single membrane (11 December)
To all people to whome this presente writinge shall come William Griffen Cittizen and vintener of London sendeth greetinge in our lord god euerlastinge wheareas Thomasine Simondes late of London widowe late wief of Raphe Simondes late Cittizen and ffishemonger of london deceassed by her wrytinge or deed tripartited indented bearinge date the thirde daie of December in the sixte yere of the raigne of our late soueraigne Lord of famous memorye kinge Edwarde the sixte knowledged and enrolled in ye quenes maiesties heigh Court of Chauncery Did give graunte and confirme vnto Ambrose Nicholas william Boxe nowe Alderman Robert Sowle Thomas Hall salters Iohn Peers Henry Blower thelder Thomas Brian and Iohn welton parishoners of the parishe of St Mildred in Breadstreat of London All that her messuage or tenemente then called the litle rose with twoe gardeins to the same adioyninge set lienge and beinge in the parishe late called Sainte margaretes in Southwerke in the county of Surrey and then and nowe in the parishe of St Savior in Southwerck aforesaide And all her howses shoppes Cellers sollers Chambers Entries gardens Pondes Easementes landes soyle and hereditamentes whatsoeuer with their appurtenances in the parish of Sainte Savior in Southwerck aforesaide to the saide messuage or or Tenemente belonginge or in any wies apperteyninge To haue and to houlde the said messuage or Tennemente and all other the premysses with their appurtenances vnto the saide Ambrose Nicholas William Boxe Robert Sowle Thomas Hall Iohn Peers Henry Blower Thomas Brian & Iohn welton and their heires foreuer as by ye saide deed tripertite Indented and thenrolement thereof more fullie & at lardge doth & maie appere and wheare also the sayde Ambrose Nicholas William Boxe Robert Sowle Thomas Hall Iohn Peers Henry Blower Thomas Brian and Iohn welton by their Indenture of demyse dated the twentieth daie of November in the seaventeneth yere of the raigne of our saide soueraigne Ladie queene Elizabeth for diuers good cawses and considerations them movinge haue with one assente and consente demysed graunted and to ferme Letten vnto me the saide William Griffen All the saide messuage or tennemente with the saide twoe gardeins to the same adioyninge set lienge and beinge in the parishe of Saincte Savior in Southeworke aforesaide And also all their howses shoppes Cellers sollers Chambers entries gardeins pondes lande soyle profites commodities and hereditamentes whatsoeuer with their appurtenances in the parishe of St Savior aforesaid to ye saide messuage or tenemente belonginge or apperteyninge To haue and to houlde the saide messuage or tennemente gardens shoppes Cellers sollers Chambers profites commodities and hereditamentes and all other the premysses with their appurtenances vnto me the saide william Griffen my executors administrators and assignes from the feaste of St michaell the Archaungell last past before the date of the same Indenture of leas vnto the end and terme of thirtie and one yeres from thence nexte ensuenge and fully to be compleete and ended yealdinge and paienge therefore yerelie duringe the saide terme vnto the saide Ambrose Nicholas william Boxe Robert Sowle Thomas Hall Iohn Peers Henry Blower Thomas Brian and Iohn welton their heires or assignes or any of them or to the Churchwardens of the saide parishe Churche of Sainte mildred for the time being seaven poundes of Lawfull money of Englande at fower termes or feastes in the yere as by the same Indenture of demyse with diuers other covenantes grauntes articles condicons and thinges there in mencioned at lardge yt dothe and maye appeere Nowe knowe ye that I the saide william Griffen for and in consideration of the some of One hundreth and fyve poundes of good and Lawfull money of England to me before thensealinge and deliuery of theis presentes by Robert withens Cyttizen and vintener of London well and treulie contented and paide whereof and wherewith I the saide william Griffen doe acknowledge my self fullie satisfied and pleassed and thereof and of euery part and parcell thereof doe clierelie acquite release and discharge the saide Robert withens his executors and administrators foreuer by theis presentes Haue bargained solde given graunted assigned and setouer and by theis presentes doe bargenne sell give graunte assigne and set ouer vnto the said Robert withens aswell the foresaide Indenture of demyse before recyted as also all the estate right tytle interest possession claime terme of yeres and demaunde which I the saide william Griffen haue maie might shoulde or of right ought to haue of in or to the saide messuage or Tennemente gardeins shoppes Cellers sollers Chambers profites commodities hereditamentes and premysses with the appurtenances or any parte or percell thereof by vertue of the saide