mb [5d] (29 September–29 September) (External expenses)
...Et eisdem allocatum solutum datum in regardo diuersis honorabilibus et generosis viris ad Communem Cursum vocatum the Rase viz pro duobus pixidibus de les preserved Quinces hoc anno xiij s. iiij d.... datum eisdem honorabilibus et generosis viris vnum le Sugar loffe ponderant xij li. et dimidium per mandatum maioris hoc anno xiiij s. vij d.... pro duobus les gallons vini clarett datis eisdem honorabilibus et generosis viris per mandatum maioris hoc anno v s. iiij d.... datum in regardo histrionibus domini magni Admiralis anglie per mandatum maioris hoc anno xx s.... Histrionibus Domine Regine Datis eis in regardo in mense februarij hoc anno xx s....
mb [4d]
...Et in soluto Datum in regardo Histrionibus Regijs in mense Iunij hoc anno xx s.... Datum in regardo servienti Domine Regine Vocatur the Queenes Brewer in mense Iulij hoc anno v s.... Datis in regardo Clerico Mercati hospicij Dicte Domine Regine xx s.... Datum in regardo Trumpentarijs Dicte Domine Regine et Servient' de le Knight Marshall hoc anno xx s.... Trumpentarijs dicte Domine Regine Datis eis in regardo hoc anno xx s.... Datum Nicholo Markes eunti Londinie pro quodam poculo avreo vocato silver parcell guilte Dato Dicte Domine Regine hoc anno existenti apud Waltham Episcopi hoc anno x s.... pro vna mensa empta pro impressione precij pro Clericum mercati Hospicij Dicte Domine Regine super victualibus importatis hoc Anno iij d.... pro sex les Torches emptis in adventu Domine Regine vsque Civitatem hoc anno vj s.... Datis in regardo harbenger Dicte Domine Regine hoc anno xxvj s. viij d.... Nicho Markes eunti bis ad villam Southampton pro emendacione magni le mase Civitatis hoc anno iij s. iiij d.... Avriferario pro le guiltinge eiusdem le mase x s.... pro novis duploidis et brachijs emptis pro servientibus ad Clavam et Budellis Civitatis in adventu dicte Domine Regine hoc anno liij s. iiij d.... magistro Paice vt in regardo per eum Datis Diuersis officiarijs sellar' Dicte Domine Regine Dum eadem Domina Regina fuit apud Waltham Episcopi hoc anno x s.... magistro Willelmo Badger vt de pecunijs per ipsum Datis in regardo Diuersis officiarijs dicte domine Regine apud Waltham Episcopi hoc anno v s.... pro vno potello vini vocato secke et ‸⸢vno⸣ potello vini Clarett Datis ad les Seriantes Dicte Domine Regine hoc anno iij s.... Musicionibus Domini Lawarre Datis eis in regardo hoc anno iij s. iiij d....
mb [5d] (29 September–29 September) (External expenses)
...And allowed to the same (accountants) the payment given in reward to sundry honourable gentlemen at the city race, called the race, viz. for two boxes of preserved quinces this year, 13s 4d.... Given to the same honourable gentlemen one sugar loaf weighing twelve pounds and a half by order of the mayor this year, 14s 7d... For two gallons of claret wine given to the same honourable gentlemen by order of the mayor this year, 5s 4d.... Given in reward to the lord high admiral of England's entertainers by order of the mayor this year, 20s.... To the lady queen's entertainers given to them in reward in the month of February this year, 20s....
mb [4d]
...And in payment given in reward to the royal entertainers in the month of June this year, 20s.... Given in reward to the servant of the lady queen called the queen's brewer in the month of July this year, 5s.... Given in reward to the clerk of the market of the said lady queen's household, 20s.... Given in reward to trumpeters of the said lady queen and to the servant(s) of the knight marshal this year, 20s.... To the trumpeters of the said lady queen given to them in reward this year, 20s.... Given to Nicholas Markes going to London for a certain cup of gold called silver parcel gilt given to the said lady queen staying this year at Bishop's Waltham this year, 10s.... For one board bought for the clerk of the market of the household of the said lady queen for printing the tariff on foodstuffs brought in, this year 3d.... For six torches bought at the visit of the said lady queen up to the city this year, 6s.... Given in reward to the harbinger of the said lady queen this year, 26s 8d.... To Nicholas Markes going twice to the town of Southampton for mending the great mace of the city this year, 3s 4d.... To the goldsmith for gilding the same mace, 10s.... For new doublets and straps bought for the serjeants of the mace and beadles of the city on the visit of the said lady queen this year, 53s 4d.... To Mr Paice for gratuities given by him to sundry official saddlers of the said lady queen when the same lady queen was at Bishop's Waltham this year, 10s.... To Mr William Badger as for monies given by him in reward to sundry officials of the said lady queen at Bishop's Waltham this year, 5s.... For one bottle of wine called sack and one bottle of claret wine given to the serjeants of the said lady queen this year, 3s.... To the musicians of Lord La Warr given to them in reward this year, 3s 4d....
The knight marshal was deputy to the earl marshal. He exercised a jurisdiction over breaches of the peace for twelve leagues around the court (the verge). Harbingers arranged housing and provisioning for the court during a progress. William West (c 1519–95) was 10th Baron De La Warr and lord of the manor of Longparish.
Record title: Chamberlains' Accounts
Shelfmark: W/E1/108
Repository location: Winchester
The chamberlains' account rolls record all of the city's income and expenditures.
Income comes primarily from annual rents and rates, as well as special
levies. Expenditures include the whole range of civic responsibilities,
including construction and maintenance of civic structures, annual
payments to civic officials, and rewards given to local nobility and
gentry (and to their performers). The accounting year runs from
Michaelmas to Michaelmas.
1590–1; Latin; parchment; 5 membranes attached serially, writing continues on mb [5d], ending on mb [2d]; 530–755mm x 270mm; unnumbered; paper wrapping with date and names of mayor and city officers inscribed.