Chamberlains' Accounts

HRO: W/E1/100

mb [5] (29 September–29 September) (External expenses)

...Et eisdem allocatum solutum histrionibus Domini vocati le lorde Chamberlayne ad duas vices hoc Anno xxvj s. viij d./ ... custod' vrsin' Domine Regine per mandatum maioris hoc Anno v s.... Simoni Goodman conducto ad ludendum super le dromme hoc Anno xvj d....

mb [5d]

...Et eisdem allocatum solutum tribus Seruientibus ad Cha Clavam Ciuitatis ad emendandum aliquas vestes pro corporibus eorum in adventu Domine Regine hoc Anno xxx s.... Adamo Marble pro pitacione et deauracione de les Armes apud portam occidentalem in adventu Domine Regine per mandatum maioris hoc Anno v li.... pro dealbacione et pictacione aliarum partum porti predicte in adventu Dicte Domine Regine hoc Anno xliiij s. iiij d. ob.... diuersis laboratoribus conductis die Sabboti pro emendacione vie regie apud ffawconers corner in adventu Domine Regine ad ecclesiam per eandem viam hoc Anno ij s. vj d.... clerico mercati in adventu Domine Regine hoc Anno xx s.... valectis obbarum Domine Regine hoc Anno vj s. viij d.... tubicinarijs Domine Regine hoc Anno xx s.... peditibus Domine Regine hoc Anno xxx s.... marescallo Domine Regine hoc Anno x s.... culinarijs Domine Regine hoc Anno iij s. iiij d.... Servienti ad arma Domine Regine hoc Anno xiij s. iiij d.... portatori gladij Domine Regine vj s. viij d.... Ianitoribus Domine Regine hoc Anno vj s. viij d.... plaustrarijs Domine Regine hoc Anno vj s. viij d.... supervisoribus viarum Domine Regine hoc Anno vj s. viij d.... haroldis Domine Regine nichil hoc Anno quia xx s. Soluti sunt tantum in prius adventu Domine Regine et hic nichil allocatum quia in secundo adventu Domine Regine ... pro homine conducto cum duobus equis ad equitandum vsque Civitate Sarum pro vna toga de Scarlet mutuo accepta ibidem in adventu Domine Regine et pro redeliberacione euisdem hoc Anno iiij s....


  • Footnotes
    • porti: for porte
  • Record Translation

    mb [5] (29 September–29 September) (External expenses)

    ...And allowed to the same (accountants the sum) paid to players of the lord called the lord chamberlain on two occasions this year, 26s 8d.... To the lady queen's bearward(s) by order of the mayor this year, 5s.... To Simon Goodman hired for playing on the drum this year, 16d....

    mb [5d]

    ...And allowed to the same (accountants the sum) paid to three serjeants of the mace of the city for buying some clothing to wear at the visit of the lady queen this year, 30s.... To Adam Marble for painting and gilding the arms at the West Gate at the visit of the lady queen by order of the mayor this year, £5.... For plastering and painting of other parts of the said gate at the visit of the said lady queen this year, 44s 4 1/2d.... To sundry workmen hired on Saturday for mending the king's highway at Falconer's Corner at the visit of the lady queen to the church by the same road this year, 2s 6d.... To the clerk of the market at the visit of the lady queen this year, 20s.... To the lady queen's cup bearers this year, 6s 8d.... To the lady queen's trumpeters in this year, 20s.... To the lady queen's footmen this year, 30s.... To the lady queen's marshal this year, 10s.... To the lady queen's cooks this year, 3s 4d.... To the lady queen's serjeant-at-arms this year, 13s 4d.... To the lady queen's sword bearer, 6s 8d.... To the lady queen's doorkeepers this year, 6s 8d.... To the lady queen's wagoners this year, 6s 8d.... To the lady queen's surveyors of roads this year, 6s 8d.... To the lady queen's heralds, nothing this year because 20s was paid solely for the first visit of the lady queen and consequently nothing is allowed here for the lady queen's second visit.... For the man hired with two horses to ride as far as the city of Salisbury for a scarlet cloak received on loan at the same place for the visit of the lady queen and for redelivering the same this year, 4s....


  • Glossed Terms
    • haroldus, -i n m var of heraldus [DML]
    • redeliberacio, -onis n f the act of giving back, restoring, delivering again
  • Endnote

    Thomas Radcliffe (1526–83), 8th earl of Sussex, son-in-law of Thomas Wriothesley (1505–50), 1st earl of Southampton, was lord chamberlain at this time (mb [2]) but he was ill, and from 24 April 1574 Charles Howard, 2nd Baron Howard of Effingham (1536–1624), was acting lord chamberlain. Although the payment to Simon Goodman for playing the drum may have been made on the occasion of a muster, there is no surrounding context to indicate this; see also similar entries in Chamberlains' Accounts, 1578–9; Chamberlains' Accounts, 1580–1; and Chamberlains' Accounts, 1588–9.

    There is evidence here of two separate visits by the queen during this accounting year (mb [5d]). The queen was in Winchester for three nights from 10–13 September 1574, according to Walsingham's journal ('Journal of Sir Francis Walsingham from December 1570 to April 1583,' The Camden Miscellany, Charles Trice Martin (ed), vol 6 (np, 1871), 21). Her council sat at Winchester on Sunday the 12th. There is no record as to where she stayed. If she visited a second time, the dates are unknown. Falconer's Corner was between St Swithun Street and Symonds Street (then called Minster Street) against the Close Wall. The queen must therefore have been visiting the cathedral, not one of the city churches.

    Tertiary entries include mending of the highways, the buttes (twice), and East Gate, and painting of the High Cross.

  • Document Description

    Record title: Chamberlains' Accounts
    Repository: HRO
    Shelfmark: W/E1/100
    Repository location: Winchester

    The chamberlains' account rolls record all of the city's income and expenditures. Income comes primarily from annual rents and rates, as well as special levies. Expenditures include the whole range of civic responsibilities, including construction and maintenance of civic structures, annual payments to civic officials, and rewards given to local nobility and gentry (and to their performers). The accounting year runs from Michaelmas to Michaelmas.

    1573–4; Latin; parchment; 5 membranes attached serially, writing continues on mb [5d], ending on mb [2d]; 650–700mm x 280mm; unnumbered; 19th–c. paper wrapping with date and names of mayor and city officials inscribed.

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