First Book of Debts

Southampton City Archives: SC5/2/1

f [i] (1–6 September)


In this Booke is Contayned the great charge the Towne was att in receauinge of the Queenes Maiestie in Anno 1591/ folio 133


f 133


The Acompte of the Layinge oute
of the 98 li. per Contra sithence
the fyrste of September 1591

Item fyrste for the gylltinge of the Masse j li. j s. d.
paid to mr Studlye for a pursse for hyr Maiestie j li. ix s. d.
ffor 40 li. was geven in the purse to hyr Maiestie xl li. s. d.
for 10 li. was <.>ll the steward aboute Nessesary for the towne againste the quenes Maiesties cuminge x li. s. d.
paid for pearell to tryme the pursse li. v s. d.
paid for the gylltinge & mending of mas his mase li. vij s. ij d.
paid to the clarke of the markit at hyr Maiesties being hir j li. s. d.
paid to the Cryer & trumpetire of the clarke of markit j li. s. d.
paid to the Yemen of the flagenes j li. s. d.
paid to the Surveyour of the Waytes j li. s. d.
paid to the trumpetares the Some of ij li. xiij s. iiij d.
paid to the sargentes at Armes ij li. s. d.
paid to the harbingers the sume of j li. vj s. viij d.
paid to the Yemen husshire which brott the sworde li. x s. d.
paid to the Marshalles xx s. j li. s. d.
paid to hyr Magestes porttares the some of j li. s. d.
paid to hyr Magestes fott mene ij li. s. d.
paid to hyr Magestes Mussisiones ij li. s. d.
paid to hyr Magestes Cochmen li. xiij s. iiijd.
paid to the Kynge of Arms iij li. vj s. viij d.
paid to the Blacke garde the some of j li. s. d.
paid to hyr Magestes turnbroches li x s. d.
paid to hyr Magestes Charrottes men li. v s. d.
paid to the Yemane of the Malle li. vj s. d.
paid to the gromes of hyr Magestees chamber j li. s. d.
paid to the Yemen Watires of the garde j li. s. d.
paid to hyr Magestes gentlemen husshires ij li. s. d.
paid to hyr Magestes ordinarye messengers j li. s. d.
paid for iij bootes Lodes of bowes li. ij s. d.
paid for bringinge vpe of the bowes li. s. iiij d.
paid for makinge clene aboue the Castill Ringe li. s. viij d.
paid for a quarte of Rose Wallter li. j s. ij d.
paid to my Lord Admyralles playires j li. s. d.
paid for medswett for to strowe the Wyndoes for hyr Magestie li. iij s. iiij d.
paid shingelltry for the Lyveries for the drome plaiares iij li. iiij s. d.
paid mr grigorye for tryminge of the Buttes j li. v s. viij d.
paid Langmore for makinge the dromes aparill li x s. d.
paid mr Studlye for his bill of charges Layd oute by him as by his bill one the fylle apirithe j li. xiiij s. d.
The Reste for the cliringe of this Acompte Was all vnto Iacksone steward at his goinge to sarum with mr Knyghte & mr goddarde about the Comision betwene b.sse & the town 9 . 14 . 3 d. with 16 d. Lefte in ye mony ix li. xv s. vij d.

Somme iiij xx xviij li. ix s. ij d.

  • Footnotes
  • Glossed Terms
    • apirithe v pr 1 sg appears
    • blacke garde n phr scullion or kitchen servant, or a servant who holds a similar position in an army(?) [OEDO blackguards n A.I.2.a, b]; blacke gardspl
    • bowe n bough
    • bring v pr bring; brott pa
    • butte n a target for archery practice
    • cliringe vb n clearing
    • drome n drum; here used to refer to a drummer
    • fylle adv in phr on the fylle in full
    • gylltinge vb n gilding
    • hussher n usher; husshire
    • mase n mace; masse
    • medswett n meadowsweet
    • musesen n musician; mosition; muscon; musitan; musithian; mussisione; mussissien; musycan; musycon; musysion; mutitian; mysysion
    • pearell n pearl
    • plaiare n player
    • porttare n porter
    • yemane of the malle n pl household officials, servants, or attendants; specific duties are unknown [OEDO yeoman n C3.a]; yemen of the mayell
    • yemen watires n phr pl yeoman waits; household officials, servants, or attendants charged with keeping watch [OEDO yeoman n C3.a]
    • yomen of the bottells n pl household officials, servants, or attendants charged with procuring drink [OEDO yeoman n C3.a]; yemen of the bottells; yemen of the flagenes
  • Endnote

    The whole of f 133 appears to relate to the queen's visit to Southampton on progress. It contains many payments as gifts to members of her entourage, including her footmen, grooms of the chamber, the king of arms, the black guard. The writing is rather sloppy, suggesting that this is a rough account to be copied into the mayor's accounts, or perhaps the missing steward's accounts for this year.

  • Document Description

    Record title: First Book of Debts
    Repository: Southampton City Archives
    Shelfmark: SC5/2/1
    Repository location: Southampton

    The contents of these accounts include debts owed to and by the town, 1525–91, and rentals, inventories, and sweet wine accounts, 1572–1601. A set of accounts for 1602 is very similar to the sixteenth- century stewards' accounts, but not identified as such. A list of the expenses of the queen's visit in 1591 appears on f 133. The unfoliated leaves at the front contain an alphabetical list of debtors. The accounting year runs from Michaelmas to Michaelmas.

    1525–1602; English; paper; xxiii + 137, followed by 81 blank unfoliated leaves; 410mm x 277mm; original ink foliation; good condition; original tooled leather cover reinforced with paper, no title on cover. On f [i] (recto): 'Tempore henrici huttoste | Maioris Anno domini ml vc xxvmo | Liber debitorum ville Suthampton.'

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