single sheet
These are in all humblenes to Certifie your Worshipps that there
are some v or vj people of <..>s<.> A⸢the⸣
Condicon ‸⸢ii
of⸣ of mussissiens, who were ‸⸢late⸣ at the Inne in boorne some & dayes at the lest & there
drewe ‸⸢much⸣ peope of base Condicion ⸢as well⸣
hath vpon the Saboth dayes as other dayes. And nowe are Come againe and
are Remayning at the howse of Elizabeth Gosling widdowe who keepeth a very disorddered howse & doth
entertayn all Comers. this woman hath benn often warned to forbear selling
& the last night at xj or xij ⸢a clock⸣ at night this fidleres, neighbours, of & some of other
partes, were ther in great disorder. the names of these people
we know not. & do presume yf wee should enquier thire names they will all flye/
The place ys & hath benn very Rude. & the Lordes day greatly profaned.
yf your worshipps will bee pleased to graunt a Warrent for
the Elizabeth Gosling & these partyes yt ys ⸢very⸣
willy likly they will bee ther this night: yt shalbe followed at will
<....> presume to
Certefie your worshipp the Rather by this writing for that
your worshipps wishes ys so to do. at our
being at ffryvok so having yt to your
worshipps good Consideracion do Rest
St. Mary bourne this 15 of Iuly 1619
your worshipps do' to be Comaunded
Robert Billitt The Mark of William Poor |
overseeres of the poore |
If your worshipp send any warrent
wee humbly desire yt may bee
directed to the tythingmen of
Boorne & Swampton or to thir
Record title: Overseers of the Poor
Jervoise of Herriard Collection, HRO
Shelfmark: 44M69/G3/162
Repository location: Winchester
This manuscript appears to have been directed by the overseers of St Mary Bourne to Sir Thomas Jervoise as one of the justices of the peace for Hampshire. The parish of St Mary Bourne is located a few miles to the west of Jervoise's manor of Freefolk but was part of the estate of the Oxenbridge family of Hurstbourne Priors.
15 July 1619; English; paper; single sheet; 317mm x 200mm; text side: HRO shelfmark in pencil and pencilled '26,' as well as Herriard Collection stamp, reverse also has stamp and in a different, more italic, hand: '1619 ye officer of St Mary Born complain against Sabboth breakiig to Sir T Jervoyse.'