1618/19; Henry Carey (1526–96), lord chamberlain of the Household, 1585–96; Sir Thomas Heneage (1532–95), vice-chamberlain of the Household, 1587–95; Sir Robert Cecil (1563–1612); and Mr John Wolley (d. 1596)

    For an abstract of the document and details of its transcription history,
 see the related EMLoT event record.

  • Event Entity Pages
  • Document Description

    Record title: Privy Council Letter to the Master of the Rolls et al
    Repository: TNA
    Shelfmark: PC 2/19
    Repository location: Kew

    For an abstract of the document and details of its transcription history, see the related EMLoT event record.

    1 October 1591–21 August 1592; English; paper; ii + 340 + ii; 345mm x 245mm; ink pagination 1–557, [558] unpaginated, followed by unpaginated index in different hand and paper (30 leaves, probably contemporary) and another unpaginated index in later hand and paper (30 leaves); bound in worn maroon leather over boards, tooled, gold-stamped title on spine: 'ELIZABETH. | VOL. X. | COUNCIL | REGISTER. | 1. OCT. 1591. | TO | 1. AUG. 1592.'

  • Manuscript Images

    The National Archives (UK), ref. PC 2/19

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