Privy Council Letter to the JPs of Surrey

TNA: PC 2/14

p 477 (29 October) (Richmond)


A lettre to the Iustices of Surry: that whereas thinhabitaunts of Southwa<..> had complained vnto their Lordshipes declaring that thorder by their Lordshipes sett downe for the restrayning of plaies and enterludes within that Countie on the Saboath daies is not obserued, and especiallie within the libertie of the Clincke and in the parish of St Sauours in Southwarke: which disordir is to be ascribed to the negligence of some of the Iustices of peace in yat countie: They are required to take such stricte order for the staying of the said disorder, as is allreadie taken by the Lord Maior within the liberties of the cittie, so as the same be not hereafter suffred at the times forbidden in any place of that Countie/

  • Modernized Text

    p 477 (29 October) (Richmond)


    A letter to the justices of Surrey that, whereas the inhabitants of Southwark had complained unto their lordships, declaring that the order by their lordships set down for the restraining of plays and interludes within that county on the sabbath days is not observed, and especially within the liberty of the Clink and in the parish of St Saviour in Southwark, which disorder is to be ascribed to the negligence of some of the justices of peace in that county; they are required to take such strict order for the staying of the said disorder, as is already taken by the lord mayor within the liberties of the city, so as the same be not hereafter suffered at the times forbidden in any place of that county.

  • Endnote

    The reference to 'thorder by their Lordshipes sett downe for the restrayning of plaies and enterludes within that Countie on the Saboath daies' undoubtedly refers to the Privy Council Letter restraining Plays, 1587. The Rose was probably completed and operating by October at the latest this year. As the first playhouse erected on Bankside in the liberty of the Clink, it must have attracted the complaints of some inhabitants in the neighbourhood.

    The privy councillors listed as present at the meeting (p 474) were John Whitgift (c 1530–1604), archbishop of Canterbury, 1583–1603/4; Sir William Cecil (c 1520–98), lord treasurer, 1572–98; Henry Stanley, (1531–93), thirteenth earl of Derby; Charles Howard (c 1536–1624), lord admiral, 1585–1618/19; Henry Carey (1526–96), lord chamberlain of the household, 1585–96; Sir Francis Knollys (1511/12–96), treasurer of the Household, 1570–96; and Mr John Wolley (d. 1596).

    For an abstract of the document and details of its transcription history,
 see the related EMLoT event record.

  • Event Entity Pages
  • Document Description

    Record title: Privy Council Letter to the JPs of Surrey
    Repository: TNA
    Shelfmark: PC 2/14
    Repository location: Kew

    For an abstract of the document and details of its transcription history, see the related EMLoT event record.

    19 February 1585/6–1 November 1587; English; paper; ii + 292 + ii; 350mm x 220mm; ink pagination 1–586 (pp 2, 585 unnumbered); some repairs but minimal loss of text; bound in worn brown leather over boards, tooled, title on spine in gilt: 'ELIZABETH. | VOL. VI. | COUNCIL | REGISTER. | 19. FEB. 1586. | TO | 1. NOV. 1587.'

  • Manuscript Images

    The National Archives (UK), ref. PC 2/14

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