Steward's Accounts

Southampton City Archives: SC5/1/38

f 17 (29 September–29 September)

Gyfftes for the towne

Item payd to the kynges playeres vj s. viij d.


Item for the yerell off darbes barod iij s. iiij d.


Item to mr brandan ⸢°þe kinges Iugler°⸣ iij s. iiij d.


  • Glossed Terms
    • barward n bearward; barod(?), bererd, berewood, berherd, berode, berrerd
    • yerell n earl
  • Endnote

    The interlineation identifying Brandon as the king's juggler appears to be in the hand of the auditor, whose work can be seen in the sums at the bottom of the page. Thomas Brandon, Henry VIII's juggler, was famous and travelled frequently through the country; for more information on Brandon, see Performance Traditions.

  • Document Description

    Record title: Steward's Accounts
    Repository: Southampton City Archives
    Shelfmark: SC5/1/38
    Repository location: Southampton

    The accounts run from Michaelmas to Michaelmas and cover all areas of civic receipt and expenditure, from land rents to annual payments to civic officials, costs of construction and repair of town structures, and rewards to visiting performers. See the introduction to Thick (ed), Southampton Steward's Book, pp iii–xlvi. Thick's edition of the 1492–3 accounts includes full transcriptions of those documents, including records relating to drama and minstrelsy.

    1533–4; English; paper; 31 leaves; 305mm x 210mm; modern pencil foliation; good condition; original parchment cover.

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