single membrane (20 November)
This indenture made the Twentith daie of November in the seavententh yere of the reigne of our soverraigne Ladie Elizabeth by the grace of god Quene of Englande ffraunce and Ireland Defendour of the ffaithe &c Betwene Ambrose Nicholas William Boxe Aldermen Robert Sowle Thomas Hall salters Iohn Peers Henry Blower thelder Thomas Bryane and Iohn welton parishioners of the parishe of Sainct mildred in Breadstreate of London on thone partie And William Gryffyn citizen and Veintener of London on thother partie witnessethe That whereas Thomasyn Symondes late of London wydowe late wief of Raphe Symondes late citizen and ffyshemonger of London deceassed by her wrytinge or Deede tripartited Indented bearinge date the Thirde daie of December in the sixte yere of the reigne of our late soverraigne Lorde of ffamous memory kinge Edwarde the sixte knowledged and inrolled in the Quenes maiesties high courte of Chauncery Did geve graunt and confirme vnto the saide Ambrose Nicholas William Boxe Robert Sowle Thomas Hall Iohn Peers Henry Blower Thomas Bryan and Iohn welton All that her messuage or Tenement then called the litle Roose with two gardens to the same adioyninge sett lyinge and being in the parishe late called sainct Margaretes in Southwork in the Countie of Surrey and then and nowe being in the parishe of Sainct Saviour in Southwork aforesaide And also all her howses shoppes Cellers sollers Chambers Entryes gardens poundes Easmentes Lande soyle and heredytamentes whatsoever with their appurtenances in the parishe of Sainct Saviour in Southwork aforesaide to the said messuage or Tenement belonginge or in any wise appertayninge To haue and to holde the said messuage or Tenemente and all other the premisses with their appurtenances vnto the saide Ambrose Nicholas William Boxe Robert Sowle Thomas Hall Iohn Peers Henry Blower Thomas Bryane and Iohn Welton and their heires forever as by the saide Dede tripartited indented and the Inrolment thereof more fullie and at large doth and will appere This indenture nowe ffurther witnesseth That the said Ambrose Nicholas William Box Robert Sowle Thomas Hall Iohn Pers Henry Blower Thomas Bryan and Iohn Welton ffor dyvers good causes and Consideracions them movinge Haue with one assent and Consent demised graunted betaken and ferme lett and by theis presens Doe demise graunt and to fferme lett vnto the saide William Gryffyn All the saide messuage or Tenement with the saide Two gardens to the same adioyninge set lyinge and beinge in the parishe of Sainct Saviour in Southwork aforesaide And also all their howses shoppes Cellers sollers Chambers Entryes gardens pondes Lande soile proffites Comodyties and heredytamentes whatsoever with their appurtenances in the parishe of St Saviour aforesaide to the saide messuage or Tenement belonginge or in any wise apperteyninge To haue and to holde the saide Messuage or Tenemente gardens shoppes Cellers sollers Chambers proffites Comodyties and heredytamentes and all other the premisses with their appurtenances to the said William Gryffyn his Executors Adminystrators and Assignes ffrom the ffeast of Sainct Michaell tharchaungell last paste before the date hereof vnto the ende and terme and for the terme of Thirtie and one Yeres ffrom thence next ensewinge and fullie to be Complete and ended yelding and payinge therefore yerely duringe the saide terme vnto the saide Ambrose Nicholas William Box Robert Sowle Thomas Hall Iohn Peers Henry Blower Thomas Bryan and Iohn Welton their heires or Assignes or any of them or to the Churchwardens of the said parishe Church of Sainct Mildred for the tyme beinge Seaven poundes of lawfull money of Englande Att ffower ffeastes or termes in the yere that is to say At the ffeaste of the byrth of our Lorde god Thannunciacion of our ladye Sainct marye the virgin the Nativetie of Sainct John baptiste and Sainct michaell tharchangell or within sixe weekes next after everie of the same ffeastes by even and equall porcions And yf yt happen the saide yerelie rent of Seaven poundes to be behinde vnpaide in parte or in all over or after any ffeast day of payment thereof aforesaide in which it ought to be paide by the space of Sixe weekes and the same Lawfullie Demaunded, and not att eny tyme before such demaunde by the saide William Gryffyn his executors or Assignes tendered or offered to be paid to the saide Ambrose Nicholas William Box Robert Sowle Thomas Hall Iohn Peers Henry Blower Thomas Bryane and Iohn Welton nor to any of them their heires or assignes That then or at any