f 391 (11 February) (Examination of John Primmer)
Thexaminacion of Iohn Primmer aged Twenty yeares or thereabout, sonne of Richard Primmer of Wootton in the Countie of Southampton husbandman taken before Peter Pryaulx Esquier Mayor; Edward Exton; and Nathaniell Mill Aldermen Iustices &c. the Eleaventh day of ffebruarie Anno Regni Regis Caroli Vndecimo Annoque Domini .1635./
Who saith that hee this Examinate being in the prison called the Bargate of this Towne on the third of this instant ffebruarie,
committed thither by Mr Mayor: assoone as hee came into prison, Robert Keyes one of the prisoners there, began to question this
Examinate, whither hee had not hear of certaine sights in the
prison and that hee this Examinate annswered, that hee had heard
of such thinges, wherevpon hee told this Examinate, (willing him
to bee afraid) that hee should see straunge sights, and that hee the said Keyes
could cause them to appeare, when hee pleased, and further told this Examinate, that
yf hee had had that which hee sent for, hee would make them all rue the
time that putt him into prison./ And this Examinate further saith
that betweene the houres of xj. and xij. at midnight the said Keyes blew out his
Candle, and spake Certaine words which this Examinate
vnderstood not, and that therevpon presently appeared (as it seemed to this
Examinate) five strange things in sundrye shapes, one like a
bull, another in the forme of a white beare, and the other three like little puppie
doggs without heads tumbling on the ground before him; whereat this
Examinate being affrighted, began to rise vp where hee lay, and
the said Keyes willed him not to bee afraid, for they should doe him noe harme; And
that all the tyme theis Apparitions were in the prison (being about the space of a
quarter of an houre) the
Examinate Keyes spake certaine words to them
which this Examinate vnderstood not, and that there was
a greate light in the prison all that tyme; And that vpon the suddaine they all
vanished away, but how this Examinate knoweth not; And further hee
saith that when the thinges appeared, hee this Examinate was
awaked, and in his perfect sense & remembrance; And that the said Keyes
asked him the next morning whether hee were not afraid at the sights he sawe over
(signed) Peter Pryaulx Mayor (signed) Nathaniell Mill (signed) Edward Exton
John Primmer's story of the strange sights he saw in the prison in Southampton's Bargate has been included because it may indicate that Robert Keyes was someone who performed conjuring. Primmer's story may of course be the product of his own overactive imagination, or a deliberate attempt to incriminate Keyes for some reason. Unfortunately the surviving records tell us nothing more of either man or the reasons they were imprisoned. The prison was located on the ground level of the Bargate, beneath the hall where the council met and visiting entertainers performed (Douch, Visitors' Descriptions, 6).
Record title: Quarter Sessions Examination Book
Repository: Southampton City Archives
Shelfmark: SC9/3/11
Repository location: Southampton
This manuscript contains examinations, informations, and
depositions, usually given before the mayor and a small group of aldermen.
The actual handling of the case was entered in the sessions books. It
also records sureties to appear at the next sessions. Many entries have
to do with thefts and/or violence, often involving the ships and sailors
that were always in the town.
1622–44; English, with a small amount of Latin; paper; 549 + i, catchwords occasionally used; 300mm x 193mm; modern pencil foliation; most of front cover missing; original parchment cover.