Indenture of leas or otherwies To haue and to houlde the saide messuage or tennemente gardeins shoppes Cellers sollers chambers profites commodities and hereditamentes and all other the premysses by the saide Indenture of leas graunted with thappurtenances togeather with the same Indenture of demyse and all the saide estate right title interest possession claime terme of yeres and demaunde whiche I the saide william Griffen haue maie might shoulde or ought to haue of in and to the saide vnto the saide Robert withens his executors administrators & assignes vnto ye full ende expiracon and determynacon of ye saide one and thirtie yeres graunted by ye said Indenture of demyse and I the saide william Griffen for me my executors administrators and assignes doe Covenante promyse and graunte by theis presentes to and with the saide Robert withens his executors administrators and assignes in manner and forme followinge that is to saie that the saide Indenture of demyse is a good true perfect and Lawfull Indenture of demyse and graunte in lawe in full power and force for and duringe the residue of yeres yet to come and vnexpired of the saide terme of one and thirtie yeres and that I the saide william Griffen am nowe the very the true and Lawfull owner thereof and haue full power good right and Lawfull aucthoritie to give graunte alien bargaine sell assigne and set ouer the same Indenture and premysses thereby demysed with their appurtenances in manner and forme aforesaide And that the same Indenture of demyse messuage or tennemente and all other the premysses with the appurtenances nowe are and be and in the Eleventhe daie of Iune nexte comynge after the date of theis presentes then shalbe and from thensforth contynewe duringe and vntill the full ende and expiracon of the saide one and thirtie yeres free clere and clerelie acquited discharged or saued harmeles of and from all and singuler former bargaines sales guiftes grauntes leasses mortgaiges rentes charges condicons troubles titles and encombraunces the saide yerelie rente of seaven Poundes In and by the saide Indenture of demyse reserved And the covenantes grauntes articles condicons and thinges in the same Indenture specified on the behalf of me the saide william Griffen my executors administrators and assignes from and after the saide Eleventh daie of Iune nexte comynge to become due to be paide and performed onelie excepte and foreprised And that the saide Robert withens his executors administrators and assignes from and after the saide Eleventh daie of Iune nexte comynge shall or maie enter into the saide messuage or tennemente and premysses In the saide Indenture of leas demysed and the same from thensforth peaceablie and quietlie haue holde occupye and enioy duringe and vntill the full end and accomplishemente of the saide terme of one and thirtie yeares without any let trouble Intervption or eviction of me the saide william Griffen my executors administrators or assignes and without any Lawfull expultion or eviction of any other personne or personnes provided allwaies that yf I the saide William Griffen my executors administrators or assignes doe truelie paie or Cawse to be paide vnto the saide Robert withens his executors administrators or assignes the some of one hundreth and fyve poundes of lawfull money of England In the Eleventh daie of Iune nexte comynge after the date of theis presentes at the nowe dwellinge howse of the saide Robert withens called the signe of the shippe in Sainct Michaells lane in London without ffraud Covin or further delaie accordinge to the teanor of the condicon of an obligacon bearing date with theis presentes wherein I the saide william Griffen stande Obliged and bounde to the saide Robert withens in one hundreth and fiftie poundes lawfull money of Englande That then and from thensforth this presente writinge and all and euery bargaine sale covenante graunte article and thinge theire in mencioned on the behalf of me the saide william Griffen my executors administrators or assignes to be performed and kepte and also the obligacon aforesaide shalbe vtterlie voide frustrate and of none effecte Or ells it to stand and abide in full force and strengethe In Witnes whereof to this my presente writing I the saide William Griffen haue herevnto put my hande and sealle yeoven the Eleventh daie of december Anno domini 1579 and in the twoe and twentyeth yere of the raigne of our soueraigne Ladie Elizabeth by the grace of god queene of England ffraunce and Irelande defendoure of the ffaithe &c
(signed) per me William Gryffyn | ° Sigillavit subscrivit et pro
eius facto traducit In presencia mei Thome Newman scriptoris° |
single membrane (11 December)
To all people to whom this present writing shall come: William Griffen,
citizen and vintner of London, sends greeting in our Lord God everlasting.
