f 258 (19 December)
vpon the suite of the Musitians of the Towne it is this day agreed and ordered that there shalbe allowed vnto them foure poundes Tenn shillinges towardes liverye Cloakes videlicet six tymes xv s. as the price of Cloth for six Coates and they are to be at the charge of the rest of the Cloth to make them ‸⸢into⸣ Cloakes with the trymming to them; And they are to buy Cloth worth x s. the yard at the least, And mr Bracebridge is desired to vse them well in the price of the Cloth; And it is further agreed that yf Tomas Spaight one of theire Companye will not allow for the rest of the Cloth to make his Cloake aswell as the rest, then the xv s. to be allowed him towardes his Cloake is to be deducted of of the said iiij li. xv s./.
Record title: Assembly Book
Repository: Southampton City Archives
Shelfmark: SC2/1/6
Repository location: Southampton
The assembly book is a minute or act book of the town council, recording its decisions on a variety of matters, including taxes and customs duties, poor relief, enrolling of freemen and burgesses, the election and duties of town officials (including the musicians), and offences such as selling goods or keeping an alehouse without a proper licence. The council met roughly once a week, normally on Friday. The date of the meeting heads each group of minutes or memoranda and the names of the mayor and aldermen present appear in the left margin. Frequently rubrics identifying each action occur just above or to the left of the main entries.
12 March 1603/4–7 October 1642; English; paper; 331 leaves; 418mm x 281mm; modern pencil foliation followed here (original ink foliation begins on f 7 and leaves out f 9, then begins again with f 2 at the pencil f 18); good condition, first 16 folios damaged and repaired; heavy parchment cover with leather straps, no original title, '1602 to 1642' inked in same hand that has titled so many of the Southampton muniments.