pp 211–12 (28 January) (Hampton Court)
A lettre to the lord Maiour and Aldermen of the Cittie of london forasmuch as by the Certificate of the last weeke, yt appearethe the infection dothe increase, which by the favour of God, and with your dilligent obseruance of her Maiestes Comandementes and the meanes and orders prescribed to be put in execution within the Cittie of london maie speedelie cease yeat for the better furderance therof we think yt fitt that all manner of concourse and publique meetinges of the people at playes, beare baitinges, bowlinges, and other like assemblyes for sportes be forbidden, and therefore doe hereby requier you and in her Maiestes name straightlie charge and commande you forthwith to inhibite within your Iurisdiction all plaies baiting of beares, bulls, Bowling and any other like occasions to assemble any nombers of people together (preacheing and devyne seruice at Churches excepted) wherby no occasions be offred to increase the infection within the Cittie, which you shall doe bothe by | proclamacion to be published to that ende and by spetiall watche and obseruacion to be had at the places where the Plaies bearebaitinges bowlinges and like pastimes are vsually frequented and if you shall vpon this publicaon finde any so vnduitifull and disobedient as they will, notwithstanding this prohibition offer to plaie, beate beares or bulles bowle &c. you shall presentelie cause them to be apprehended and comitted to prison there to remaine vntill by their order they shalbe dismissed And to the end the like assemblies within the out liberties adioyning to the Cittie we haue giuen direction to the Iustices of the peace, and other publique officers of the Counties of Middlesex and Surrey to hold the like course not onlie within the said liberties but also within the distance of seven myles about the Cittie which we doubte not they will carefullie see to be executed as you for your parte within the Cittie will doe the like, in regarde of her Maiestes comandement the benefitt of the Cittie; and for the respectes alreadie signified vnto you.
Two other lettres of the like tenour written to the Iustices of the peace within the Counties of Surrey and Middelsex for the prohibition of like assemblies in the out liberties and within seven miles of the Cittie of either Countie.
pp 211–12 (28 January) (Hampton Court)
A letter to the lord mayor and aldermen of the city of London. Forasmuch as by the certificate of the last week it appears the infection does increase, which by the favour of God, and with your diligent observance of her majesty’s commandments to the means and orders prescribed to be put in execution within the city of London, may speedily cease. Yet for the better furtherance thereof we think it fit that all manner of concourse and public meetings of the people at plays, bearbaitings, bowlings, and other like assemblies for sports be forbidden, and therefore do hereby require you in her majesty’s name, straightly charge and command you forthwith to inhibit within your jurisdiction all plays, baiting of bears, bulls, bowling, and other like occasions to assemble numbers of people together (preaching and divine service at churches excepted), whereby no occasions be offered to increase the infection within the city, which you shall do both by proclamation to be published to that end and by special watch and observation to be had at the places where the plays, bearbaitings, bowlings and like pastimes are usually frequented, and if you shall upon this publication find any so undutiful and disobedient as they will notwithstanding this prohibition offer to play, bait bears or bulls, bowl, etc, you shall presently cause them to be apprehended and committed to prison, there to remain until by order they shall be dismissed. And to the end the like assemblies within the out liberties adjoining to the city, we have given direction to the justices of the peace and other public officers of the counties of Middlesex and Surrey, to hold the like course not only within the said liberties, but also within the distance of seven miles about the city, which we doubt not they will carefully see to be executed as you for your part within the city will do the like, in regard of her majesty's commandment, the benefit of the city, and for the respects already signified unto you.
Two other letters of the like tenor written to the justices of the peace within the counties of Surrey and Middlesex for the prohibition of like assemblies in the out liberties and within seven miles of the city of either county.
The privy councillors listed as present at the meeting (p 209) were John Whitgift (c 1530-1604), archbishop of Canterbury, 1583–1603/4; Sir John Puckering (c 1543–96), lord keeper of the Great Seal, 1592–6; Charles Howard (c 1536–1624), lord admiral, 1585–1618/19; Henry Carey (1526–96), lord chamberlain of the Household, 1585–96; Thomas Sackville (c 1536–1608), first Baron Buckhurst; Sir Thomas Heneage (1532–95), vice-chamberlain of the Household, 1587–95; Sir Robert Cecil (1532–95); Sir John Wolley (d. 1596); and Sir John Fortescue (1533–1607).
For an abstract of the document and details of its transcription history, see the related EMLoT event record.
Record title: Order regarding Plague
Shelfmark: PC 2/20
Repository location: Kew
The plague order on pages 211–12 led to closure of the Rose for most of the
year by 2 February. A further order from the privy council was passed on
1 July 1593, to direct the lord mayor of London and the sheriffs of
Middlesex, Essex, Hertfordshire, and Surrey to restrain people from
attending the annual fairs at St Bartholomew's, Smithfield, and at
Southwark because of the increase of plague. Both fairs were to be
cancelled (TNA: PC 2/20, pp 450–1). The copy of this order directed to
the JPs of Surrey
mentioned here has not survived.
For an abstract of the
document and details of its transcription history, see the related EMLoT
event record.
22 August 1592–26 August 1593; English; paper; ii + 314 + ii; 355mm x 225mm; ink pagination 1–564 (some numbers obscured by repairs), 2 unnumbered blank leaves, followed by 30 unnumbered 19th-c. leaves (index in a different hand); good condition, some repairs at edges; bound in maroon leather over boards, tooled, gold-stamped title on spine: 'ELIZABETH. | VOL. XI. | COUNCIL | REGISTER. | 22. AUG. 1592. | TO | 26. AUG. 1593.'