Whereas Thomasyn Symonds, late of London, widow, late wife of Ralph Symonds,
late citizen and fishmonger of London, deceased, by her writing or deed
tripartite indented, bearing date the third day of December in the sixth year of
the reign of our late sovereign lord of famous memory King Edward the Sixth,
acknowledged and enrolled in the queen’s majesty’s high court of Chancery, did
give, grant, and confirm unto Ambrose Nicholas and William Box, now aldermen,
Robert Sowle and Thomas Hall, salters, John Peers, Henry Blower the elder,
Thomas Brian, and John Welton, parishioners of the parish of St Mildred in Bread
Street of London, all that her messuage or tenement then called the Little Rose,
with two gardens to the same adjoining, set, lying, and being in the parish late
called St Margaret in Southwark in the county of Surrey, and then and now in the
parish of St Saviour in Southwark aforesaid, and all her houses, shops, cellars,
sollars, chambers, entries, gardens, ponds, easements, lands, soil, and
hereditaments whatsoever, with their appurtenances, in the parish of St Saviour
in Southwark aforesaid, to the said messuage or tenement belonging or in any
wise appertaining, to have and to hold the said messuage or tenement and all
other the premises with their appurtenances unto the said Ambrose Nicholas,
William Box, Robert Sowle, Thomas Hall, John Peers, Henry Blower, Thomas Bryan,
and John Welton and their heirs forever as by the said deed tripartite indented
and the enrolment thereof more fully and at large does and may appear. And where
also the said Ambrose Nicholas, William Box, Robert Sowle, Thomas Hall, John
Peers, Henry Blower, Thomas Bryan, and John Welton by their indenture of demise
dated the twentieth day of November in the seventeenth year of the reign of our
said sovereign lady Queen Elizabeth, for divers good causes and considerations
them moving, have with one assent and consent demised, granted, and to farm let
unto me the said William Griffen all the said messuage or tenement, with the
said two gardens to the same adjoining set, lying, and being in the parish of St
Saviour in Southwark aforesaid, and also all their houses, shops, cellars,
sollars, chambers, entries, gardens, ponds, land, soil, profits, commodities,
and hereditaments whatsoever with their appurtenances in the parish of St
Saviour aforesaid, to the said messuage or tenement belonging or appertaining,
to have and to hold the said messuage or tenement, gardens, shops, cellars,
solars, chambers, profits, commodities, and hereditaments, and all other the
premises with their appurtenances unto me the said William Griffen, my
executors, administrators, and assigns from the feast of St Michael the
Archangel last past before the date of the same indenture of lease unto the end
and term of thirty-one years from thence next ensuing and fully to be complete
and ended, yielding and paying therefore yearly during the said term unto the
said Ambrose Nicholas, William Box, Robert Sowle, Thomas Hall, John Peers, Henry
Blower, Thomas Bryan, and John Welton, their heirs or assigns or any of them, or
to the churchwardens of the said parish church of St Mildred for the time being,
seven pounds of lawful money of England at four terms or feasts in the year as
by the same indenture of demise with divers other covenants, grants, articles,
conditions, and things therein mentioned at large it does and may appear. Now
know you that I the said William Griffen, for and in consideration of the sum of
one hundred and five pounds of good and lawful money of England to me before the
sealing and delivery of these presents by Robert Withens, citizen and vintner of
London, well and truly contented and paid, whereof and wherewith I the said
William Griffen do acknowledge myself fully satisfied and pleased and thereof
and of every part and parcel thereof do clearly acquit, release, and discharge
the said Robert Withens, his executors and administrators forever, by these
presents have bargained, sold, given, granted, assigned, and set over, and by
these presents do bargain, sell, give, grant, assign, and set over unto the said
Robert Withens as well the aforesaid indenture of demise before recited, as also
all the estate, right, title, interest, possession, claim, term of years, and
demand which I the said William Griffen have, may, might, should, or of right
ought to have of, in, or to the said messuage or tenement, gardens, shops,
cellars, sollars, chambers, profits, commodities, hereditaments, and premises,
with the appurtenances or any part or parcel thereof by virtue of the said
indenture of lease or otherwise, to have and to hold the said messuage or
tenement, gardens, shops, cellars, sollars, chambers, profits, commodities and