tyme after yt shalbe lawfull to and for the saide Ambrose Nicholas William Boxe Robert Sowle Thomas Hall Iohn Peers Henry Blower Thomas Bryan and Iohn Welton their heires or Assignes or any of them into the saide messuage or Tenemente and other the premisses by theis presentes demised or into any parte or parcell thereof for the whole wholie to reenter and the same to haue againe retaine and repossede As in their or any of their former estate or estates And the said William Gryffyn his executors administrators and Assignes and every of them thereof and therefrom vtterlie to expell put out and amove This present Indenture or lease or any thinge therein Conteined to be Construed to the Contrary in any wise notwithstandinge And the sayed William Gryffyn for him his executors and administrators Covenanteth promiseth and graunteth to and with the saide Ambrose Nicholas William Boxe Robert Sowle Thomas Hall Iohn Peers Henry Blower Thomas Bryan and Iohn Welton their heires and Assignes by theis presentes in manner and forme folowinge that is to saye That yt shalbe Lawfull to and for the saide Ambrose Nicholas William Box Robert Sowle Thomas Hall Iohn Peers Henry Blower Thomas Bryan and Iohn Welton their heires and assignes and every or any of them Att two reasonable and Convenient tymes in every yere yerely Duringe the saide terme at his and their pleasures to enter into the said messuage or tenementes Shoppes Chambers and all other the premisses by theis presentes Demised or into any parte or parcell thereof to search and see the estate of the reparacions of the same And in case the said Ambrose William Roberte Thomas Iohn Henry Thomas Bryan and Iohn Welton their heires or assignes at any such entry made into the said messuage or Tenemente as afore saide duringe the saide terme fortune to fynde any default or lack of reparacions Clensinge or pavinge in eny the premisses, Then yt shalbe lawfull to the saide Ambrose Nicholas William Box Robert Sowle Thomas Hall Iohn Peeres Henry Blower Thomas Bryan and Iohn Welton their heires and Assignes to geve notyce and knowledge thereof vnto the said William Gryffyn his executors and Assignes or the dwellers or inhabitantes within the saide Messuage or Tenement to repaire amende Clense and pave the same within sixe monethes And the saide William Gryffyn for him his executors Administrators and Assignes Covenanteth promiseth and graunteth to and with the said Ambrose Nycholas Willyam Box Robert Sowle Thomas Hall Iohn Peers Henry Blower Thomas Bryan and Iohn Welton and every of them their heires and Assignes by theis presentes well and sufficiently to repaire amende Clense and pave the premisses soe decayed vnclensed and vnrepaired from tyme to tyme within Sixe monethes next after any such monicion and warnynge thereof to the said William Gryffyn his executors and Assignes geven as aforesaid duringe the saide terme And the saide Ambrose Nicholas William Box Robert Sowle Thomas Hall Iohn Peers Henry Blower Thomas Bryan and Iohn Welton and every of them for them their heires executors administrators and Assignes Covenante promise and grant to and with the saide William Gryffyn his executors administrators and Assignes and every of them by theis presentes That the said Willyam Gryffyn his executors admynystrators and Assignes ffor the saide yerelie rent of Seaven poundes to be paid in manner and forme afore rehersed and vnder the Covenantes grauntes artycles and agreamentes in theis presente Indentures Conteined shall and may from hensfurth peaceably and quietly haue holde occupie and enioy the said messuage or Tenement and all other the premisses with thappurtenances Duringe the saide terme of Thirtie and one yeres without any lett trouble Interrupcion Disturbance or other ympedyment whatsoever of the said Ambrose Nicholas William Box Robert Sowlle Thomas Hall John Peers Henry Blower Thomas Bryan and Iohn Welton or any of them their heires executors administrators or Assignes or any other person or persons by their or any of their meanes assent Title or procurement In witnes whereof the partyes aforesaid to theis presente Indentures interchangeably haue sett their seales yoven the day and yere ffirst aboue writton
(signed) Ambrose Nicholas
(signed) William Box
(signed) by me Robart Sole
(signed) Thomas Hall
(signed) harry blowar
(signed) Thomas Bryan
single membrane (20 November)
