f 155 (29 September–29 September)
Item the seid Steward hath ‸⸢paid⸣ & yevyn ‸⸢in⸣ reward vnto v pleyers seruantes of my lord matravers pleyng affor the meir & his brethren the xv day of Ianuary anno primo Regis henrici vijmi | iij s. iiij d. |
Also the seyd Steward hath paied the xvijth day of Ianuary anno primo Regis henrici viji for a reward vnto .v. mynstrelles of my lord of Arundell vidilicet | xl d. |
f 155v
To the kynges mynstrell' delyueryd by the |
vj s. viij d. |
f 157v
Wherof the said Steward hath paide to the meyre for his full contentacion for his fyrst half yeres fee. by the towne to hym graunted due vnto hym at the feste of the Annunciacion of oure lady anno supradicto videlicet – iij li. xvj s. viij d. Also paide to the said meyre of the said – vj li. xiij s. iiij d. for that he rewarded & paide. to the kinges mynstrelles as they were wonte to haue vj s. viij d. And so remaneth with the said steward of the seid vj li. xiij s. iiij d. videlicet – .l. s. ...
f 158
Also the seyd Steward hath yeuen & paied in reward the xixth day of the seid moneth of Aprill vnto the quenis mystrelles as they ben wonte to haue of the Towne | vj s. viij d. |
f 160
Item the meire hath yevyn yn reward for Wurshipp of the Towne to ij mynstrelles of my lordes of devonshire the xvijthe day of Iuyn anno primo Regis henrici viji videlicet | viij d. |
[Footnote: receptum … Whyte: 'received by the steward @$6 13s 4d from Robert Whyte']
Record title: First Book of Remembrance
Repository: Southampton City Archives
Shelfmark: SC2/1/2
Repository location: Southampton
The Books of Remembrance record the actions of the town
government, including ordinances, land transactions, and memoranda
regarding the governing of the town – in short, any information that
civic officials thought might be needed later. Parts or all of the
stewards' accounts for selected years have been recorded, presumably to
show what expenditures were considered normal. The stewards' accounts
run from Michaelmas to Michaelmas and cover all areas of civic receipt
and expenditure, from land rents to annual payments to civic officials,
costs of construction and repair of town structures, and rewards to
visiting performers. For more information see
Gidden (ed), Book of Remembrance, 3 vols.
late 15th c.–early 16th c.; Latin and English; paper; 213 leaves; 305mm x 218mm; original ink foliation; good condition; vellum cover.