Articles regarding the Plague for the Privy Council

BL: Lansdowne 74

single sheet


That for avoydinge of great concourse of people, Which causeth increase of thinfection, yt were convenient, that all Playes, Bearebaytinges, Cockpittes, common Bowlinge alleyes, and suche like vnnecessarie assemblies should be suppressed duringe the tyme of infection, for that infected people, after theire longe keepinge in, and before they be clered of theire disease and infection, beinge desirous of recreacion, vse to resort to suche assemblies, where throughe heate and thronge, they infecte manie sound personnes./


  • Marginalia
    • 8
  • Footnotes
    • That: T in display script
  • Modernized Text

    single sheet

    That for avoiding of great concourse of people, which causes increase of the infection, it were convenient that all plays, bearbaiting, cockpits, common bowling alleys, and such-like unnecessary assemblies should be suppressed during the time of infection, for that infected people, after their long keeping in, and before they be cleared of their disease and infection, being desirous of recreation, use to resort to such assemblies, where through heat and throng they infect many sound persons.

  • Endnote

    For an abstract of the document and details of its transcription history, see the related EMLoT event record.

  • Event Entity Pages
  • Document Description

    Record title: Articles regarding the Plague for the Privy Council
    Repository: BL
    Shelfmark: Lansdowne 74
    Repository location: London

    The Burghley Papers include an undated list of twelve advisory provisions sent by the privy council to London authorities to prevent the spread of the plague. The eighth provision suggests that all plays, bearbaitings, cockpits, bowling alleys, and 'suche like vnnecessarie assemblies' be suppressed. The suggested dating is during the plague year 1593 but the Privy Council Register needed to confirm the date is missing from 26 August 1593 to 1 October 1595.

    c 1593; English; paper; single sheet; 335mm x 440mm; unnumbered; good condition; endorsed on verso: 'Aduices to decrease the Plage & to relieve the poore vagarant people.' Now folded in half, foliated ff 75–6, mounted on a binding strip and bound with other Burghley papers in a brown cloth binding with brown leather spine and corners, title on spine: 'BURGHLEY | PAPERS. | 1593 | BRIT. MUS. | LANSDOWNE| MS. | 74.'

  • Manuscript Images

    © British Library Board, Lansdowne MS 74/f 75

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