Hampshire, Winchester, 1413–14

Almoner's Accounts of St Swithun's Priory

HRO: DC/A5/1/19

single membrane (29 September–29 September) (Customary expenses and gratuities)


...In ceruisia missa ffratribus existentibus in tabula misse per annum & Iuuenibus die Innocentium xiij s. iij d....


  • Footnotes
    • misse: for missi (?)
  • Record Translation

    single membrane (29 September–29 September) (Customary expenses and gratuities)


    ...On ale given to the brothers present at the table given for the year, and to the boys on the day of the Innocents, 13s 3d...


  • Glossed Terms
    • iuuenis, -is adj young; as subst a youth, young person, in CL a young adult; here, a boy; see episcopus
  • Document Description

    Record title: Almoner's Accounts of St Swithun's Priory
    Repository: HRO
    Shelfmark: DC/A5/1/19
    Repository location: Winchester

    The almoner received rents and distributed bread, beer, and wine to the needy. The account runs from Michaelmas to Michaelmas.

    This manuscript was formerly housed at Winchester Cathedral Library, shelfmark W53/12/11.

    1413–14; Latin; parchment; single membrane, written recto only; 585mm x 255mm.

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