Third Book of Remembrance

Southampton City Archives: SC2/1/5

ff 57–7v

A proclamacion sett furth by the kings maiestie with thas sent of his deryst vnncle Edwarde duke of Somersett Governor of his most royeall personne and of hys Realmes dominions and subiectes protector and and others of his most honorable Counsaill for the inhibicion of playes

fforasmuche as a grete number of those those be common players of Enterludes and playes aswell with in the Citye of London as ells where with in the realme doo for the most part play suche enterludis as contayne matter tending to sedicion and contempning of Sundrey good orders and Lawes whereapon are growen and dayly are like to growe and ensue muche disquiet diuicion tumultes and vprores in this Realme The kinges maiestye by thadvise and consent of hys deryst vnncle Edward duke of Somersett Governor of his person and protector of hys Realmes dominions and Subiectes and the rest of hys priuie Counsall straghtly chargith and commandeith all and every hys maiestis subiectes of whatt soever state ordre or degree they be that from the ixth daye of this present moneth of August vntill the ffeaste of all sayntes next cuming they ne any of them openly or secretly play ne in the Inglishe tongue any kynd of Interlude playe Dialogue or other matter sett forth in forme of playe in any place publique or priuate with in this Realme vppon payn that whoo soever shall playe in Inglishe any such playe Interlude dialogue or other matter shall suffer imprisonement and further punishement at the plesuer of his maiestie

ffor the better execucion wherof hys maiestie by the sayde advise and consent straghtly chargith and commandith all and singuler Maiors Shriffis Baalifes constables hedborowis tything men Iustices of peace and all others his hedd officers in all the partyes throwgh owt the Realme | to geue ordre and speciall heedd that this proclamacion be in all behalfis wen well and truly kept and obserued as they and everie of them tendre his highnes plesuer and wyll avoyed his Indignacion/ Gevin at westminster the vjth of August in the iij yere of the kinges Maiestes Reign/


  • Marginalia
  • Glossed Terms
    • baylie n bailiff; baalife, baylef, baylief, bayly; baylyespl
    • deryst adj dearest
  • Document Description

    Record title: Third Book of Remembrance
    Repository: Southampton City Archives
    Shelfmark: SC2/1/5
    Repository location: Southampton

    The Third Book of Remembrance is a precursor of the assembly books: it records actions taken by the mayor and council of the town. For more detailed contents, see transcriptions in four volumes by Merson, Third Book of Remembrance, vols 1–3, and James, vol 4.

    1514–1602; paper; English; ii + 234; 345mm x 240mm; original ink foliation done in the very upper right-hand corner of the rectos, deterioration of the corners means some or all of the original foliations have been lost, some folios – especially at beginning and end – carry a modern pencil number duplicating the original foliation; good condition; original parchment cover, original title inked on cover faded beyond legibility, index on ff i–iv.

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