HRO: 70M76/PW1

f 4 (Payments)


Paid to Iohn Hawkins for all such worke as he hathe Done for the church since the xxijth of December 1609 as apeareth by his bill


Item for nayles to cleete the Maypole & to mend the bench & other thinges iij d.


Laid out since the xxviijth of Iune 1610

Imprimis layd out at upton v s. iij d.
Item paid to the minstrells & the ffyfe ij s.
Item paid to the maymed soldiers iij s. iiij d.


f 4v


Item paid for Morris bells that were lost ix d.
Item paid to George Norman for kepinge the bells xii d.
Item for boordinge of ij minstrells xvj d.


  • Endnote

    On f 4 'upton' is probably Upton Grey, a village two miles west of South Warnborough. One cannot tell whether that payment and the one to maimed soldiers provide context for the payment to the 'minstrells & the ffyfe.' If the three payments are related the minstrels and fife may have been playing for a muster, an event that REED would not normally record. On f 4v the payment to George Norman for keeping the bells may refer to the church bells rather than the lost morris bells of the previous entry.

  • Document Description

    Record title: St Andrew's Churchwardens' Accounts
    Repository: HRO
    Shelfmark: 70M76/PW1
    Repository location: Winchester

    South Warnborough is in the north-eastern corner of Hampshire, six miles north of Alton, and roughly halfway between Alton and Basingstoke. The manor belonged to the Crown and around 1300 was held from the king by Roger de Pedwardyn. The White family came to possess the manor during the reign of Henry VI and held it until it was sold in 1636 to Richard Bishop of London. The church is dedicated to St Andrew (VCH: Hampshire, vol 3, pp 378–82, British History Online,, accessed 10 November 2016).

    1611–1700; English; paper; 0 + 80 + 0; 400mm x 143mm; modern pencil foliation (stops at f 64, ff 65–80 unfoliated, ff 59v–80 not written on); some fraying and tearing of pages and mild discolouration, but otherwise good condition; original parchment cover, title on front: 'Anno Domini 1648 | South warneborowe Churchbooke' and below, in a later hand: 'The old Book.' The time at which the accounts were rendered varies, with a single set of accounts often covering two or more years.

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