Newport Borough Court Book

Isle of Wight Record Office and Archive: NBC/45/22

f 323 (19 October)


Item That no minstrell or musicion shall plaie neither in the Streetes or victualling howses within this Towne after nine of the Clocke in the night vppon paine of loosinge their Instrumentes:/


  • Marginalia
  • Footnotes
    • Item: in display script
  • Endnote

    This item occurs in a list of ordinances which are repeated frequently; those concerned with baking, brewing, keeping streets clean, and so forth appear each time, but this regulation of musicians appears much less often.

  • Document Description

    Record title: Newport Borough Court Book
    Repository: Isle of Wight Record Office and Archive
    Shelfmark: NBC/45/22
    Repository location: Newport

    The court book recorded the actions of Newport's borough court, most of which had to do with regulating trade in the town – restricting sale of foodstuffs on the sabbath, licensing tipplers, and the like.

    1588–1608; Latin and English; paper; iii + 375 + iii; 349mm x 250mm; modern pencil foliation; modern brown suede cover, title on spine (gold lettering on red insert): 'Borough of Newport | Records of the Courts | 30th Elizabeth | 5th James 1st.'

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