This indenture, made the twentieth day of November in the seventeenth year of the reign of our sovereign Lady Elizabeth by the grace of God queen of England, France, and Ireland, defender of the faith, etc, between Ambrose Nicholas and William Box, aldermen, Robert Sowle and Thomas Hall, salters, John Peers, Henry Blower the elder, Thomas Bryan, and John Welton, parishioners of the parish of St Mildred in Bread Street of London on the one party, and William Griffen, citizen and vintner of London on the other party, witnesses that whereas Thomasyn Symonds, late of London, widow, late wife of Ralph Symonds, late citizen and fishmonger of London, deceased, by her writing or deed tripartite indented, bearing date the third day of December in the sixth year of the reign of our late sovereign lord of famous memory King Edward the Sixth, acknowledged and enrolled in the queen’s majesty’s high court of Chancery, did give, grant, and confirm unto the said Ambrose Nicholas, William Box, Robert Sowle, Thomas Hall, John Peers, Henry Blower, Thomas Bryan, and John Welton, all that her messuage or tenement then called the Little Rose, with two gardens to the same adjoining, set, lying, and being in the parish late called St Margaret’s in Southwark, in the county of Surrey, and then and now being in the parish of St Saviour in Southwark aforesaid, and also all her houses, shops, cellars, sollars, chambers, entries, gardens, ponds, easements, land, soil, and hereditaments whatsoever, with their appurtenances, in the parish of St Saviour in Southwark aforesaid, to the said messuage or tenement belonging or in any wise appertaining, to have and to hold the said messuage or tenement, and all other the premises with their appurtenances, unto the said Ambrose Nicholas, William Box, Robert Sowle, Thomas Hall, John Peers, Henry Blower, Thomas Bryan, and John Welton, and their heirs forever, as by the said deed tripartite indented and the enrolment thereof more fully and at large doth and will appear. This indenture now further witnesses that the said Ambrose Nicholas, William Box, Robert Sowle, Thomas Hall, John Peers, Henry Blower, Thomas Bryan, and John Welton, for diverse good causes and considerations them moving, have with one assent and consent demised, granted, taken, and to farm let, and by these presents do demise, grant, and to farm let unto the said William Griffen, all the said messuage or tenement, with the said two gardens to the same adjoining, set, lying, and being in the parish of St Saviour in Southwark aforesaid, and also all their houses, shops, cellars, sollars, chambers, entries, gardens, ponds, land, soil, profits, commodities, and hereditaments whatsoever with their appurtenances in the parish of St Saviour aforesaid, to the said messuage or tenement belonging or in any wise appertaining, to have and to hold the said messuage or tenement, gardens, shops, cellars, sollars, chambers, profits, commodities, and hereditaments, and all other the premises with their appurtenances, to the said William Griffen, his executors, administrators, and assigns, from the feast of St Michael the Archangel last past before the date hereof unto the end and term and for the term of thirty-one years from thence next ensuing, and fully to be complete and ended, yielding and paying therefore yearly during the said term unto the said Ambrose Nicholas, William Box, Robert Sowle, Thomas Hall, John Peers, Henry Blower, Thomas Bryan, and John Welton, their heirs or assigns or any of them, or to the churchwardens of the said parish church of St Mildred for the time being, £7 of lawful money of England at four feasts or terms in the year, that is to say, at the feast of the birth of our Lord God, the annunciation of Our Lady St Mary the Virgin, the nativity of St John Baptist, and St Michael the Archangel, or within six weeks next after every of the same feasts, by even and equal portions. And if it happen the said yearly rent of £7 to be behind, unpaid in part or in all, over or after any feast day of payment thereof aforesaid in which it ought to be paid by the space of six weeks, and the same lawfully demanded, and not at any time before such demand, by the said William Griffen, his executors or assigns, tendered or offered to be paid to the said Ambrose Nicholas, William Box, Robert Sowle, Thomas Hall, John Peers, Henry Blower, Thomas Bryan, and John Welton, nor to any of them, their heirs or assigns, that then or at any time after it shall be lawful to and for the said Ambrose Nicholas, William Box, Robert Sowle, Thomas Hall, John Peers, Henry Blower, Thomas Bryan, and John Welton, their heirs or assigns or any of them, into the said messuage or tenement and other the premises by these presents demised, or