Hampshire, Winchester, 1512–13

Winchester College Bursars' Accounts

Winchester College Archives: 22173

mb [5d] (20 September–19 September) (Necessary expenses with gifts)


...Et Insolutis ministrall' domini de Arundell venient' ad collegium ix die Ianuarij/ xx d.... Et Insolutis ministrall' domini principis venient' ad Collegium xij die Maij ad mandatum domini Custodis/ xvj d.... Et Insolutis ministrall' domini Regis venient' ad collegium xxvij die Augusti ij s....

  • Record Translation

    mb [5d] (20 September–19 September) (Necessary expenses and gifts)


    ...And as payment to minstrels/a minstrel of the lord of Arundel coming to the college 9 January, 20d.... And as payment to minstrels/a minstrel of the lord prince coming to the college 12 May at the command of the lord warden, 16d.... And as payment to minstrels/a minstrel of the lord king coming to the college 27 August, 2s....

  • Endnote

    What the college bursar could have meant by ‘ministrall' domini principis’ is uncertain. Once Henry VIII was crowned in 1509, no one held the title of prince until the birth of Edward in 1533. Mary Tudor was not born until 1516, and Henry VIII’s illegitimate son known as Henry Fitzroy not until 1519. It is possible that the troupe that had been known as Prince Henry's minstrels was continuing to tour under that name, even though its patron had become king and likely took over as his own minstrels the troupe for which his father, Henry VII, had been patron. The Winchester city chamberlains recorded in this year that they had paid the prince's minstrels nothing, suggesting that a troupe under that name had indeed visited the city in this year, but the city recognized that the minstrels had no right to claim a prince as patron and so declined to reward them (see Chamberlains' Accounts, 1512–13).

  • Document Description

    Record title: Winchester College Bursars' Accounts
    Repository: Winchester College Archives
    Shelfmark: 22173
    Repository location: Winchester

    The bursars' accounts were kept annually by the two bursars, one of whom was elected each year and served as the junior bursar, becoming senior bursar the following year. Their accounts included all the college finances, beginning with receipts from the rents of manors and estates owned by the college. Expenses are divided into sections: the chapel, hall, kitchen, pantry, stable, and garden; stipends to chaplains, scholars, and others; external expenses and gifts (the last two the sections where payments to entertainers were normally entered). The rolls have paper wrappers, some of which contain notes made by later bursars. The account year varies considerably but most often runs roughly from Michaelmas to Michaelmas.

    1512–13; Latin; parchment; 9 mbs, attached serially; 280–720mm x 289–98mm; unnumbered.

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