sheet [2] (29 September–29 September)
...Et eisdem allocatum datum in regardo tubicinarijs Domini Regis hoc Anno xiij s. iiij d....
sheet [2] (29 September–29 September)
...And allowed to the same (accountants the sum) given in reward to trumpeters of the lord king this year, 13s 4d....
Record title: Chamberlains' Accounts
Shelfmark: W/E1/78
Repository location: Winchester
The chamberlains' account rolls record all of the city's income and expenditures.
Income comes primarily from annual rents and rates, as well as special
levies. Expenditures include the whole range of civic responsibilities,
including construction and maintenance of civic structures, annual
payments to civic officials, and rewards given to local nobility and
gentry (and to their performers). The accounting year runs from
Michaelmas to Michaelmas.
1551–2; Latin; paper; 9 mmebranes attached serially; written on one side only; 100–395mm x 240–305mm; unnumbered; repaired and mounted on archival paper, MS heading missing.