into any part or parcel thereof for the whole, wholly to re-enter and the same to have again, retain and repossess as in their or any of their former estate or estates. And the said William Griffen, his executors, administrators, and assigns and every of them thereof and therefrom utterly to expel, put out, and remove. This present indenture or lease, or anything therein contained, to be construed to the contrary in any wise notwithstanding. And the said William Griffen, for him, his executors, and administrators, covenants, promises, and grants to and with the said Ambrose Nicholas, William Box, Robert Sowle, Thomas Hall, John Peers, Henry Blower, Thomas Bryan, and John Welton, their heirs and assigns, by these presents in manner and form following, that is to say, that it shall be lawful to and for the said Ambrose Nicholas, William Box, Robert Sowle, Thomas Hall, John Peers, Henry Blower, Thomas Bryan, and John Welton, their heirs and assigns and every or any of them, at two reasonable and convenient times in every year yearly during the said term at his and their pleasures to enter into the said messuage or tenements, shops, chambers, and all other the premises by these presents demised or into any part or parcel thereof, to search and see the estate of the reparations of the same. And in case the said Ambrose, William, Robert, Thomas, John, Henry, Thomas Bryan, and John Welton, their heirs or assigns at any such entry made into the said messuage or tenement as aforesaid during the said term, fortune to find any default or lack of reparations, cleansing, or paving in any the premises, then it shall be lawful to the said Ambrose Nicholas, William Box, Robert Sowle, Thomas Hall, John Peers, Henry Blower, Thomas Bryan, and John Welton, their heirs and assigns, to give notice and knowledge thereof unto the said William Griffen, his executors and assigns or the dwellers or inhabitants within the said messuage or tenement, to repair, amend, cleanse, and pave the same within six months. And the said William Griffen, for him, his executors, administrators, and assigns covenants, promises, and grants to and with the said Ambrose Nicholas, William Box, Robert Sowle, Thomas Hall, John Peers, Henry Blower, Thomas Bryan, and John Welton and every of them, their heirs and assigns, by these presents well and sufficiently to repair, amend, cleanse, and pave the premises so decayed, uncleansed, and unrepaired from time to time within six months next after any such monition and warning thereof to the said William Griffen, his executors and assigns, given as aforesaid during the said term. And the said Ambrose Nicholas, William Box, Robert Sowle, Thomas Hall, John Peers, Henry Blower, Thomas Bryan, and John Welton, and every of them, for them, their heirs, executors, administrators, and assigns covenant, promise, and grant to and with the said William Griffen, his executors, administrators, and assigns, and every of them by these presents that the said William Griffen, his executors, administrators, and assigns for the said yearly rent of £7 to be paid in manner and form before rehearsed and under the covenants, grants, articles, and agreements in these present indentures contained shall and may from henceforth peaceably and quietly have, hold, occupy, and enjoy the said messuage or tenement and all other the premises with the appurtenances during the said term of thirty-one years without any let, trouble, interruption, disturbance, or other impediment whatsoever of the said Ambrose Nicholas, William Box, Robert Sowle, Thomas Hall, John Peers, Henry Blower, Thomas Bryan, and John Welton, or any of them, their heirs, executors, administrators, or assigns or any other person or persons by their or any of their means, assent, title, or procurement. In witness whereof the parties aforesaid to these present indentures interchangeably have set their seals. Given the day and year first above written.
(signed) Ambrose Nicholas
(signed) William Box
(signed) by me Robart Sole
(signed) Thomas Hall
(signed) harry blowar
(signed) Thomas Bryan
Record title: Lease of the Little Rose from Ambrose Nicholas et al to William
Repository: Dulwich College
Shelfmark: Mun 8
Repository location: Dulwich
20 November 1574; English; parchment; single membrane; 490mm x 635mm; some display text including ornate initial 'T'; written 1 side only, good condition; indented, 8 tags with 6 seals still attached, contemporary (?) handwriting on dorse: 'ye Lease of Saint myldredes of ye rose' and 'frome mr gryffyn.' Folded twice originally.