Steward's Accounts

Southampton City Archives: SC5/1/16

f 10 (29 September–29 September) (Payments)


Item to the iij waytus of the towne for ther Gownns to Ihon lane for hys Gowne ij yerd brode Clothe price the yerd ij s. Summa iiij s.


f 10v

Item To Ihon Iay Wayte ffor hys Gowne ij yerdes price the yerd ij s. Summa iiij s.
To Robart mydulton for hys Gowne ij yerdes price the yerd ij s. Summa iiij s.


f 12


Item the xviij day of Ianyuere be Comandment of master meyre & Robart blewet to my lord of Arundels mynstrels Summa iij s. iiij d.


f 16v


Item paid the xxiiij day of Apperell be Comandment of master meyre to Reyward the kynges mynsstrels Summa vj s. viij d.


f 17


Item paid the vth day of may be Comandment of master meyre to Reyward my lord prynces mynstrelles Summa v s.


  • Glossed Terms
    • apperell n April; apryell
    • ianevere n January; ianyuery; ianyver; ianyvery
  • Endnote

    The steward for this year sets 'It' well to the left of the rest of each entry on f 10, and there is no clear mark of abbreviation; abbreviation has been assumed and the abbreviation appropriately expanded. The 'u' in 'waytus' and 'Gownus' is peculiar, but obvious in the former, though it could be an 'i' in 'Gownus.' No punctuation follows 'Gownus,' so it seems likely that this John Lane is a member of the waits. On f 10v are two similar payments for two yards each of cloth for gowns and in the case of John Jay the entry specifically identifies him as a wait.

    On f 12, in addition to receiving payment of the fee farm, the earl of Arundel also received gifts, some annually, some quarterly. In this year, for instance, gifts of wine were sent quarterly, at a cost of up to £3 12s each time (f 22).

  • Document Description

    Record title: Steward's Accounts
    Repository: Southampton City Archives
    Shelfmark: SC5/1/16
    Repository location: Southampton

    The accounts run from Michaelmas to Michaelmas and cover all areas of civic receipt and expenditure, from land rents to annual payments to civic officials, costs of construction and repair of town structures, and rewards to visiting performers. See the introduction to Thick (ed), Southampton Steward's Book, pp iii–xlvi, for further discussion. Thick's edition of the 1492–3 accounts includes full transcriptions of those documents, including records relating to drama and minstrelsy.

    1478–9; English; paper; 26 leaves; 305mm x 210mm; modern pencil foliation; leaves repaired; modern paper cover.

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