hereditaments and all other the premises by the said indenture of lease granted
with the appurtenances, together with the same indenture of demise and all the
said estate, right, title, interest, possession, claim, term of years and demand
which I the said William Griffen have, may, might, should or ought to have of,
in, and to the said unto the said Robert Withens, his executors, administrators,
and assigns unto the full end, expiration, and determination of the said
thirty-one years granted by the said indenture of demise. And I the said William
Griffen for me, my executors, administrators, and assigns do covenant, promise,
and grant by these presents to and with the said Robert Withens, his executors,
administrators, and assigns in manner and form following, that is to say, that
the said indenture of demise is a good, true, perfect, and lawful indenture of
demise and grant in law, in full power and force for and during the residue of
years yet to come and unexpired of the said term of thirty-one years, and that I
the said William Griffen am now the very true and lawful owner thereof and have
full power, good, right, and lawful authority to give, grant, alienate, bargain,
sell, assign, and set over the same indenture and premises thereby demised, with
their appurtenances, in manner and form aforesaid, and that the same indenture
of demise, messuage or tenement, and all other the premises with the
appurtenances now are and be, and in the eleventh day of June next coming after
the date of these presents then shall be, and from thenceforth continue during
and until the full end and expiration of the said thirty-one years free, clear,
and clearly acquitted, discharged, or saved harmless of and from all and
singular former bargains, sales, gifts, grants, leases, mortgages, rents,
charges, conditions, troubles, titles, and encumbrances, the said yearly rent of
seven pounds in and by the said indenture of demise reserved. And the covenants,
grants, articles, conditions, and things in the same indenture specified on the
behalf of me the said William Griffen, my executors, administrators, and assigns
from and after the said eleventh day of June next coming to become due to be
paid and performed, only except and foreprised, and that the said Robert
Withens, his executors, administrators, and assigns from and after the said
eleventh day of June next coming shall or may enter into the said messuage or
tenement and premises in the said indenture of lease demised, and the same from
thenceforth peaceably and quietly have, hold, occupy and enjoy during and until
the full end and accomplishment of the said term of thirty-one years without any
let, trouble, interruption or eviction of me the said William Griffen, my
executors, administrators, or assigns and without any lawful expulsion or
eviction of any other person or persons, provided always that if I the said
William Griffen, my executors, administrators or assigns do truly pay or cause
to be paid unto the said Robert Withens, his executors, administrators or
assigns the sum of one hundred and five pounds of lawful money of England in the
eleventh day of June next coming after the date of these presents, at the now
dwelling house of the said Robert Withens called the Sign of the Ship in St
Michael’s Lane in London, without fraud, covin, or further delay according to
the tenor of the condition of an obligation bearing date with these presents
wherein I the said William Griffen stand obliged and bound to the said Robert
Withens in one hundred and fifty pounds lawful money of England, that then and
from thenceforth this present writing and all and every bargain, sale, covenant,
grant, article, and thing therein mentioned on the behalf of me the said William
Griffen, my executors, administrators or assigns to be performed and kept, and
also the obligation aforesaid shall be utterly void, frustrate, and of none
effect, or else it to stand and abide in full force and strength. In witness
whereof to this my present writing I the said William Griffen have hereunto put
my hand and seal. Given the eleventh day of December anno domini 1579 and in the
twenty-second year of the reign of our sovereign lady Elizabeth by the grace of
God queen of England, France and Ireland, defender of <...>
(signed) by me William Gryffyn | °Sealed, subscribed, and delivered as his deed, in the presence, of me, Thomas Newman, notary.° |
Record title: Assignment by William Griffen of the Lease of the Little Rose to
Robert Withens
Repository: Dulwich College
Shelfmark: Mun 10
Repository location: Dulwich
11 December 1579; English; parchment; single membrane; 505mm x 550mm; some display text including ornate initial 'T'; written 1 side only, good condition; seal attached. Originally folded twice.