Coffer Account Book

HRO: W/E6/2


f [91v] (26 April 1637)


Taken out also ‸⸢and payd to Mr Maior ⸣ for the Race Cupp for this yere and for a stampe for Cloth made in the Citty viz. for the Race Cupp xxiij li. xiiij s. j d.


f [20] (8 July 1637)

Payed into the Coffers by Mr White Tenn poundes due by bond ‸⸢of 30 li.⸣ to the Citty and also payed formerly vizt. the fowerth of Aprill 1636. Twenty pounds by the sayd Mr White towardes the Race Cupp ‸⸢20 li.⸣ which is in full of the sayd bond of Thirty poundes xxx li.


  • Marginalia
    • 23 li. 14 s. 1 d.
  • Document Description

    Record title: Coffer Account Book
    Repository: HRO
    Shelfmark: W/E6/2
    Repository location: Winchester

    These account books record transactions into and from the city coffer, the city's depository for its treasures, which was kept in the council house. Each entry is signed by the mayor of the time and by those of his brethren who were present. All 'paid in' entries are bound into the books before all 'taken out' entries.

    In August 1590 the council house was entered and the locked settle in which the coffer was kept was broken into. The coffer, several silver seals, the city's seal, coin to the value of £80, and plate, bonds and stock, '& the bookes of accompte' were stolen. So a new Coffer Account Book had to be started and the first few pages contain a summary of debts owed by various citizens to the coffer and other important financial information which had been originally recorded in the stolen accounts. In Proceedings Book A, W/B2/2, on f 1v, there is a record dated 20 November 1591 of the payment of a reward of 5s to a servant called Mr Clerke, who found some of the stolen items, including 'certaine writinges,' in November 1591.

    1628–61; English; paper; i + 155 + i (last 10 pages bound in upside down); 290mm x 200mm; unnumbered; original parchment binding retained inside modern black leather binding, title on both board and spine: 'City of Winchester Coffer Accounts 1628 to 1661.'

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